This old A&J from five years ago reminds me: I need to make an appointment with my dermatologist for a look/see. Which further reminds me, I need to get a dermatologist. I’m afraid of what I’ll hear; when I think of the hours I spent lying on a blanket in the broiling sun, I marvel I’m still around. Of course, for most of us guys the object was to drink beer all day and be around scantily clad women, who were the serious sun worshippers. Now, I get my vitamin D in reasonable doses, working in the garden, messing about with boats and always covering up responsibly—as do the women around me. I don’t drink beer all day anymore, either. *sigh*

The Golden Years
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Thursday’s Child
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300 responses to “The Golden Years”
Really, Lady Mindy? Volleyball porn? 🙂
Oh, well, after some of the eye candy pics I’ve posted, I suppose I can’t say much.
After catching up this morning my head is a spin. Insanity, yard work on steroids, volleyball porn, pet psychic, music, more music, learning GR6 is not a night flyer, viruses and old computers, and bubble head blondes.
Could be worse, sand. I just made the mistake of going over to The Dark Side. I then made the even worse mistake of reading the comments. I think…I…I…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……
GR6, I handle Apple products more often than I visit the dark realm. Now I have reason to believe someone and her niece recently visited their wild side. But, as Mindy would plead, that is a story for another day.
The thesis worked out great. I wish I could have waited, it would have been even more fantastic. I never thought I’d say it, but I miss Moldy Mindy and her menagerie, especially with the addition of Shelly for spice. I wonder how that’s working out for John?
Speaking of New Orleans, I have fond memories of a stroll through the French Quarter with a street musician singing Dock of the Bay. This was several years before Katrina. Haven’t been back since then.
Ghost, I do see the connection, but honestly you remind me more of Jimmy Stewart than Tom Cruise. And thank you, Indy Mindy, for the eye candy! I can see now what I will be watching later today. Imho, the last truly good movie Tom made.
Debbe, I haven’t heard Isis in years. I don’t really care much for Dylan. There’s just something about the tone of his voice that hurts my ears. 🙂
About my name-I originally signed on as Jean From Dahlonega, Ga, but shortly thereafter I made a comment that JJ posted an answer to. Someone commented on that, and JJ said “She trapped me!”, and I was forever after known as Trapper Jean!
And yes, even in the North Georgia mountains we have earthquakes.
Ghost, I KNEW it had to be Top Gun! I knew it! Pet psychic.
Love, Jackie Monies
Van Morrison in a coat and tie? I remember the 60’s! The bands played in coats and ties then and the women singers wore evening gowns. And perfect hair that may have been wigs.
Love, Jackie Monies
Just read today’s A & J. I think Arlo and Janis are walking down memory lane along with us.
Seeing all those earnest 60’s faces in the audience on “Gloria” with the short haircuts, coats, ties, girls looking like Jackie before she was O– made me sort of teary.
Heard from a 60’s friend yesterday, a PhD I had helped tutor in English so he made it thru his freshman year. We all came from such a poor area, it still is, the poorest and least populated parish in Louisiana. But some good people emerged.
Ran into someone similar in Houston years ago. He had a proper rather British accent, a three piece expensive suit and a Rolex watch. Turns out he’d become a Rhodes scholar and gotten advanced degrees after military on veteran’s benefits. One of twenty children and a sharecroppers son! Grew up about two miles down the road from me.
I get teary thinking about stuff like that, what desire and commitment can do.
Love, Jackie Monies
About hackers wanting bigger fish: because I moderate several popular boating forums, I had everyone’s names and e-mail addresses in my contacts. Thousands and thousands. Plus I would add people from groups that interested me involving boating to give me a wider base of contacts for publicizing the various boating events and bump attendance.
Woke up one morning to find friends in England, Australia and New Zealand, as well as America wanting to make sure we really were OK and not being held in jail in Spain! All my contacts must have gotten that message asking for money to be wired!
But worse than that, they emptied all my e-mails that weren’t erased and emptied my contacts files which I was never able to retrieve. Emptied all my files with notes and replies from people I had kept to use for future magazine articles too. A lot lost.
So, they can use more than your social security number, your bank account and PayPal and credit card information. They want your friends too.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie 😉 Not really a Tom Cruise wannabee. (Besides, I’m a lot taller than he is.) But yes, that move was cool. And the aerial cinematography was breathtaking.
Jean dear 😉 Personality-wise, I probably am more Jimmy Stewart-esque. But I do talk faster than he did. 🙂
I believe it’s been mentioned, but one of my favorite Jimmy Stewart movies was “Cheyenne Social Club”, with Henry Fonda. And Elaine Devry was, ah, outstanding in SSC as one of the “ladies”. 😉
Jackie, that happened to a friend of mine; all of her contacts got emails claiming she’d been mugged in London and needed money for hospital expenses. Everybody who got it laughed and deleted it because they knew full well what she’d have done to anybody stupid enough to try and mug her. (No, she’s not a martial artist, she just knows how to defend herself and doesn’t take any shyte from anybody, especially muggers.)
