This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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300 responses to “The Golden Years”
Jackie…in reading the chronicles of your past life (you seem to have touched down on about every continent)….have you ever visited Mozambique? I enjoy reading your stories…thanks for sharing them with us.
And still praying for an everyday improvement in Mike’s recovery.
and you never did let us know if you had a king size bed to fit all your dogs, cats…and most important of all…Mike 😉
GR 😉 my front “yard’ consist of ‘grazing” for my husband’s nephew’s three horses….a few Black Eyed Susanne’s (my favorite)….and gravel road dust….I still plan on getting BES’s going down my drive-way to the main drag…the Alfordsville 500…idiots want to drive at least 50 mph down this road….
I’m about 3 miles north of this little community…love it.
Indy Mindy…have you ever heard of Santa Claus, IN? They have built a theme park there that used to be listed in the top ten amusement parks in the US…they have this humongous, wooden roller coaster…never been there, and have no plans to go….they do supply drinks and sunscreen though.
And yes, I do love to watch the “Cheyenne Social Club”….more than once 🙂 Then there’s the movie “Shenandoah”….great movie…
Debbe, Mike was a traveling salesman almost entire time we have been married. Dogs had a routine, when he came home every few weeks they would hear the door late at night and jump off the bed or chairs! They knew he got his bed back. The cats, not so much.
When he left they looked for the red suitcase to depart from the suitcase rack/stand and they immediately jumped back in bed.
They had a definite pecking order of who got to sleep where, as some would sleep in arm chairs or on floor.
I had one named “Shorty” a female tri-colored blue heeler who thought Mike was a boyfriend who only came around periodically.
She bite him several times. Shorty was named for the dog in the “Texas Trilogy” specifically the “Texasville” novel by Larry McMurty and belonged to Duane, the hero (?) She had bitten everyone in town but as I remember the book, Duane named all his blue heelers Shorty.
That is one enormously funny book if you get a chance to read it.
Nails Texas and Texans.
Love, Jackie Monies (a displaced Texan)
Duane’s dog Shorty bit everyone in town, not mine!
Love, Jackie
“Part of the trick of being happy is a refusal to allow oneself to become too nostalgic for the heady triumphs of one’s youth”
Larry McMurty “Roads: Driving America’s Great Highways”
Couldn’t find the quote about Shorty, the heeler, but found a lot of great quotes from McMurty. Now that was/is an amazing man!
I am going to have to take my library card down and see what we have of his in town. You know him from “The Last Picture Show” and “Lonesome Dove” and “Terms of Endearment” and about 80 other books or movies.
On subject of Paul Newman, the movie “Hud” is McMurty’s “Horseman, Pass Me By”.
McMurty is who always stopped me from trying to write a book. Not only is he so darned good, he was never able to return home to Archer City, Texas for about 30 years because he made everyone so mad.
Love, Jackie Monies
Thanks Jackie, I will pass along your good wishes to Marianne. The “awards” to her writing are not monetary or not necessarily from her peers, but from the occasional fan that will let her know that her work meant something in their lives.
We walk to the local Coney Island restaurant about a mile from our house. We live a few blocks south of 12 Mile road and noticed how hard it is for folks to grow grass. There is this one guy though that was outside with his shop vac. As we walked past his front “yard” we noticed a distinct Brady Bunch look. Apparently the seedlings in the spring and the leaves in the fall get stuck in his artificial turf so he has to bring out his shop vac!
This morning I had my first ever alert from Norton that some device was trying to breach my Mac’s firewall. What a way to wake up!
Trying to connect several topics here! GR6, I live in Tucson with a front yard pretty much as you describe it, but including a very large, beautiful (in the eye of the beholder, I suppose) saguaro cactus. Back yard has a fountain and a small patch of green grass. Anyone coming to Tucson, let me know here and we’ll figure how to get in touch. Re NK in AZ, my initials are NK, for Nancy Kirk. My letterboxing trail name is NK Bells. Any other letterboxers in the village? And re Larry McMurty, I believe he does or did live here, quite close to a good friend of mine—after he got run out of Texas, perhaps?
Good point about the ISP. Mine does the same.
Also, I run CCleaner and SpyBot every so often, too.
If you decided to use download those programs (if you haven’t already), be careful.
There are quite a few sites out there that will try to trick you into downloading the program from them.
Presto. Your computer has picked up some crapware if not malware.
Debbe – I’ve heard of both (It’s called Holiday World.), but never been there. I’ve never been to Indiana Beach either, even though I’ve had a couple opportunities to go. In fact, the one occasion, I kick myself to this day for not going. My high school best friend, her husband, her three kids (my godbabies), two of her cousins (both of which I had baby-sat when they were little, and bestie’s parents were all on their way to Indiana Beach and stopped to deliver something to me and have lunch. Goddaughter begged me to skip work that day and join them (different job at the time). I said no, I felt obligated to work. (I don’t know that I’ve ever played hooky from work actually.) It would be the last family day my friend’s dad had before he found out about his terminal cancer. I missed so much that day.
