Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
GR6, it isn’t a habit of this laptop, and same ought not yet be too dirty since I keep it closed and it’s less than 4 months old. I imagine I just rested my left hand where it told the device to do something strange. In the suspected area are keys labelled “ctrl”, “fn”, “alt”, and something with the four out-of-kilter rectangles for the brand[?]. I haven’t the foggiest what the “fn” is for, and, as I do only simple things hereon, I probably don’t have the need to check it out…but may, anyway.
Webcam zoomed in on OF now; don’t know whether before or after. emb
Likely not the computer itself then, cxp. I don’t use many keyboard shortcuts, but there are some wacky key combinations that can do some wacky things to the screen.
That unknown key you mentioned is the Windows key, and all I know it does is to pop up the Start Menu, the same way clicking on the Start icon on the screen does. Again, others may offer more info on that.
“. . . how they came up with the designation astronomical spring.” “they” is I, though many others have probably also come up with “astronomical spring”. Some people talk/write as though crocuses should be pushing up because “it’s spring today”. Tell that to the Inuits.
Today’s relatively active snowfall has stopped and all melted. None expected Sat. and maybe Sun., but highs w/b only in teens or 20s. There are probably a few robins around, but I’ve neither seen nor heard them. I don’t stroll outdoors in cold weather.
Peace, emb
Ctrl = control
Fn = Function
Alt = alternate
control allows for “shortcut keys,” hold control key plus letter “v” to paste from clipboard, for example.
Function is a bit like a shift key, the keys with lettering in the same color as the fn key above the primary lettering are the “functional” options (oftentimes volume and playback controls
Alt will make certain keys to the opposite of the ordinary. For instance, hitting alt caps will give you all lower case letters.
The four rectangles bring up your start screen in windows.
Sick again, another disturbance in the force at work, not sure when I am getting a day off angain, and it got cold. Going to bed.
Mindy, it sounds like a good night to curl up with a pet!
Something interesting for the gardening crowd: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/plant-654961-plants-tomatoes.html
Evening chuckle, encountered when browsing in my misc. verse folder:
Locklin, Gerald. “I’ve Always Enjoyed Her Sense of Humor” / New and Selected Poems. © World Parade Books, 2008.
She’s an old friend / And I don’t see her very often, / But she has a way of turning up / When I’m talking to a girl I’ve just met, And she will invariably storm up to us / And confront me with, “where is the child support check?!” Then turn on her heel and storm from the room, Leaving me to make inadequate explanations. WrA. 100903
WrA. is The Writer’s Almanac, which I get M-Sat., and which always starts out with a poem. It’s free.
Peace, emb
Alt plus the left arrow key in Windows is the Show Previous Page command in most browsers.
Our fruit trees in northern Utah are in full blossom today… a good 3 or 4 weeks ahead of normal! While those of you back east have had snow and ice, we’ve had a drought and record setting warmth these past 8 weeks.
If it ever snows again down here in the valleys, I’ll let you know. FWIW, the ski resorts are still operating with most of their runs open. Of course they’re 3,000 feet or more higher than we are…
Nice instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvCvJ9N8qQ0
We in MN are also in a drought – just upgraded to 80%
The Writer’s Almanac, is on MPR in morning & afternoon presented by Garrison Keillor
90% of Canadian population is South of US northern border.
Saw a Robin today – and a Redwing Black Bird.
TCs and we are at 45* which is VT & NH northern border – C in NH you are up that way?
So your daylight will be about the same as ours – emb will have more. And less.
60* here today only 30* in Concord when I looked. Alna ME had 0* first day of spring.
I have seen the “Midnight Sun” at Summer Solstice – yup – it is the same Sun we have down here.
(why do we say “Up” North and “Down” South? Do Australians say “Up” South and “Down” North?)
I suppose that if you grow up looking at maps with North at the top and South at the bottom, that you will tend to say “up north” and “down south.” In my case, growing up along the Mississippi River, upstream was also North!
If the Aussies’ maps have N to the top, I guess they’d also say “up north”. The tropicality of their N doesn’t play a role.
Anyone know the usual time lapse between emailing JJ for another copy of the book and receiving an answer? It has been several days so far.
That up stream kinda fools you – I lived in Winona for 5 years and up stream felt North –
it wasn’t it was West. The compass in my head was always disoriented in that town.
Leo Frankowski in his writings made South the top of his maps. But I think he did it as humor.
Good morning Villagers…
GR 😉 the stories we could tell about hotel guests….and I have them, some not so funny either. And thanks for tipping. My girls started at $7.25 per hour and would clean anywhere from 10 to 12 rooms a day…some were stay overs, but on Fridays, most were check outs. And no tips. And I actually got in a little trouble over that deal. The GM (General Manager) told me..do you know they can email corporate and still get a free room and we would have to eat it? I looked at her, smiled, and told her they weren’t that smart. Then left the room.
Been in a snarky mood with my son lately….he’s not been holding his end of the bargain at work lately…I think he’s burned out. He said yesterday, it’s just a chicken house, and at $8 an hour, it’s still a chicken house. But The Boss has helped him out a couple of times, like the time he broke his glasses and he paid the bill, but he also took it out of his pay little by little until he paid The Boss off….I reminded him of that and told him most employers wouldn’t do such things. The little ingrate.
So I told him to get another job. He said he liked his job, I told him why he liked his job….he could get away with doing nothing. He then told me…I get things done when I have to get things done….which he does do.
Thank you for letting me share that with you.
Ya’ll have a happy Caturday.
Good motning, I have essentially slept 24 hours alone in king size bed and am not unhappy with this. At about this time yesterday my life shifted cosmically for the better and the future looks like it may be dramatically altered. I am telling you “French Kissing Life ” was awfully symbolic to be playing about then.
Love Jackie
Just read posts and everyone is planning funerals and I am still trying to buy another sailboat to live on part time , planning trips to antipodian locations and both coasts along with sailing lessons with really great sailors Maybe I am losing weight for good reason
Somehow I make hat and lederhosen look conservative
Love Jackie
Old Bear, that name is one I haven’t heard in awhile: Leo Frankowski.
Jackie, it sounds like the first day of spring was a springboard to the future for you!
Debbe, people we are related to, live with, love, work with, or have given birth to each have the most potential for getting on our last nerve. Ian is all of these. It’s a miracle you haven’t killed him already. 😉
We haven’t heard from sideburns lately. Hope he is all right. I’ve now finished The Color of Magic and started The Light Fantastic. Sorry I never got to them before. I’ve also read the first 2 Matt Helm and bought the third. Thanks for the reading suggestions.
I have one for you, find Expecting Someone Taller by Tom Holt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expecting_Someone_Taller
It is also full of that dry British humor, and a good read. Hard to believe it has been 25 years since it was published.
Have a great day, y’all.
Who knew the internet was a roosting place for chicken thieves.
Hmm. Intriguing, Jackie. Intriguing. And just for the record, I wasn’t seriously planning my funeral. Or could you tell?
Debbe 😉 They say that working with family is one of the more difficult things to do. Of course, “they” often don’t know their donkey from a hole in the ground. I’d give anything to be able to work with my father and my sister.
Should be intriguing , it is. Have to make and sure my passport is current, and see my legal team. For the boats. None of which are in Florida I can assure you! Arlo isn’t the only one with sailing dreams in faraway places.
Sorry JJ, wish you’d do boats again. For Arlo.
Love Jackie
GR6, I blame it on the internet. Our generation knows the difference. A donkey is kept in the stable and that hole in the ground is the water well. The next thing you know they will be trying to convince us that donkeys can be self actualizing and water is found in bottles.