The good Lord willing and the Creeks don’t rise, I’ll be in Chattanooga when the sun goes down today. Have you ever heard that expression? (Southerners, be quiet and sit on your hands for this one.) I’ve heard it most of my life, and of course I first assumed it meant, If providence allows and the roads don’t flood. I have since learned an alternative version. “Creeks” refers to the Creek Indians, a dominant eastern tribe when European settlers appeared in North America. That’s probably correct; it makes sense. Not far from where I was born in Alabama is Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River. There, in 1814, Andrew Jackson and an army of Tennesseans attacked a fortified Creek village during the climactic battle to subdue the Creeks in Alabama after years of skirmishes. The source of all this friction was, of course, a desperate attempt by the Indians to hang on to their natural-born place in this world. It didn’t work. More Native Americans died in battle on that day than on any other day during all the 19th Century Indian wars. From there, Jackson and his bunch marched to New Orleans, but that’s another history lesson. And Chattanooga? Well, we’re out of time.

The Sound of Music
By Jimmy Johnson
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207 responses to “The Sound of Music”
Trapper Jean, the traffic on Atlanta’s interstates is Always a mess! Best lesson I ever learned was to park at a metro lot on the perimeter and take the train into downtown.
On March 26, Tecumseh OK police officer Justin Terney died of gunshot wounds suffered in the line of duty. He was attempting to capture a wanted felon who had fled a traffic stop. Justin was 22 years old and a native of Canadian, a small community just down the road from where I live.
His funeral will be in the high school auditorium at Canadian at 2 p.m. this afternoon. As many as 1500 law enforcement officers from all over the country are expected to attend. Burial will be in a cemetery near my house. On an even more personal note, Glen, my former tenant, is now serving as a police officer in a city near Tecumseh and has known Justin since he (Justin) was 14 years old.
I am posting this as a reminder of the respect and appreciation we owe law enforcement officers for the sacrifices they have chosen to make to defend us and our communities. They aren’t always perfect, and there are a few bad police officers out there, just like there are in any other profession. But the vast majority of them, like Justin, are just doing a very necessary and valuable job, and they should not have to face violent death on a daily basis while doing so. I hope the route of his funeral procession to the cemetery will be lined with flags and citizens honoring him, and I expect it will be.
Hi, Jean dear! I always appreciate your good wishes. 😉
Your Atlanta traffic warning reminded me of something. Bullet, like apparently many newish vehicles has a “cap-less gas filler”. You just open the outer door and stick the nozzle in the filler to fuel it. Except when the inner door refuses to move out of the way as it should, as happened to me recently. Not being able to fuel your vehicle can definitely be a problem, especially if you are on the road and there is not much gas in the tank. After a period of cursing and consulting with my dealer by phone and cursing some more, I was finally able to get the inner door to open. (The cursing probably did more good than the dealer, which did none at all.)
Anyway, it reminded me of why I try to never let my gas tank get below half full. Let it get down near “Empty” and then run into extended traffic delays; or an area of wide-spread power outages; or, as often happens in this part of the country, evacuations due to weather, and you could be in for some “exciting” times.
I was concerned about Debbe because she had not checked in with us recently, so I called her. She is still staying with her Dad but is having internet or computer problems again that are preventing her from getting on line. She said to tell everyone in the Village “hello” and that she will be back when her communication problems are resolved.
Ghost’s advice is always good. I just experienced that very thing. My employees have been using van while I camp out from flea problem in motel. I traded vehicles and noticed fuel light on. It took 19.78 gallons in a 20 gallon tank.
The best thing about Atlanta traffic is that it makes ours look not so bad when we get home.
Just out today. An amazing advance in wireless video technology!
Oh, wait. What’s tomorrow’s date again? 🙂
Sometimes a bargain is not really a bargain. This Dutch student ended up in Sydney, only not on the continent he was planning on.
Thanks for the second comment, Jackie. Otherwise, I’d have probably been making myself a laughingstock trying to get my local bullet emporium to order me some of them. 😀
My wife once left a message for her boss to call L. C. DeKow. The lady at Borden’s was not happy when he called. This was on April 1.
