I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
Important List
21. The most prized possession. Integrity
(emb…you made me smile with your little quip)
David…glad you also made it home safely….I don’t think anyone is ‘excused’ from this winter storm “Bozeman”…..looked at the national radar, and it doesn’t look good for the east cast either.
I’m not sure which woke me up, Cilla or the poring rain, but lucky me, I’m going back to bed. We appreciate your hard work Debbe.
I was curious whether the camera was on at Old Faithful and it is. There’s just enough light to tell that it’s poring rain there. Uh-oh, here comes our lightning.
“BTW, if anyone thinks Iโm being disrespectful to Mr. Carville, his wife once said *she* calls him Snake Head.”
GR6, she emphasized that she RESPECTFULLY calls him snakehead. ๐
Back when she had a radio show, Mary Matalin got exercised at a certain company’s policies and encouraged her listeners to call and complain. The company was overwhelmed, and they indignantly contacted her and told her that she’d better tell her listeners to stop or else. So later in the program she said something to this effect:
“I asked you to call 800-xxx-xxxx and complain to X Company. I have been told by X Company that I now have to tell you to NOT to call 800-xxx-xxxx and complain, or else. It seems when you call 800-xxx-xxxx, it ties up their switchboard and nobody else can call 800-xxx-xxxx. It makes them very, very angry when you call 800-xxx-xxxx, so I am asking you to NOT call 800-xxx-xxxx. Do NOT call 800-xxx-xxxx as this makes them very, very angry. Again, do NOT call 800-xxx-xxxx and tie up their phone lines. 800-xxx-xxxx is the number you should not call, that’s 800-xxx-xxxx. Hopefully, this will end the complaint calls to 800-xxx-xxxx and the fact that this makes the higher ups at X Company, whose number is 800-xxx-xxxx, livid, should cease to be an irritating problem once you stop calling 800-xxx-xxxx, that’s 800-xxx-xxxx .”
She is certainly nothing if not respectful.
Daughter and husband gone to Tulsa for radiation treatment. She and he will stay in Tulsa all week and not drive back and forth. He says driving is so painful (he doesn’t drive but sits) he can’t stand pain of Oklahoma’s rough roads. If you have never driven on one of our roads that might not seem right, but I promise you, if you are asleep and drive over border (as passenger) you will suddenly wake up! If you are asleep and driving, even better wake up call!
Lots of snow out there but already getting ugly from animal tracks. Just looked to see if possum left feral cats any food in dishes. He seems to come by on a “schedule” at night. Not very big or old it seems, pretty fur.
My home place in the Mississippi Delta has two industries now, farming and deer hunting. As I grew up, it was mostly local people and they butchered and ate their kill but I always hated deer hunting. It was excuse for large numbers of males in family to tromp around in the mud and cold, bring tons of mud into house to be cleaned up and eat a lot, sleep and do it all over the next day. Guess who got to do cooking and cleaning?
Now you can lease your property for hunting and make more than you can farming it. They turned the swamps/woods across from our farm into a giant public hunting grounds and now there are thousands of weekend/vacation hunters who invade.
I think TruckerRon is correct in most respects, it is an excuse for a big drinking party, people seemed to often accidently shoot cows, horses and each other!
Love, Jackie
Just read today’s real time strip, which is hilarious! Mike sings that song, exactly like Arlo does, in front of mirror and with posing! Has for years! Who originated song?
Jackie: According to Tom Lehrer, he shot “7 hunters, 2 game wardens, and a purebred Guernsey cow”, and they took away his license because “cows were out of season.” You can probably find it on YouTube. Peace, emb
TIP BlogSpot and Comic are the same today, but I neglected to copy the URL.
Jerry: Past years NPS has left the webcam on. Good for watching bison.
Way up top somewhere about favorite Bugs Bunnys – I would have to go with Rabbit Fire, Rabbit Seasoning and Duck! Rabbit! Duck! Sort of a Chuck Jones trilogy
Looked it up, should have known. Mac Davis of Lubbock, TX wrote and sang, “Lord it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way”. Also wrote “Happiness is Lubbock, TX in your rearview mirror” and a ton of other songs I did not know he wrote, like for Elvis and other singers. More of songwriter even than singer, although he did win country singer of year award.
Janis is 92% naked in today’s strip. (Of course I did the math. What did you think?)
She would undoubtedly look better (not to mention more pert) if she would mind her posture. Such as she did yesterday when wearing those yoga pants, or whatever they were.
Jackie, Mac Davis did that song.
OK, Ghost, I noticed that and wondered about your math. When I was young and firm I wore bikinis that had tops smaller than a half slice of toasted bread on each side and about as big a two pieces of apple pie on bottoms. Just big enough to not be arrested for public nudity.
