I intended to be here yesterday, and I would have but for technical issues. I still prefer a desktop computer for my work. It seems to me much more suited to the graphic manipulation that is much of my effort. However, the old Dell I’d been using was about 150 years old in computer years. Loading modern Web sites was excruciatingly slow and increasingly futile, and it simply was not powerful enough to run updated versions of some of the software upon which I rely. Worst of all, I couldn’t stream HD movies to run in the background while I worked! So, I purchased a new computer, the latest incarnation of the first computer I purchased back in 1994. I love it. However, the migration has not been easy, particularly getting my scanner to work properly. That’s what I was working on yesterday about this time. For now, it’s working, but it was working once before—perfectly—then my scanner vanished from my new computer’s “friends” list. So we shall see. For now, here’s Vince. We’ll talk more about him and the cartoons next time.

Character Flaw
By Jimmy Johnson
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307 responses to “Character Flaw”
sandcastler™ – I was always taught to share.
Did he turn the mike off? Aye, that’s the question.
Oklahoma has been getting snow all day. We were supposed to be on the maybe line but there is snow on everything out there.
Mindy, are you tempting of offering?
Loon is away until next Saturday. Care to share in the Bayou culture?
OK…just woke up from a little power nap….that dark green glob is right on my county door step…..arrrggghhhh……..
Indy Mindy….want to trade places?
Jerry’s back…and that is good…… 🙂
Do you want to trade places??????
Debbe. I clicked on your radar and got either Reno, NV or Las Vegas, I forget which. I know you are not raising chickens/eggs in Nevada!
We have had steady snow all afternoon.
Been raining nearly all day here. Coming down hard enough now to put my satellite out, right in the middle of the Battle for Helm’s Deep in Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers. Oh well, got it on DVD if I really want to watch it.
Daughter is driving here from Illinois and I have been nervous wreck all day. Finally called her. She said I-44 has been one jackknifed 18 wheeler after another with heavy snow entire way. She said she’d just been sitting for an hour because a snow plow/truck had wrecked and dumped entire load of sand in pile on highway.
She is still two hours or more away on normal conditions. I suspect it will take four hours tonight. I already cut all my nails off to stop biting them and ate a bag of pita chips!
Love, Jackie
Lady Mindy, it all made perfect sense to me. 🙂 But then, I’ve probably spent a lot more time around Cajuns than you have.
My best Cajun collègue has been saying for years that a pirogue pulled by eight alligators was how Santa always came to visit on Christmas Eve when he was growing up down on the bayou. I always tell him that couldn’t be right…Santa could have only made eight stops, because at each stop the family would have grabbed one of the gators to fix for Christmas dinner. (BTW, when he started first grade in Louisiana, he spoke *no* English whatsoever.)
Prayers for the safety of Jackie’s daughter and all others travelling in inclement weather conditions tonight.
Jackie, you posted Hasa Ortego’s English version. Here is the French take La Veille De Christmas Sur Le Grand Bayou. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kl3e533Ob4
Sorry Jackie. Mindy was the requestor of translation of Hazy’s words.
Sand, funny you mentioned the French version, I was just reading over the list of famous people I went to school with at the University of Louisiana Lafayette (then USL) in the 1960’s. While there was a wide assortment like Richard Simmons and George Rodrigue, most of them seemed to end up as politicians! I think that had to do with me writing about campus politicians and students who were involved most in activities. Politicians do that early in life.
I do not speak a word of French unless it is on a menu and I had to send Mike for a crash course in French when he became a wine salesman/representative. No one in his family spoke a word of French which seemed strange since they had been there for ages.
Found out ancestors were actually Spanish-Portuguese from Africa, so they would have had to learn French too as a second language.
Still covet a Blue Dog painting.
Love, Jackie
My Cajun buddy was reared in Terrebonne Parish, so…
Don’t worry, Jackie, we won’t blame you for James “Snake Head” Carville. 🙂
BTW, if anyone thinks I’m being disrespectful to Mr. Carville, his wife once said *she* calls him Snake Head.
