A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!


By Jimmy Johnson

I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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206 responses to “Celebrate!”

  1. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Smigz, in another time and place it would just mean someone was listening.

  2. emb Avatar

    Be glad to compile lists of “Public Domain Tunes That Don’t Suck.” After all, most of the best music is now PD. Not sure, however, how many in the Village would like most of my selections [e.g., Flower song / ‘Lakmé , Trout quintet, When I was a lad / ‘H.M.S. Pinafore’ / Academic Festival Overture, Barcarole / ‘Tales of Hoffman, etc.].

    De gustibus . . ..


  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    emb: Bob says he’ll take your list and add Daphnis and Chloe, some Beethoven, and some Stravinsky. I guess Valse Triste (which spellcheck really doesn’t like) would be a little too dark.

  4. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Mark/TT: Remind me to take you OUT for breakfast, should we ever meet!! Even this city boy knows eggs from chicken “residue”.

    Ruth Anne, if I had to listen to Stravinsky as well as be aggravated by needing to hold for an extended period, I’d be sorely tempted to use a different company for whatever service was required. I believe the phrase suiting that situation involves the wording “cruel and unusual”.
    Yeah, I know; each of us has tastes peculiar to ourselves.

  5. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Some of us are more peculiar than others! [Well, SOMEone had to write that.]

  6. TruckerRon Avatar

    I lost at my first ever attempt to buy something on Ebay today. I really wanted that A clarinet. Too bad new ones cost so very much… 🙁

  7. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    c ex-p: Actually, he retracted the Stravinsky but I had already hit submit 🙂 Tchaikovsky, maybe?

  8. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Much better.

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here I am in Colorado Springs, CO in a very upscale LA Quinta after last night’s bad one. But I am parked in the back forty and will get some much needed exercise going to get my clothes. Heard this obscure country song on Outlaws Radio today and it seems so appropriate. Still Drivin’ https://youtu.be/EGCPVL5QDG8

    Got through my first high elevations and small mountains in New Mexico and Colorado, first 6% grades with tight curves and shift downs, first Drive into the rain clouds hanging down mountains, so darling visibility turned to night.

    And still I looked at purple black clouds on mountains at sunset and marveled at how beautiful America is. Today I have seen windmill farms, cows in feed lots, fields of corn, cotton, milo, cows, oil wells, bleak west Texas farms, magnificent huge farms, towns nearly abandoned, thousands of fat cattle, green fields, wild flowers, thousands of antelope, elk, deer, horses, Cowboys, deer hunters, oil field workers out of work, truckers, farmers and a few tourists.

    I am only sailboat seen. West Texas Cowboys and truckers seem to have a desire to go to sea in a classic sailboat with a woman with a large rack. They say it’s the boat and that’s probably true.

    Walking a half mile for suitcase would definitely encourage less clothing and makeup. I heard a really good outlaw song and am thinking if it is too blatant even for this bunch?

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, your mention of being the only sailboat seen reminded me of this old sailor’s song:

    “I’m walking inland from the shore
    Over my shoulder carrying an oar
    And when someone asks me what
    Is the funny thing I’ve got
    I know I’ll never go to sea no more, no more,
    I know I’ll never go to sea no more.”

  11. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Mark in TT
    While eggs are not hen poop
    Honey IS bee barf

  12. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I thought the most interesting part was the west Texans who read Wooden Boat magazine and wanted to cruise in the islands but had never sailed. It was the boat, definitely.

    Tomorrow I meet the two Sage Marine boat makers who actually build them for customers. Jerry Montgomery, another legend designed them. Both Dave and Craig are huge John Welsford fans so boat is attraction. Sage is owned by Sal and Gail Glaser of Spydeco knives.

    Will be buying knives as gifts for my three male employees who worry about me constantly. I have aged them badly. They deserve a knife.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I worry about you, too, but I already have several knives. 🙂

    (Antihistamines put me to sleep early and now I’m awake.)

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 A little Darius for you and all the other homegrown honeys out there.


  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Oh, and enjoy your day off. 🙂

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Not the song I was looking for but did anyone else here park out in the Delta late at night to listen to illicit and forbidden blues and rock and roll like this on bootleg stations?

    My absolute favorite blues man Jimmy Reed playing Big Boss Man https://youtu.be/Dd-o_kLONVI

    Still debating that C & W song I heard today on Outlaws station. Is it too much for here?

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here’s another Jimmy Reed song covered by Elvis in his comeback concert. Fantastic cover. Like me and everyone else in Delta, Elvis would have loved Jimmy Reed.

    This is for Ghost because I worry you. https://youtu.be/fDjY2VcLq7o

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Listened mostly to old country today, seemed right given where I was. Here’s one I never heard before but apparently it was played on the radio so not too off color.


  19. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Debbe, enjoy the day off. There are tons of songs more blatant than that one. Lou Reed, Lola, Little Richard and on and on and they all got radio play. It was surprising the ones that they bleeped out a word like A Boy Named Sue. Bill or George ,any (bleep) thing than Sue. Meanwhile, the Eagles are cruising up and down the (not bleeped) road and someone is raising the (not bleeped) rent.

  20. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    A very emotional Friday evening,…met with the stepsister, stepbrother, and my three younger sisters. We met at Mom and my Stepfather house (of 41 years) to decide what to do with their property. It did not fall back on the government because of nursing home expenses. I have one intelligent BIL (married to sister 3) who did a lot of paper work and resourcing to keep the homestead from falling into the hands of Medicaid.

    Sister 3 told me to bring husband, told her “hah, he won’t come and I don’t want him there”, then she told me to bring Ian. Now, Ian was raised in that house the first 5 years of his live, and the only positive male figure in Ian’s life was “Grandpa Cuddy” Ian was the apple of his eyes. The only positive male figure he’s ever had in his life.

    Ian said something about his living there, and my stepsister responded by calling him a “spoiled brat”…needless to say, Ian walked away, flipping her the ‘bird’. Thankfully, the only person who saw it was my BIL…who quickly calmed Ian down….somewhat. Ian has a lot of respect for my BIL. Signed some papers, I get 1/6th of what is sold.

    Now, there are turkey barns, and hog buildings now that surround those 8 acres…I think I am going to call Purdue and tell them the property is for sell….no homes are around. Sell it as is, as I feel we would be wasting time and money in ‘sprucing” it up. I didn’t mention that last night. Only said the only neighbors around are hog buildings and turkey houses.

    Yup, think that’s what I’m going to do. Stupid stepbrother wants to keep his 1/6th, so he’ll have the 1.32 acreage on the northeast side.

    ….if it’s not one thing, it’s another….going back to bed

    later…and thanks for letting me share that you.

  21. Debbe Avatar

    GR : ….and I had wondered what had happened to ‘Hootie and the Blowfish”, thanks, great voice will be checking out some more of his music…..but for moment, let’s reminisce….


  22. Debbe Avatar

    somewhere, there’s a song like this….


  23. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    “…if it’s not one thing, it’s another….” That is always the way it is. We just gotta keep on keeping on….