Well, crap. Didn’t mean to be such a downer on a Friday night. Here’s an incredibly shy guy with a surprise (You might need a tissue.)
Nancy, my cousin doesn’t have a saguaro in her yard, but she belongs to a hiking club (which can only be awesome out there), and she showed me a picture she made of a granddaddy one she came across on a hike. As you say, hard to call it “beautiful”, but it was very, very impressive.
Yup. My favorite Darwin Award went to the guy some years back who shot one with a shotgun, it fell over on him, and did him in. They literally weigh tons. Hard not to say he had it coming, isn’t it?!
That’s the nice thing about living on top of a mountain-little or no yard! Hardly any grass to mow and all the flowers are just sort of scattered around with no formal beds!
Jackie, maybe this was really written for Larry McMurtry-
Yes, Ghost honey, by the time Jimmy Stewart finished a sentence people had forgotten how it started.;-)
That should be 😉
You guys are getting me hooked on Youtube! First I had to listen to all the different versions of “The Rose”.
Then because Ghost mentioned “Ghost Riders in the Sky”, I had to listen to EVERY version of that I could find. I decided Duane Eddy did best version, followed by The Outlaws.
Up until now I don’t think I knew Burl Ives was first to record it, and I only remember Frankie Lane. Of course, we didn’t even have a radio until I was a teenager, nor a record player, but I did hear music when I was an older teen. (My grandmother who raised me only approved religious hymns and really morbid ballads from the late 1800’s where people froze in the snow or died on a barroom floor)
Where is Lilyblack when you need her? She only liked religious church music.
Love, Jackie Monies
Where IS Lilyblack?! She had become one of our regulars, and now she has disappeared. As Ghost said, Lilyblack, SITREP please!!
Good morning Villagers….
Yup, Jackie, U Tube can be addicting…found many songs that I’d forgotten about and/or hadn’t heard in years.
Nancy (NK) what does SITREP mean? I mentioned a week ago that maybe Lily had gone on a marathon, she does those quite often I believe, but it’s been a marathon since she has posted.
Lily’s last post was something about the House of Lords….then Jerry came back with a lyric from “A Day In the Life” by the Beatles…then I added a lyric…and then that was it. I hope that was not a reason for her to quit posting. We (and I know Jerry wouldn’t) were not making fun of her, just having fun……
Ya’ll have a blessed day..
GR 😉
I had mentioned I loved the movie “Shenandoah”, here’s a link to some of the quotes in the movie. Two of my favorites is when Jimmy Stewart says ‘grace’….and his answer to ‘Sam’s’ request to marry his daughter.
I loaned this movie out, and it still hasn’t come ‘home’……I should have adopted my principle of “don’t loan albums out’… to.’don’t loan movies out’
Oh, and Happy Caturday…………….
oops, forgot the link:
Debbe 😉 “SITREP” is military-speak for “Situation Report”, i.e., “What’s going on where you are?” Lily said she hangs with a military discussion group, so I figure she knows that. Does seem strange she dropped off the grid so abruptly and completely.
SITREP re Saturday’s cartoon, JJ has been peering through our shutters, again. Our big black cat has a floppy ear that folds over during bathing. Usually pops back in place with a head shake.
I was the Anonymous of the previous post, lost my screenname in some scrum or other event.
Which type are you?
I see by the old calendar on the wall…well, you know how the rest of that goes. Jimmy has spoken to his preference for brevity of speech and dialog in his cartoons. (Unlike another cartoon I could mention, where sentences are often so long and convoluted that one forgets their points by the time one finishes reading them. Of course, it hardly matters, as the plot there moves so slowly that one has usually already forgotten the context of the conversation, anyway.) But I believe that A&J cartoons such as today’s, which are completely silent, are fairly rare. Although I seem to recall a couple of them, which also involved Ludwig.
Interestingly, Jimmy somewhat violates his own “brevity rule” yesterday, when Arlo mentions the backseat of his car. But of course, that was a good violation. 😉
Debbe 😉 This lady knows how to sing a song…
I agree that Jimmy’s brief dialogue forces him to be a better artist. He has to tell the story with his drawing, not words.
Which said, I began looking at other strips, not just those known as “talking head” strips, which we will all agree don’t really draw much or well. “Garfield” I discovered will use the EXACT drawings in more than one frame, change the face a tiny bit or a small bit of action or maybe the dialogue. I found strip after strip that was same frames, slightly reworked. Sure saves on effort!
I’d call those “talking torso’s”.
About the slowest strip in the west, keeps reminding me of the line on “The Golden Girls”: How long were you on that deserted island? Well, it’s one week later in Apt. 3-G.
The current “action” is so slow I have forgotten why it began and have no idea where it is going. Let’s see, a couple years ago the grandmother cheated on grandfather before marriage but she married him anyway, pregnant with another man’s child. Gasp!
Could it be that now grandfather is having his turn at same plot line? Who wants to bet? We may find out in a year or so.
Love, Jackie Monies