The good Lord willing and the Creeks don’t rise, I’ll be in Chattanooga when the sun goes down today. Have you ever heard that expression? (Southerners, be quiet and sit on your hands for this one.) I’ve heard it most of my life, and of course I first assumed it meant, If providence allows and the roads don’t flood. I have since learned an alternative version. “Creeks” refers to the Creek Indians, a dominant eastern tribe when European settlers appeared in North America. That’s probably correct; it makes sense. Not far from where I was born in Alabama is Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River. There, in 1814, Andrew Jackson and an army of Tennesseans attacked a fortified Creek village during the climactic battle to subdue the Creeks in Alabama after years of skirmishes. The source of all this friction was, of course, a desperate attempt by the Indians to hang on to their natural-born place in this world. It didn’t work. More Native Americans died in battle on that day than on any other day during all the 19th Century Indian wars. From there, Jackson and his bunch marched to New Orleans, but that’s another history lesson. And Chattanooga? Well, we’re out of time.

The Sound of Music
By Jimmy Johnson
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207 responses to “The Sound of Music”
Lunch: Margayka, the small girl who brings me my meals, has just untied me (being restrained on one’s back gets surprisingly tiresome and boring…at times) and is again playing a game on her tablet and not paying attention to me. So I will take the opportunity to post while she is distracted. Since I have nothing of import to report, I shall eat my lunch. Having been visited since breakfast by Margayka’s older sisters Malaska, Malika, Malyoxa, and Mandica*, I am in great need of protein replenishment.
*And no, TMFKas, none of that is taking place here, and all my “visitors” are 18+. I’m very sorry you had to endure that.
I’ll second the idea of using FamilySearch as well as for Trapper & family. FS is free, while costs – though some libraries have a version free for library users.
I’ll third the idea of peanut butter & bacon; “marvelous” is too weak a word to describe same.
…And, if Trapper and I ever get into contact, I’ll be happy to help with the genealogical research.
I also loved the sites to access newspaper records. You find a lot in those, mostly fascinating stuff, weddings, parties, engagements, obits, funerals, murders, divorces, births.
All that used to get published in newspapers.
Here’s another wonderful addition to peanut butter and bacon sandwiches, sliced banana drizzled in honey.
One of my favorite soups is peanut butter with thick sugared bacon crumbled on top. Got recipe from Williamsburg Inn (hotel restaurant) but they used to serve in tavern as well.
Got left knee xray done for surgery. Have two more heart tests on Tuesday next week, then surgery on Thursday. Hoping that I passed the nuclear heart test. I have heard of people setting off airport security alarms if flying after these tests.
Shopping for unmentionables for Nurse Cratchett who has a distinctly masculine look about her and needs her upper lip waxed in worse way. Black is her favorite color too, under that white starched uniform. Shows less blood she says.
Good grief Charlie Brown! Surgery is Wednesday not Thursday.
Chesapeake ospreys have built the new nest, female is now there. She is proper osprey all b&w. Her male has a tannish nape on his neck; they sometimes refer to him as their ‘calico’ male. It could be the same mechanism as in cats, with a different allele on each of their X chromosomes. Male mammals are XY. In birds, males are the homogametic sex [WW]; females are heterogametic [WZ]. As in mammal Y-chromosomes, the small Z chromosome carries few genes.
This is not to imply that I know having black, tan, and white patterns is sex-linked in birds; just that, if it is, a calico male osprey is similar to a calico female cat. Fun.
Decorah North has an eaglet-and-a-half! Just saw it/them. One seems 2 or 3 days old, while the second is still mostly in the shell.
I no longer eat bread, but, when I did, toast with PB was my favorite.
Unfortunately, I no longer eat bacon, either. If I have a cheat breakfast someday, I will definitely try PB with bacon.
Speaking of bacon, why hasn’t some perfume manufacturer devised a bacon-scented perfume?
If a lady is truly serious about luring a man, I can’t imagine anything that would work as well.
Late Dinner: This afternoon, I was visited by sisters Cernyavka and Kuna, and their daughters, Cinderella (yes, really) and Krizmarica. I have learned that my situation may be direr than I suspected. Kuna let slip the information that all the males of the band are currently being held in the local gaol for failure to make bond on multiple petty larceny charges.
Then the twins, Staya and Stura, came back, along with their younger sister, Sonya. And they were all just here last night! I suppose I should really begin to formulate an escape plan while I still have the strength. Perhaps after another nap.
side: That makes the rest of us occasions of sin. I tell church ladies [and it usually is females] that when they come around with extra bars after a lunch or whatever. Peace,
Funny about that, I was just in a Goodwill store the other day where a family of gypsies plus a few assorted others came in late just at closing and caused a huge commotion trying to confuse the clerks and employees. Kids were running everywhere.
We used to get them in Houston too and they’d hit the convenience stores like that and steal and steal. Garage sales too.
Oklahoma has colonies of them down on State Highway 9 east of me close to Arkansas. One of my customers did funeral arrangements for them at huge profit, her husband owned funeral home. Very strange funerals.
Have not heard of locals being tied up like Ghost but I suspect they’d not complain either.
There is indeed bacon-scented perfume, cologne, body wash, candle, etc. It is certainly one way to smell like breakfast. An alternative is to mix a little lard with hickory Liquid Smoke and apply that at the throat and wrists. One would be loved by man and beast.
And a fight seems to be breaking out in the visiting team’s dugout.
Rick, if you can’t eat regular bacon, try beef bacon. A bit on the grainy side, but great taste, and if you pay attention and pick a package that’s not too fatty, there’s very little waste. Also, not all turkey bacon is made from ground turkey. Some’s made from sliced and pressed dark meat and it’s well worth eating.
Thanks for the tip about beef bacon. I was unaware that it existed.
I used to eat turkey bacon quite a bit before 2015, but even that’s down to nearly zero.
Hey, emb. Peace!
African buffalo at water’s edge:
Word was received in the middle of the night the men had made bail.
Sonya came and released me before they arrived.
She did promise she would write.
You’d better rest up a lot over the weekend Ghost. And avoid Goodwill. They are full of lustful lonely women.
Jimmy, the current storyline about the restaurant has me fascinated.
Warming up the rosary beads for you, Jackie. Seeing Villagers achieve goals and overcome challenges makes me happy!
Ghost Sweetie, good luck! I have a suspicion you’ll need it, wither way. 😉
c ex-p, I’m working on getting in touch with JJ. Maybe soon…
By the way, anyone planning a trip to Atlanta any time soon-DON’T! A section of I85 collapsed due to fire last night, and won’t be open any time soon. In the meantime, traffic will be a mess.
Just heard this on Pandora. funny thing, I always liked the music these guys played, but never bought one of their albums.