The good Lord willing and the Creeks don’t rise, I’ll be in Chattanooga when the sun goes down today. Have you ever heard that expression? (Southerners, be quiet and sit on your hands for this one.) I’ve heard it most of my life, and of course I first assumed it meant, If providence allows and the roads don’t flood. I have since learned an alternative version. “Creeks” refers to the Creek Indians, a dominant eastern tribe when European settlers appeared in North America. That’s probably correct; it makes sense. Not far from where I was born in Alabama is Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River. There, in 1814, Andrew Jackson and an army of Tennesseans attacked a fortified Creek village during the climactic battle to subdue the Creeks in Alabama after years of skirmishes. The source of all this friction was, of course, a desperate attempt by the Indians to hang on to their natural-born place in this world. It didn’t work. More Native Americans died in battle on that day than on any other day during all the 19th Century Indian wars. From there, Jackson and his bunch marched to New Orleans, but that’s another history lesson. And Chattanooga? Well, we’re out of time.

The Sound of Music
By Jimmy Johnson
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Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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207 responses to “The Sound of Music”
Smigz, speaking of newsreels, that’s how my family found out a cousin had been wounded at Iwo Jima. My mom had gone to an afternoon movie with friends and saw the newsreel that highlighted the battle, and was sure she saw her cousin, so she went out to the lobby and called her parents. They came to the next show, and verified it was indeed the cousin.
I once was at newsreel and saw our old family friend, a professional pilot, being released from Cuban prison after he’d been captured flying people out after Bay of Pigs. We naturally didn’t know he was even there!
Newsreel were our CNN or Fox I suppose. No television.
Here’s one for Ghost:
In keeping with his storyline of the past few days.
Has the Village had an outbreak of cholera or something? I’ve rarely seen it this deserted! No posts from Jackie’s last at 1238 till mine at 559.
Saw Natasha Paremski playing piano today; absolutely fantastic! Worth a look on u-tube. GR would approve.
Former Sandcastler:
I think you might like this one, too:
It’s my favorite.
Frankenstein begat Blade Runner; and Blade Runner, Ex Machina.
The children of Ex Machina were Lucy and Robocop.
Forsooth the daughter of Robocop was Ghost in the Shell.
Jackie is heading home to fold and store winter shawls, sweaters and excessively warm clothes that never even got worn this year. I may not need them even to visit Colorado which will be my next or first trip after I get knee replaced. As soon as I can ride that long in Black Jack or his friend Bullet.
Maine is chilly even in summer but the ice has melted by midsummer when the windjammer start sailing.
There’s still a strip of ice/snow along the foot of the berm, N side. Peace,
Thanks Rick.
Strange afternoon. Lost all internet services, cable and mobile, only able make cell calls and text.
Tornado just hit my old Delta area I grew up in from Louisiana. Very rough day and night for them. Getting ready to cross Mississippi River and go into Ghostly area. Baton Rouge being hit too where Domacain is.
I am heading for bed as soon as I take medications and put tulips in a vase.
Weather radar over the Deep South tonight looks like a box of Crayola™ crayons threw up again.
Please pray for my sister a d her husband. They drove up to Michigan and left for Amsterdam to go on a Cruise on the Rhine. As they went to bed my brother-in-law collapsed. He is in a coma for the next few days. My sister is very scared.
You got it, Steve. Prayers also for those in the way of severe weather.
Louisiana had several tornadoes and now Mississippi looks totally scary.
Forgot to say I spoke briefly to Debbe but something serious occurred with her dad so she hung up suddenly again.
Former sandcastler:
Here’s another that I like:
I like it best at night.
“The good Lord willing and the Creeks don’t rise we’ll do it all again tomorrow on the Big Mattress.” This was the sign off on WBCN radio in Boston in the 70s for the morning show!
Steve, your sister and brother-in-law are in my prayers. Are they still in the States or are they overseas?
Jackie, what day is your surgery scheduled? I know you posted it, but I can’t locate the post.
Donna Harrison, that’s a great sign-off! We used to have a fellow on WQRS in Detroit who would say part way through his show, “I’ll be silly here on the radio until 7 p.m. After that, I’ll go home and be silly in private.”
Sorry, I sent the post in the middle of the night. They were in Amsterdam and about to go to bed for the night when he collapsed. She got help right away and they got him to a hospital. It does not look good. He has Parkinson and my wife said that he seem very slow when he arrived at our place and very hot. Having just been overseas myself, I can tell you there is a terrific strain on the body.
They are running a CT scan as I write this and have cooled his body for 24 hours, then slowly bringing it back up. No idea of whether there is brain damage. They have 6 daughters and all are scrambling to get over there. We will have two of the girls at our house tonight and my wife will take them to the airport tomorrow as I need to travel on business. I can always cancel my plans, but she seems to be more flexible than I am right now.
Steve, sending prayers your way!
Steve: Sad news, indeed. Thoughts and prayers for your brother-in-law and your sister.
As far as I know (and that’s not very far…I am either having a very bad seasonal allergy attack, or I have managed to pick up a case of crudus minora), this immediate area was spared all but the “normal” trees/power lines down from the severe weather we had last night and this morning.
This makes my knee and flea problem seem minor. So sorry Steve.
My knee surgery is going to have to be rescheduled it appears. I forgot to stop my Plavix and Celebrex in all the confusion with the plumbing and fleas. Another complication to add to life.
The fleas are still horrible. Dickens scratched and chewed and stayed awake all night. I have had no sleep and feel sick from sleep loss. The back apartment cannot be slept in, my deputy tried to stay in it while he worked on house and he said fleas blackened his socks.
Just did my M morning Gocomics A-Z listing run. Cannot recommend some because many are political. There are two Bloom County strips. First is probably reruns, and not specifically political. Lovely coined name, however: ‘Senator Bedfellow’. Party neither IDed nor implied.
Doonesbury 2017 is blatantly political, so don’t go there.
Don’t know if Mallard Fillmore, for balance, is available online.
Knee surgery rescheduled for May 17. With all in my life right now that is fine with me. It does put me in even more heat but I can walk at my gym on the padded track in the air conditioning.
Now ton continue attack on fleas and plumbing.