I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
Here is McEldowney’s own post regarding why he doesn’t allow comments on his work; http://chickweedcafe.blogspot.com/p/questions-addressed-addresses-questioned.html
Apparently The Dark Side annoyed him exceedingly and he had it turned off.
He certainly has a LOW opinion of his readership! He does realize he is speaking of the very people who read him? I think I will no longer click at all on his cartoon on either site and that will lower his audience by at least one daily.
Somehow I cannot imagine Jimmy saying that about his readers, no matter how annoying we may be.
Love, Jackie
We are not annoying! At least, not since we lost our resident troll…
Sounds as though McEldowney swallowed a thesaurus at some point and has spent the rest of his life farting it out. An abridged thesaurus, at that…one missing the word “humble” or any of its synonyms.
You know, somehow that windbagish and pretentious statement seems to fit him to a T. I already knew that he probably wasn’t everyone’s cup of chai. Now the wonder is that he is anyone’s. Other than the three worthies he cited…one of whom he sleeps with, the other two likely being mutual brown-nosers.
Well, I hope we aren’t!
And if we were annoying, Jimmy would say it in a funny and off hand way which would make me laugh. Not laugh at him for being such a prick!
I believe the Internet has spawned a plague of trolls. When a swarm infests a favorite website, I move on. And I rarely read the commentary that accompanies my favorite comics for that reason. Trolls are guilty of casting aspersions on talented people who are doing their best to present their product… and they themselves are incapable of doing anything notable.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
TR that is a great quote. Please, who said it?
And Jimmy, thanks for making me laugh- AGAIN. And again, and again… 🙂
Trucker, you are correct about plagues of trolls. It beats me what pleasure they get ?
Theodore Roosevelt said it in the speech “Citizenship In A Republic”, delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910. The complete speech is at:
Llee, Trucker’s quote is by Teddy Roosevelt. It is a favorite of mine.
I went to Chickweed Cafe and read McEldowney’s comments, and decided that if that’s the way he feels, fine. He can do with one less reader. I agree with Ghost that his Big Three fans are the one he sleeps with and the two brown-nosers. Also, from his picture he looks like a singularly unpleasant person. And, I read today’s strip, and have no clue where the story(?) has picked up.
I never have watched TWC. I am of the “look out the window” school of thought. Yes, I know that doesn’t help when planning trips and such, but it does let me know whether I should carry an umbrella or not.
And if I might jump back to the topic of hunting for a minute…I have remembered an old joke:
One day a wife decided she wanted to see why her husband loved to go deer hunting, so she prevailed upon him to take her with him. He got her the proper attire, taught her how to shoot, and told her that when she hit a deer, to stand over it and not let any other hunter take the deer. A few hours into the day the husband heard a shot and ran to where he had left his wife. There she stood, over the body of her kill, shouting “IT’S MINE! I SHOT IT!” He skidded to a stop just in time to hear the other person saying “Fine, lady, you can have it, but can I at least get the bridle and saddle?”
Jackie, I think what McEldowney objected to most was that unlike most artists, online cartoonists are being compelled to accept any comment, no matter how rude, crude or ignorant sharing space with their material. Unlike JJ’s blog here, which he moderates himself. That is his choice. If his material or behavior offends anyone, he notes that they have the whole of the internet to comment on it, just not on his site. Or they can email him directly about it.
Jean, people in Georgia ride deer? Now that is the most unusual fact I’ve learned on the internet. Any other attributes you can share will sure to enlighten all in the Village.
My $8.00 kitty bed investment is paying off. Blacklight has been one with her new digs for most of the afternoon. Actually, at this point, I think she might have melted into the fibers.
In other news, it is cold and snowy. (Okay, not a news flash, but stating the bloody obvious seems more dignified than the “throwing myself to the ground, screaming and kicking” temper tantrum for summer to get back here I had planned.) And to quasi-answer the question from earlier, yes, I am willing to be adopted for immediate transport to a warmer locale. I can cook, but you all seem to have that under control. 🙂 I also am pretty handy with basic tools, cleaning supplies, and make a decent chauffeur.
Trolls have no power in reality, so they cause chaos online for a poor analog.