Loved “Cheyenne Social Club” and “Top Gun” was tremendous flight movie. It influenced a lot of young guys but I know Ghost was influenced by Steve Canyon!
My youngest daughter was dating/going with a Tom Cruise wannabee who actually had goal of serving in all branches of military and had been in three already. He was in California in flight school (?) and riding his motorcycle on freeway when earthquake hit, big one. He survived but was injured.
Then he and all the Good Samaritans who were helping were hit by another driver who was either panicked or in road rage. Boyfriend was then killed, along with several of the rescuers. It was absolutely awful!
So, while I love “Top Gun” I have trouble watching it because I see Murphy I guess.
Love, Jackie Monies
I hear that there are quite a few Steve’s in Royal Oak, MI, but from the feedback here at A&J, there is only ONE “Steve From Royal Oak, MI”….Thank God.
Another alternative sh*t spelling, derived from the alternative spelling of fish, ghoti: gh as in rough, o as in women, ti as in action*. Therefore, shot is your dirty word. Trouble is, it’s also a real word, thus leading to confusion.
*This may not be the word used when I first heard this, but I cannot recall the original now
“Don’t write dirty words on walls if you can’t spell”, from Tom Lehrer’s “Be prepared” [the Boy Scouts’ marching song].
Steve, you must be very proud of your wife Marianne. She appears to be a really good writer/author to have won so many awards as an apparent new faith writer.
A friend of mine mentioned joining a writer’s group where almost all members were women and most specifically romance writers, so I know the field must be crowded. To win the top award is significant.
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, this may sound like closing the barn door after the horse is gone, but you ought to get a stand-alone hard drive to back up your information on. They aren’t that expensive anymore and since they aren’t connected directly to the net should be safer from hackers. I heard an ad on local radio this morning that made me think of your gardening. They were advertising a contractor that would install artificial turf at your home. So you could have real flowers and fake grass!
Go with fake flowers and grass, just keep your loons all natural.
Used to go out to New Mexico and El Paso when I worked there and see all the sprayed green yards. If I could get rid of the neighbor’s weeds that wash/blow into yard I’d be even happier.
One problem in living in rural no rules subdivision is ===No Rules applies to neighbors. So, we have people who just let yards and lots grow up. People are probably saying that about me. I looked out front today and I swear I saw 10 ft. tall Johnson grass in front where they piled up the dug out dirt piles!
Love, Jackie Monies
I see and hear loons when we travel to Canada and Great Lakes.
But I see what looks like loons out on lake here too. I wonder if they winter/summer here on migrations?
Beautiful cardinal out on garden bench in front of office window.
Love, Jackie Monies
Yard of my cousin in Tucson is all cacti; stunted-looking little desert trees of some kind; small boulders; and gravel. Pretty well maintains itself, I suppose.
Jackie: ‘I wonder if they winter/summer here on migrations?’
I cannot remember where ‘here’ is.
Map 72 in the 2008 Peterson Field Guide to the Birds of N.A. [which is too big to be a standard size field guide] shows the Common Loon’s breeding and winter ranges in this hemisphere s. to northern Mexico. [Same sp. occurs across Eurasia, but I have no map.] They breed from the e. and w. [but not north] coasts of Greenland across Labrador and Newfoundland and Canada [except for the n’most Arctic islands] through AK except for the Arctic coast and s. through most of Can. into n. WA, ID, and ne. MT, the n. Great Lakes states [CL is MN’s state bird] into ne. NY and New England n. of MA. Non-breeding adults [dingier plumage] may spend summers farther s.
They winter along the west coast Aleutians to Mex., parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the Atl. and Gulf again all the way to the end of the map in Mex. They also winter near inland waters in all 3 Pacific states and widely in the se. US, up to se. KS, s. IL, sw. IN, w. KY, GA, the Carolinas except for the Appalachians, into sw. VA.
Of course, they will be seen briefly elsewhere when migrating in fall and spring. Only the adult plumage is worth writing home about. Juveniles and winter adults are dingy.
A closely related bird, the Yellow-Billed Loon [much like CL except for the bill] breeds along the Arctic coasts of AK and Can. and farther into Canada’s Arctic islands. It winters mainly in the Aleutians and coastal AK, but casually s. to coastal s. CA. and coastal GA and TX.
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Jean, I’m not all into Dylan’s music…certain songs just jump out at me. I like his:
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