It is supremely odd that ULL (or USL) does NOT claim him as attending the university, nor does his bio mention it at all, although that is where he got nickname Ragin’ Cajun. It does mention LSU and getting a law degree from there and mentions Sigma Nu fraternity which he became a member of after ridiculing them all the years I knew him?
People change directions and politicians do frequently it seems!
Daughter made it here finally. I am relieved.
Love, Jackie
Thank you Debbe. Yal have reminded me of the old radio commercial-“Does your wife have a favorite wine?” “Yeah. You never take me dancing.”
Sigh of relief all over the country from the many Villagers worrying about your daughter, Jackie. So glad she got there okay. The drive must have been horrible; she was courageous to even start the trip.
Debbe 🙂 I assume Dakota has a H&R “Break Open” Handi-Rifle in .44 Magnum caliber, with Hornady .44 Remington Magnum Flex Tip ammo. No, I’m afraid neither Bambi’s daddy nor mommy would stand much of a chance against that…assuming he can get close enough and can shoot straight. And of course the rifle is a single-shot model, giving the deer a bit better chance.
Disclaimer: I don’t deer hunt, although I don’t begrudge those who do, especially when it helps feed their families, as it so often does in this area. Not to mention that the white tail population has reached almost pest status around here.
Good report on your daughter, Jackie. Severe weather in this area; I’d estimate winds here at about 40-45 MPH right now, with heavy rain.
And with either very large rain drops or small hail.
She showed me radar of the I-44 corridor she had driven all day and it was horrible. Of course I knew that, having watched it all day. She drives from north of St. Louis, then drops down onto I-44. She said snow was beautiful but so heavy, every 5 minutes Jack would point out windows and say “Snow!”
The entire trip! Snow! Snow! Snow!
Love, Jackie
Good news Jackie, enjoy your house guests. Waiting to see if I get one. 😉
With the talk here recently of Katrina and the current winter weather, I thought of this oddball site I had found. Someone here might have personal or family knowledge of some of these.
Driving home from daughter’s in western Colorado.. Stayed for eight days in camper. Driving home through New Mexico to avoid snow and cold crossing the Rockies. Snowed on us overnight at Gallup, then got down to 3 degrees (F) on the way to Clovis. The water pipes in the camper are all frozen. Hopefully they will thaw safely as the camper warms up overnight. Cold weather followed despite our best efforts!
In this part of the country many hunters spend far more on their equipment and supplies than any legal amount of venison would sell for at a store! For too many the exercise is nothing more than an excuse to get drunk out in the woods.
Good morning Villagers…..
Ah ha….the bulk of the snow went south of us, we only got about and inch and a half….but then tonight it’s 11 degrees with winds of 16 to 20 miles….arrrggghhhh!!!!!
The ‘garage’ door to the cooler broke yesterday at work…..going to be a cold day in the packing room today….and, yes, there will be Carharts.
On deer hunting, I do realize that it does thin the population. Crane Naval Defense, Crane, Indiana, (which is about 30 miles north of me) would allow hunters in once a year to thin out the deer population…but only in designated areas. And yes, I do know that it helps feed some families. But I am like TR, sometimes it’s just an excuse to drink and shoot….and the two don’t go together.
Jean….you can bring those cartoons up on U Tube. 🙂
Gal 🙂 , never read the book, but saw the black and white version with John Malcovich (?) in that role, and Gary Senise. Would love to see that movie again.
And Jackie, very happy your daughter made it safely, especially with little Jack in tow. She must have steady nerves…I have know idea why it copied Reno on that link.
Jerry…love your jokes 🙂
gotta go……
ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉 and yes, Dakota likes to drive me nuts….on purpose. I sometimes wonder what’s worse, a 15 year old or the two year old I am babysitting tonight.