Several of us follow various bird nest webcams. I find I’m also blessed with a live family. The E/W berm N of the house is about a yard high and is planted with spruce of two sorts, the tallest now perhaps over 25′ high. About 5′ below the topmost sprig of one of the tall ones, a pair of American Crows [Corvus brachyrhynchos] are apparently raising young. Like most passerine birds, I think crows do not incubate until a full clutch is laid, so the hatchlings are all about the same age. I have no idea when they hatched, because I was away for a week and noticed the nest only yesterday, Th. Don’t know how much brooding they still do, but sometimes both parents are away from the nest. Highs these days are in the 50s F; some nights it freezes, some not.
Whatever they are feeding the young comes in small bits, as I’ve recognized no large objects. It’s a bit early for many insects to be available. Most small to medium birds, seed eaters or not, supposedly feed animal protein if they can. If I walk out onto Salisbury Plain, I may get a clearer view of the nest, but still from below. From my dining nook window, it looks to be close to the trunk, but on the far side. We’ve spruces around 3 sides of The Meadows, so may well have additional crows’ nests. Peace,
Finally made it home. Dickens is ecstatic and asleep. I am hoping I do not fall out of new bed, it is high! I fell out of old one a couple times, last time hit nightstand and got huge bruise, finally fading but still a bit painful.
The fleas seem to still be around. I am afraid it will require a third spraying. I got bitten when I walked into house.
Unfortunately the plumbing is still not totally fixed, I was sitting in kitchen and hadn’t made it to bedroom yet when water began over flowing in master bath. Just water but still.
Plumber may have a forever customer.
Jackie – Sorry about plumbing – last month got water bill 1/3 – 1/2 higher than normal.
It may (not saying it was – because I am checking meter) have been toilet valve
but so slow not detected. I hate plumbing.
I also loved the sites to access newspaper records. You find a lot in those, mostly fascinating stuff, weddings, parties, engagements, obits, funerals, murders, divorces, births.
All that used to get published in newspapers.
“And a good time was had by all.”
New road in development is Redtail Hawk Drive because there was one that fed it the
field before they started building all the houses. Saw one chasing a pigeon into the trees –
one flying for his supper the other for his life. And yes I have seen LGB harass Hawks and Jays.
Good morning. Did not fall off bed but left light on so I’d recognize where I was.
Woke up and still didn’t know where I was. Looked up overhead at bed frame and thought to myself “This hotel sure has some upscale decor! This is a solid wood bed!”
My parents were married on April Fool’s Day.
No, really; they were.
Happy April Fool’s Day, Mother and Daddy. I miss you.
My first serious girl friend (the first who went out with me more than once!) was born on April 1st. Her dad named her Merrie Lee to honor the day.
April 1st seems to be a popular day for weddings. Some very good friends of mine were married on this day 27 years ago, and I think they’re still on their honeymoon.
I’m not sure about this, but it could be a great April Fool’s joke.
Ghost Sweetie, I always wish you well!
Strange but going through some of my recent clothing acquisitions for summer (I forget rapidly) this morning and there is a strapless tanking top with heavy beading on front in wild colors. And a sheer caftan in more wild colors, along with a long boho skirt.
Apparently I was thinking gypsy soul before our resident Ghost writer did.
But boho gypsy and exotic clothing is very trendy right now.
Tank top. Hal said cantankerous for some reason, a word I have never used.
One of the most famous pranks from the Beeb:
BBC: Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino
TruckerRon, that was terrific! Although I never saw newsreels in the theater, enough of them were recycled during my elementary school days that make it a familiar format. Loved it!
Thanks, Jackie, for updating us on Debbe. I was a little concerned, too.
Here’s one for Debbe for when she gets her internet back. Also for any other Pink Floyd fans out there.
Have not checked recent posts.
Two nestlings, 3rd in process of hatching, I think.
Peace [and prayers for the 3rd nestling]