Janis’ lingerie would have been considered “senior citizen” undies and probably are today, although that is what I wear now! Since I am seldom around popular beaches in Oklahoma nowadays I don’t know, are bikinis worn in public miniscule today? Since no one seems to care about decorum, I’d say yes, invisible.
Why did no one mention the presenter at movie awards whose bra fell below bottom of breasts in see through blouse? I don’t watch that stuff but it made news articles. News? Along with stoned Johnny Depp. News?
Popular beaches in Oklahoma is an oxymoron.
Love, Jackie
Duh! I went back to read today’s A and J and Jimmy credited Mac Davis with song. Can’t read fine print.
Jackie, I’m sure your contribution to the beach scenery was both noted and greatly appreciated by guys like me. ๐
What Janis is wearing appears to me to be “French-cut” style, which I would definitely not consider “granny panties”.
Oh and I see WWII has resumed on 9CL. Ironically, what Martine says in the last panel reflects my sentiment exactly.
Interestingly, while trying to figure out why 9CL had a cease fire in the war, I read a lot of comments and trivia about the strip. It seems that the reason there are no readers’ comments below strip on GoComics is because some years ago trolls infested his comments section and therefore he banned all comments.
And I did notice Janis was wearing what I call “hi-cuts”. Jimmy must study underwear ads. Along with cats.
Love, Jackie
My Dad used to go “duck hunting” with one of the nephews. I doubt they ever saw a duck. They just wanted the excuse to get out of doing chores for a day. They would take a bag of sandwiches and a couple of thermoses of coffee and go have a nice guy’s day off.
Debbe, I have several dvds of Bugs Bunny cartoons, along with the Animaniacs and Tiny Toons ones. ๐
Jackie, one of my favorite “memes” that went around last week: http://imgur.com/gallery/dBDkh4K
The end is near!!!
Yep, start a rumor of a pending shortage and the average price will soar to $4.999 per gallon. Oh, wait. That was gasoline, wasn’t it?
I dunno, Jackie. I had heard the same thing, but I suspect that many of what McEldowney called trolls, we may have called critics.
Also, one would expect all other comics to be subject to the same problem. Yet, how many others on gocomics are closed to comments?
$4.999 gallon for some good Godiva and I will start hoarding it! It begs the question, how do you hoard chocolate, as in candy? In days when I had candy shop in gift shop/florist, the companies I bought from would not ship chocolates if weather was freezing or hot, which left few months for shipping to Houston. Well, not the freezing parts but sometimes in route the candy went through colder states!
But we were told to not refrigerate or freeze the chocolates, the consistency changed and heat melted it. If it got too old, it didn’t taste right either and got kind of “mealy” in texture. Godiva wouldn’t sell to you unless you had their special display coolers which were not exactly cold, but you had to have them……
Enquiring minds want to know. Cathy does too.
Love, Jackie
So I clicked on comments on GoComics strips and I couldn’t find any without comments. By the way, did anyone else notice the Wizard of ID crossover strips? They are 50 years old today and that also makes me feel older than Ghost’s comments about Granny panties!
Except 9CL is commentless. TDS wasn’t too bad about A and J’s strip today and Arlo singing.
Love, Jackie
When pieces of chocolate get too cold, then warms, they develop “bloom”, that unattractive whitish plaque-looking stuff (how’s that for a description?) on its surface.
Time for another TWC rant, boys and girls:
Last evening, as much of the South was being hit by severe thunderstorms and radar-indicated tornadoes, I switched over to The Weather Channel, only to find that it was running a canned show titled (I swear I am not making this up) “Deadly Sea Foam”. Thanks, TWC. You are indeed a Special Snowflake of a commercial communications company and surely entitled, as you claim, to Special Consideration when engaging in financial negotiations with cable and satellite providers to carry your marginally useful content because of your altruistic contributions to The Common Good.
Seriously, do everyone a favor and dump all the climate change coverage/happy-talk morning show/reality programming BS and go back to what you were once best at…reporting the current weather.
No one in Oklahoma will watch them for weather. As Ghost says, a tornado will be coming down the road and they are doing “entertainment”. We just don’t bother much, I keep the two networks in Tulsa that have good weather equipment on during bad weather and they break in as needed or if bad, just stay on air and say “Sorry, we’ll show the programs later.”
I also keep their weather websites on my frequently visited, so I can click on them. They have better maps than TWC and you can watch the tornadoes until you lose your satellite dish! Some nights they are following a half dozen or more storms simultaneously and accurately. I suspect they are paid more too!
If you don’t happen to live in tornado alley with highly paid weathermen, I recommend locating a good source of weather other than TWC. They infuriate me!
Love, Jackie