I’m back in the studio after the New England road trip, and things should begin to get back to normal. I met a lot of nice folks at the comics conventions in Boston and Burlington, Vermont, and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality. But it was hot! I traveled from the deep south expecting respite from the heat, yet Boston was as bad or worse than home! Burlington was a little better, but I dragged around several long-sleeve shirts for nothing. Still, it was a great visit, but I’m very glad to get back into harness. That also means, back to the parsonage fund-raising campaign, though you have done your part. Now it’s up to us; we expect the rewards you’ve been promised to start flowing soon. It’s good to be home!

By Jimmy Johnson
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206 responses to “Celebrate!”
Mark…love that pic. Never will forget watching for the first time in my life, a hen laying and egg….heh, I would rather deal with chicken poop any day than human poop. At least I know what they are eating.
…and remember, to take baby steps in your recovery
Mark. I would love to shake your hand….so Happy for the positive diagnose.
Gal…you’re right, so you just pick yourself up and get ready for the next one. My motto, ‘fake it till you make it’.
love ya girl…how is vacation coming? So glad you spent time with family.
Wasn’t Elvis simply magnificent in the Comeback Concert? I loved the music but also his look, the black leather, hair, everything. If only he had continued in that mode and not done some of later things.
What a loss of talent when he died.
Jerry and GR…I am going to try 🙂
For the sailors in the Village, also a special feature for GR6; enjoy.
A quiet weekend planned here. Loon is recovering from having a big toenail removed. It never properly adhered after surgery and had developed a blister on the nail while we were in London. Now waiting to see if she will be able to make our trip next week.
Having had two big toenails operated on Loon has all my sympathy. This is not fun little pedicure. Sending much good karma her way and hoping for recovery.
Thank you Debbe. The thoracic surgeon did a great job on the bypass. Hardly any pain in the hospital and none outside it. Did not even fill scrip for pain med after release. Glad to hear your henhouse passed inspection and that things are looking good there.
Also glad to hear your family is dividing the property in a thoughtful way. My brother and his wife decided to go ahead and rent a house in Montgomery while they try to sell their home here. They will be moving at the end of the month and it looks like Mom will be going with them. So I will be alone here (except for mom’s indoor cats) for some time. Brother is trying to rush me out of the house even though I don’t have anywhere else to go at this time. I told him it might be after the first of the year and his answer was that he didn’t want to have to wait to put the house on the market that long.
No one is being fair to you Mark it would seem. I will add your mom’s cats to the Endless Cat Buffet for you. Get out of your other obligations ASAP so you have less drain on your earnings and relocate literally. Witness protection?
You have friends here and you need to make more.
Waylon is singing Me and Bobby Magee on Pandora and I am running late. What’s new?
Jackie, you’re missing out on the earthquake. 🙂
Mark, tell your brother…… no no ignore me. But he is quickly rising on the jerk index. (just my opinion) Get well, concentrate on you. Glad mom is going with him.
Debbe…gee hon, wish could give you a hug. Well, sending love your way. And to Loon and GR…and everyone, really. I like all of you 🙂
We like you right back, Llee.
They say the real-deal crud takes 2-3 weeks to run its course. I hope I’m on schedule to be done with it in another week or so, ’cause it ain’t over yet.
(How did “they” get so damned smart, anyway?)
Jackie, if you haven’t picked out a knife for your hands yet, you might consider this one. I have a couple of Enduras without the Emerson opening feature, but I do have a Kershaw knife with the feature. It’s neat.
Alas… vacation is over for now. Flew back on Monday – went to work Tuesday – which, in retrospect, was perhaps not a wise decision. Was not up to 100% efficiency… probably hovered between 50% and 75%. And… we have had a change in the weather which was a blow to my joints. Had horrible back/leg pain yesterday and last night. Was pretty much incapacitated. But took some strong pain killers, ben-gay, and sleep. I am feeling much better now!
Prayers for all who are experiencing difficulties in various areas of their lives. We gotta hang tough!
Ben Gay? You mean grandpa’s cologne?
Ghost, I see oars all the time. It is one of the weapons they teach at our dojo.
I was listening to my wife playing music on her computer today and asked where she got the play list. It was very nice.
Today, I had the Dr. Sheldon Cooper “Comfort-Food-for-When-You-Don’t-Feel-Good” lunch…a grilled cheese sandwich, made with sliced provolone, sliced Gouda, and thin-sliced deli ham. It was good and made me feel better.
Galliglo, sorry about your pain — sending hugs, hope you feel better soon. Ghost dearest, my wish is for you to soon feel like your old self, and a mighty good self that is. Mark, I’m so glad you are healing. May your path through these obstacles smooth out.
Congratulations to Debbe on the hen house passing inspection. Awesome!
Thank you, Sweet Charlotte. But how are you progressing with your therapy?
Ghost, that sandwich sounds very good. The cafeteria in the hospital where I worked started making a grilled cheese/tomato sandwich which was great. It had 3 kinds of cheese and ripe tomato slices and was delicious.
Thank you, Charlotte. As Ghost said, how are you coming along?
From a FB post. Look out for #3, when the ears go level it’s clobbering time.
Gary: “Ben Gay? You mean grandpa’s cologne?” Grandma’s too! LOL
CVS has a store brand that is “vanishing odor”… not bad!
Debbe, I’m sorry Friday night was so difficult. You’re in my thoughts.
Getting tired of telling scammers that I don’t have a Windows computer. They’re starting to call my cell now! Perhaps it’s time to keep a whistle at hand?
I fell in the shower/tub today and got banged up a bit – not as much as if 6 guys named Vito got me with baseball bats in some alley, but sufficiently. No doubt some dermal regions will be of differing hues for some time. Only areas of severe aches [not, properly, actual pain] are my left forearm upon which I landed [atop the thinly topped track for the sliding shower doors] and, of all things, the front outer half of my left kneecap. As I fell backwards, how did the front of that knee get involved? Had I fallen forward, I’d understand – and it would have been a LOT easier getting up and out of the tub.
As it was, getting up and out took a good 20 minutes, much of that in trying to figure out how to accomplish the feat…I am not a lightweight.
Note to self: place rubber mat down in tub before showering again.
Elbow & kneecap are swollen, but at full use with no pain beyond the aches mentioned. Jolt went right up to my shoulder, but shoulder also shows normal movement, and collarbone is whole. Thanks be to God; this could have been a lot worse.