I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
Ah, the old “throw babushka out of the sleigh” ploy.
emb! A birthday? Today? Happy Birthday, sir.
emb – Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Prof! May you have many more and make it another ten years at least to 95 or 100 as my mom intends to do. I keep thinking I will be 80 when she is 100 and we will both need caretakers.
I am still planning to build a cottage in back yard but daughter may get superseded by need for caretaker.
You are truly amazing with all you do and your mental acuity. It is no doubt that the “use it or lose it” applies to all we do in life!
You are definitely using it,
Love, Jackie
Way to go Mr.emb, 85 ticks on the yearometer.
Happy birthday, emb! Hope you had a pleasant day. My SO just sorta ignored his.
Happy birthday, emb.
sandcastler(tm) I bet that woman’s thought process was probably like this line from an old Jerry Reed song: “if you can’t help me Lord, please don’t help that bear!”.
Mark, I was taught that the Good Lord watched over the dumb and the innocent. Guess when up a tree stand with no place to go you’re on your own.
Last I heard my mom’s bear that was eating all her deer feed was pretty smart, he was not only taking out the deer feeder but the camera as well!
Like Yogi Bear, “smarter than the average bear.”
Looks like getting up early on Monday can be dangerous. Wonder what type of coffee this guy was drinking? I could use something that would make me that active that early!
By the way, when I was young we mostly ate venison, so I got pretty good at cooking it. However in college in one of my biology labs we were dissecting and making slides of some sort of worms that lived in the flesh and rather got me off on eating it.
The price of meat in grocery lately has been more shocking than the price of gasoline. I am considering becoming a true vegetarian but mom will not go for a diet of dried beans and quinoa. She is suspicious of strange grains and will only eat white bread with no whole grain!
Love, Jackie
Charles Manson, 80, and Afton Elaine Burton, 26, have been issued a marriage license and, according to the perspective bride, will marry next month.
Following a very short honeymoon, the groom will return home to his cell at the California Department of Corrections to continue his career as a homicidal maniac and convicted mass murderer. The new bride will…ah, who cares?
GR6, I would just hope at 80 I can recall why I would want a 26 yo bride. 😉
I suspect it may be more a case of the 26-year-old wanting to be a Kartrashian-style “celebrity”.
To me, the most disturbing thing about the story is that Manson is 80…and still living.
Saw the Manson wedding announcement too. What I remember was being in LA the day that happened and being so totally horrified by such a terrible murder(s). This woman is as insane as he must be or fascinated by evil? And why, pray tell, should he be allowed to marry at all?
Please tell me they have at least rendered him incapable of reproducing!
Wasn’t Winnie The Pooh the original “smarter than the average bear”? Am I remembering that right?
A 26 [or 31] y.o. bride! What would I do with her, or she w/ me? A certain 50ish woman would make a good housemate, but she has a boyfriend. Peace, emb
Hopefully in the case of Charles Manson he will not be able to do much of anything with his child bride!
Apparently, women either marrying or becoming romantically involved with homicidal monsters who are imprisoned for life without possibility of parole is not that uncommon. There must be a very special and awful kind of mental aberration in play there.
Jackie I recall the 1969 news. In my case I was AWOL in Leeds, UK and nursing a three day old hangover.
NK, Pooh was the “bear of little brain.” It was Yogi who was “smarter than the average bear.” Baloo had the “bare necessities” (some pun apparently intended) covered. And that is it for my bear knowledge… except for the one some 40 years ago on Andy Williams’ show who only wanted a cookie.
If we are going to talk trash celebrities I think the Honey Boo Boo/Mama June reality trash fest is hands down winner right now.
Four children by four men, only it turns out it was actually three men, two of them child molesters of her own children. Have never seen the show but you can’t avoid their faces and news stories.
When people watch this trash reality they encourage, fund and reward these people for their behavior, often making them wealthy in the process.
The sad thing are the children who are victimized and used for the parents’ gain or celebrity. And yes, I’d probably say this applied to the Kardasians as well as the Honey Boo Boo bunch of kids.
Love, Jackie
Yep, behavior that would once have gotten parents locked up for child neglect or abuse now nets them a lucrative contract for a TV series.
Don’t waste your time reading the article below but do take a look at the picture of the “happy couple”. In particular, note Manson’s eyes. Now convince me there is no such thing in this world as evil.
To me, the most disturbing thing about the story is that Manson is 80…and still living.
Ghost, you got that right!! He is the perfect poster boy for why the death penalty is needed and why it should be applied as soon as possible when there is no longer any reasonable doubt.
Off to bed early for the elderly, especially those who took three Benadryl for their allergies! I always loved Yogi Bear and his sidekick was little Boo Boo which is probably what made me think of that annoying redneck reality show! He’d always outsmart the tourists and get their picnic basket, always in trouble with the park rangers.
Was there a newspaper comic strip based on Yogi? I never watched that much television but I seem to remember him about same time as Bullwinkle and Rocky, Natasha and Boris?
Falling asleep but at least I am not sneezing or my eyes tearing!
Love, Jackie
The photo slide show has a number of photos of Manson where he looks especially demented. I had no sound on, just the photos and he looks so evil. I have long supported the death penalty but people get out of prison now long before they even serve the time they are committed for. And child sex offenses are seldom reported, tried or kept in prison. Rapes go unreported, untried.
It seems we become numbed to crime and it becomes a subject for entertainment, something my husband and I disagree on unfortunately.
Love, Jackie