Jean, I thought it was funny. Personally I was never allowed to ride horses during deer hunting season for that very reason. Horses and riders both got shot a lot, as well as other hunters up in trees being shot out of the branches.
At 93 my mom is still opening every conversation with a man with “What do you kill?” Sort of disconcerting to some!
Love, Jackie
Jackie, I’ve not encountered any hunters of tree-climbing deer. 🙂
Mark, I completely understand and agree that Mr. McEldowney has the right to suppress comment regarding his work where he has the power to do so and is so disposed. It still puzzles me that his need to do so seems to be somewhat unique among online cartoon artists, at least as represented on gocomics.
I, too, happened to be watching TWC yesterday when the storms were going through Alabama. The “show” (I’m no fan of many of ’em) was, indeed, broken into several times at, say, 10-minute intervals. I suspect that, with greater damage or potential for damage, those interruptions would have been extended. Had I been living near the storm area, the close-up maps would have served well. Cannot agree that TWC was incorrect in this case, but we each harbor our own opinions.
The hunter shot out of the tree was on property next to ours where mom hunted. Another grandfather shot his own grandson on same hunting club. Alcohol was reputed to have been being consumed. You have to remember, I am from a long line of deer hunters who followed “codes” of behavior while hunting and shooting guns, like not drinking and seeing what you were shooting. There were even “codes” about who shared in meat, etc.
In those days hunting clubs were not so much for rich as for land owners and a guest or two, they were even inherited as part of your estate. I started seeing a drastic change by time I was in 20’s which was fifty years ago, when it stopped being locals hunting and people began having club managers, professional game wardens, guaranteed kills, that sort of thing.
This is what I think will happen to our property, it will become lodge/club and managed. I may be wrong but that is what I am seeing happen to all the Delta properties there. My daughter is OK with that, so it is their decision if it gets made into a money earning deer lodge.
Ask me about the packs of 20 plus deer hounds I grew up with!
And the one cat who led the pack, thinking she was one too.
Love, Jackie
The darndest things happen to hunters, http://www.twincities.com/ci_19211117
Trucker Ron, Trapper Jean- Thank you both 🙂
I am not a hunter and never have been but it is hard not to become involved with their adventures. We have bear on our property also, now more than ever. When I was younger we set out one night into swamps in an old jeep, looking for lost deer dogs and probably a dead deer left in woods. Naturally jeep got stuck in ruts of “road” just as a bear came out of cane brake. All the courageous men/boys climbed on top of jeep and when I tried to join them, got kicked in mouth and a tooth chipped. Still have it, thought about it while reading article about celebrities who have had their teeth/smiles altered.
Love, Jackie
Jackie: Ref your previous post, agreed. Anyone who shoots toward another hunter in a tree is at best guilty of violating Rule 4 (be sure of your target) and at worst guilty of negligent homicide, whether alcohol is involved or not.
Ref your last post, I’m sure which is worse, the lack of chivalry those “gentleman” displayed, or the fact they seriously thought the top of the jeep would provide safety from a bear looking for supper. 🙂
c ex-p: Fortunately, the local broadcast TV station did an admirable job of keeping people informed with live continuous coverage as multiple radar-indicated tornadoes were entering the area and moving across it at 45 MPH. My point was that TWC was not nearly the reliable informational resource they seem to like to portray themselves as being during severe weather outbreaks.
Brooke’s defense is verbose, but obviously I cannot fault him for that. He is also well w/in his rights to reject anon. harassment. He may be ‘asking for it’ > a less precious person.
Given that, I think TR’s comment fits well. I don’t find his prolonged plots that disturbing, I love his draftsmanship, & there is no way I’m going to quit reading him. His worst sin, to me, is wasting a whole strip or Sunday spread on well drawn non-content, especially with Solange. Most cat strips are onerous, Luddy least of all.
BTW, I love cats. Just had to give a difficult* one away, but think ‘he’ will be happier and do well there. *Yes, difficult despite a reduced level of testosterone.
Supper time, have to get up early demain for volunteer work at the hospital. Peace, emb, 85 [today].
GR6: Perhaps the guys on top of the vehicle figured the bear would be more interested in the gal on the ground… as in this comic: