Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
OK, I am in a better frame of mind, have stacks of towels, a life long friend in housekeeping and yes, I have always tipped well. I told her Debbes story and we talked about rude and cheap guests. When my children are along I tip even better, some of them aren’t sweet to those who wait.
I meant to ask, was that your substitution for a hair dryer, Ghost. Not long hair anymore but still thick. Plenty of fresh towels but hair brush still missing.
Love Jackie
Since I am in a little better mood I will admit to staying in Hattiesburg because I have a nice room at a fraction of what I paid for lousy ones I Florida and it is far cheaper to stay here and end up in Monroe on Monday when I can see people I have been putting off seeing.
Who would have thought of Hattiesburg as a vacation spot? I noticed a Gander Mountain, so maybe I can further enrich the local economy as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said. That doesn’t look right?
Jackie, if you had been there a week earlier, you could have driven over to Lumberton and watched the Gulf Wars of the SCA. It ended last Sunday, though. Enjoy the quiet, get yourself ready for Monday, and relax. Too bad there’s no place where you could go sit on a pier/dock and watch the water, that always helped me. Or in a quiet wooded place.
You are a truly nice person, Mark. I agree, both help me as well, I have a song I especially love by my friend Kelly McGuire called “Solitude ” which really speaks of the powerful effects of water. I used to love being on boats in marinas alone. The rigging, masts and lines all speak to you.
I know you are a whiz at finding links and I’m not. I imagine the songs on net, it is from album, Boat in Belize.
By the way, I love yours and Mindys cat photos on Fb. My pet sitter has tamed the tortie cat who had kittens in my master bath closet. She named her Hootchy Mama There are 5 kittens thee ginger, one black and white and a grayish sealpoint.
Sorry Jackie, but I didn’t see you at the Beau last night, but there were too many spring breakers to pick you out. We ate at Anthony’s last night and Aunt Ginny’s at lunch today. Paradise! Again I have not read today yet but did you see about the reporter who signed off tv and had a fatal brain hemmorage? She worked for WABC and was only 49 years old. Very very sad.
Jackie, from what I remember of Hattiesburg, your motel is probably on or near either Hwy 49 or Hwy 98. In either case, you’d not be far from the lcoal Mountain of Ganders, where they probably have the size and flavor of pistol ammo I recommended to you. You would also be close to the Crescent City Grill (Hardy Street just east of I-59) which, if still as good as the last time I was there (and it’s been a while), would be a good place for dinner. Unfortunately, the weather radar shows you would likely require more towels to dry your hair should you go out. (Yes, that is what I meant about the towels…but was curious about your hair, too.) Also, unfortunately, you will miss this by not being there Monday. (Ain’t the InterWebNet wonderful?)
I’ll not delve into the dichotomy of a yoga class and the self-defense class I attended next week. But each has its place and its use.
Sort of caught up now. I have had those kinds of computer problems too. If the magic words don’t work , a verbal threat accompanied by a clenched fist is my last resort. I understand that Putin is threatening Denmark. The WWII general’s answer to the German demand to surrender would be appropriate in at least 3 ways that I can think of. Debbe, I had a polite conversation with my bipolar sister-in-law Friday which ended with her hanging up on me. She then apparently went to my mother and told her how rude I was. When I called my mother she read me the riot act for my “rudeness”. She almost got me to the point where she became correct but I managed to resist. A little courtesy and respect from someone would be nice about now.
Well, I have to call those people Monday morning actually. Maybe I can go pickup some ammo after I dig the note out. I am busy having Smartphone catastrophes. And not wearing my glasses. I honestly was trying for Monroe, LA from Cocoa Beach,
I am no longer the road warrior I once was. I once drove from Houston to Dallas in about 3 hours and places like El Paso to Houston overnight. I always liked driving at night late with almost no one on road, listening to rowdy music to stay awake. I was wishing fora sports car again until I hit the fog and rain!
You know in college I took a ballet class with most of football team. Coach thought it would aid in flexibility and balance, etc. Might be norm now? Those big tackles and linebackers did not rock those leotards. My late husband was taking yoga as well, although he never mentioned it. I get msg. When class is cancelled still..
Jackie, a G-Wagon could put the “warrior” back into “road warrior” for you.
My sister tried to get me to join her ballet class many years ago, as they needed someone big and strong enough to lift the ballerinas. As tempting as that idea was, I didn’t have the time at the time. Besides, I was then doing 3x a week high-impact aerobics with a class of skimpily-clad young ladies (many of them former HS and college cheerleaders) then, and I really didn’t need any additional stimulation.
Got tired of sticking foot in mouth with Smartphone but my nails are too long for laptop keyboard, may be no better.
Looked at the Mercedes, Base model costs twice what the 24 foot sailboat would cost. So how did you know I hated mini-vans? And does the Mercedes go in water also? Probably for crossing rivers.
Should have gone to gym I did in New Orleans with bunny pack. Oh wait, no men allowed, all women then. Ditto the show girls in Hawaii, my trainer liked bare chests, women only too.
The Mercedes sells well around Santa Fe and El Paso, or that is where I saw them. Trying to remember where dealership was that had them on rocks, inclines out front. tilted.
The sailboat has a $15,000 trailer included in price, so it is good deal, custom manufactured.
I am so former that I define past it!
You know what one of my favorite cars used to be? The Lincoln Mark 8 in all black with silver
customization on wheels, etc. Black on black. Swore I would buy one at first opportunity but of course it is no longer made. Somewhat like Ghost’s Crown Vic in all black on black is actually not only comfortable but elegant.
Didn’t look at packages but figure that G-wagon has a heavy tow package. Lord, I am sounding like a car salesman again! Used to sell tow packages on Lincolns and wondered how many people actually towed anything.Did sell a town car to a brahma rancher who hauled hay out in trunk to feed his favorite bulls. Wondered if it kept undented. I was once inside a truck late one night that got flipped by some.Majorally mauled and dented.
Ghost, I saw the Crescent City Grill, road warrior trick, spotting good places. Unfortunately I hate eating alone and second I am following my old boarding school dictum for dealing with anorectics, you had to eat one thing on table. So, I had a Greek yogurt and Diet Coke for dinner.
Of course most of my friends then went and threw up, being bulimic.
My pet sitter called to see if I was eating. She will put me on list to feed.
Did I mention that MS once was in my sales territory a long time ago? Also when I was with feds and then I last managed a salesman who company tried to keep from being fired. He did anyway as he wouldn’t work as hard as I tried to make him and never showed up for appointments. He was repoing cars and serving arrest warrants on bounty for his wife instead. More profit.
Yep, there’s just something about a black sedan, especially when it’s a full-size, V-8–powered, rear-drive, Panther platform American sedan.
Jackie, sorry you hate to eat alone. I’ve eaten alone so often I have a hard time eating with other folks at the table. If I am eating out, I order my food, pull out my phone and find a book I want to read, and enjoy. Before I started using my phone for an ebook reader, I would take a paperback everywhere. As long as I had something to read, I didn’t really feel I was alone.
About the rule for anorexics, “you had to eat one thing on the table”. You couldn’t use a plate? I always got a laugh out of the wording on the Heinz 57 bottle “Great on the table”. Really? Most people probably use it on their food, so who ate a table with it?
Very classy ride, Ghost. I always sold a lot of Gran Marquis bur the guy who ordered them never brought in black ones. And weird thing was I didn’t like Lincolns except the Mark, I also dislike minivans and sold a lot of them as well. I have been known to trade them in for other cars, in fact notorious for doing so. Also vans of most any kind.Like trucks but my old v-8 Ford is still doing well.
Does your Crown Victoria have the black interior package?
You know, Jackie, if you are going to be pulling boats maybe you should get a pickup instead of a car or SUV.
A friend saw this in a paper and sent it. It happens when, during ice breakup on a largish lake, the wind blows steadily in one direction. Fortunately, this is a beach at a state park, but there are lakeshore homes within a mile.
Later, when the ice has dwindled from 2′ thick or more down to broken up crud of an inch or so, the chipped ice may pile up on the shore. I’ve seen it so high that I could not see the lake itself over it. You can hear the bank tinkling as the ice melts. People wager / the date of final ice-out. I don’t.
The fact I hate eating alone also carries over to cooking for myself so I either don’t eat or eat badly despite some serious behavior mod instructions.
Is the coast still crawling with spring breakers? The oysters at Half Shell looked good on menu, especially fire grilled which are low calorie and healthy.
Think I know what I will do next Saturday: http://www.tuscaloosaregionalairshow.com/index.html
Grey leather interior, Jackie, although I would have preferred black.
Have you ruled out Weight Watchers? Preplanning your meals for the day helps you maintain an eating schedule and insures you get a balanced nutrition on a regular basis while still reducing your weight.
Spring break seems to me to last about six months, since all of FL and Lower AL now seem to draw from everywhere east of the Mississippi and even some parts further west. I’m going to try to hit LA between spring break and school letting out for the summer. Providing I have the spondulicks.
Grilled; baked; soup or bisque; and fried are my favorite oysters preps, in order of preference.
Speaking ice, this was sad.
I am dragging some kind of wooden boat I have promised to the Bayou Teche Wooden Boat Show in Franklin, LA April 17 to April 19, rhe organizer is a friend Roger Stouffe who writes for Franklin paper and is aut of a ton of books. One genre he writes in is science fiction fantasy, most of his books can be downloaded. My favorite is Native Waters which is more environmentally concerned.
Anyway, they hold a big party for the boat group and cook for us all sorts of Cajun food and beverage. Set up a big cooking center which is only for us. This is a fun show, no pretense, just a laid back party.
There is one particular restaurant that has been pan grilling oysters for over a hundred years, actually I think that’s in Abbeville but I pretty much try to make this into a trek for oysters!
In our family with a daughter in a wheelchair, minivans have been the answer to prayer: Adequate seating, storage space for the chair, and decent gas economy.
Trucker I too carried a wheel chair at the end for my mom and Mike. I also drove them to deliver flowers and samples when I was in sales. In fact I have driven and owned them since 1971, a lot.
But I don’t like them. Sometimes you drive some rhino for necessity. I apologize for my smart aleck mouth.
Our minivan has been very convenient, good in every way. Glad we bought it. Now just me, but still good even for just one person.