Looking through more recent material, I found this short series. It is similar to the “ten-gallon hat” comic strip that appeared in newspapers recently. Frankly, I’d forgotten about the “lederhosen” series, although I drew it less than two years ago. I do like it, though, and I also liked the “ten-gallon hat” cartoon. I believe it was Charles Schulz who said, drawing a daily comic strip is doing the same thing over and over for years without repeating yourself.

Disaster of the Teutonic
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
341 responses to “Disaster of the Teutonic”
Interesting thing of course is rather the net has made possible long distance friendships with real people that end up as reality. Who would have suspected? And boats to buy in states that aren’t thought of as coastal
Ghost and Sand, everyone knows that Donkey is Shrek’s friend, a-hole is an insult and ground is how you describe the coffee at Starbucks. You surely underestimate the younger folks; you’d be as smart if you knew as much as they do, especially about Love.
Sorry to be late again. Busy week with grandkids. Since some have mentioned computer questions, i’d like to bring up an old topic. I have a Dell laptop, not terribly old but for some reason, I can not get any sound on videos such as U Tube etc. I have I Tunes and my library has sound that I have recorded. Both speakers work as per tests but no sound on any videos. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I also have a problem with Adobe. I keep getting a message that a I need the latest version. Could this be part of the problem? Not having been born in the computer generation, I’m lost.
Prayers and blessings to everyone.
Mark in TT
Two other Tom Holt with the dry wit and taken from Saga’s
Who’s afraid of Beowulf?
Flying Dutch
Don’t forget to get The Steel Mirror –
Night Walker
Murder Twice Told
Assassins Have Starry Eyes
when you read them you have to put yourself back in the time they were written.(1948-54)
Your minds eye has to see the dresses, cars, hair styles – and he helps tremendously.
Should have said the last four are Donald Hamilton

JJ where is that edit button
Thanks Old Bear. It looks like a British publishing company put all the Matt Helm books back in print a few years ago, including the e-versions so they are easy to find. Have you read the Parker series? They are all in e-versions these days too, but pricey for something from a university press. Looks like the author gave rights to a university when he died.
Domaucan1, go to YouTube and when you play a video, look at the volume control YouTube has. It might be muted or turned very low. Try adjusting it and see if that helps. And sometimes the computer just gets crazy. I have to listen to dictation sometimes and my work computer is only about a year old. But the other day the sound on the remote pc stopped working and I had to restart the computer to get it back.
domaucan1: Seems to me that recently all Youtube vids have been opening with sound muted as the default, and I have to unmute (demute?) it. (The little speaker icon at the bottom of the video.) Perhaps because of complaints about what immediately blared from the speakers when people opened a video at work?
Caution: Be careful of messages that Adobe needs to be updated. It sometimes does, but not long ago, that message popped up on my screen and even without me clicking on anything, downloaded a Trojan (neither the soldier nor prophylactic version) that began high-jacking Google Chrome. Fortunately, my security programs were good enough to make short work of it.
Personally, I would only update Adobe by going to directly to their website. Or if you use Chrome, it should keep Adobe updated for you automatically.
Evan: Love or Lust?
And “a-hole in the ground” is a circumstance I’d like to see applied to several people I know. You know, the ones whose names you’d put in a memo…
To: Karma
From: Ghost
Subj: A list of the people you missed
Ghost great minds? House keeping just came by. I said more towels.
Just washed hair. Used all.
Jackie: Just how much hair do you actually have?
According to Weaponsman on the InterWebNet, the USAF’s latest version close ground-attack gunship, a descendant of the AC-47 Spooky and the AC-130H Spectre, is the “J” model, which will eventually be equipped with a high-powered laser instead of a cannon. The plane has been ycleped…
How cool is that?
It’s shorter than before but still to shoulders. Are you being mean again?
GR6, don’t mention recycle in Evan’s ear, who might lust after you. For the record, I drink espresso, black. Coffee, flavored or with milk, is for the training wheel set. Shrek is dated, Frozen is hot.
Off to watch another day basketball. Pot roast in the slow cooker. My lovely bride will do the mashed potatoes and gravy.
Ghost, that is cool indeed. Wonder if the namer also read the Honor Harrington books. There is a stealth drone called Ghost Rider in them.
Another reading suggestion if you like fantasy. The Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne. You can get the first few as a set in e-book form, cheaper than buying the individual volumes.
Jackie, when you say you washed your hair and used all the towels to dry it, Rapunzel comes to mind.
Since I wondered earlier on this page, I ought to let y’all know that JJ has replied to my request for another book.
Was looking for Vera Lynn’s “It’s A Lovely Day Tomorrow” but did not like the video part.
You can listen but don’t look.
But for the “Fly Guys”
Back late Monday
The prolouge to “Rust: The Longest War” by: Jonathan Waldman.
They say a lot of things about boats. They say a boat is a hole in the water that you throw money into. They say boat stands for “bring out another thousand.”They say that the pleasures of owning and sailing a boat are comparable to standing, fully clothed, in a cold shower while tearing up twenty-dollar bills. Consequently, they say that the best day of a sailor’s life, aside from the day he buys a boat, is the day he sells it. Ignoring all of this wisdom, I bought a forty-foot sailboat. This was at the end of 2007. She was in San Carlos, Mexico, at a pretty marina on the Sea of Cortés. There were palm trees and haciendas, with deep sparkling water to the west, a rugged volcanic tower to the east, and an immaculate Sonoran sky overhead. With two friends, we split her three ways. I’d thought she was a bargain, but the marina was more bonita than our new boat. Our sloop was thirty years old, and showed her age. There were little rust rings around every screw on the deck, rust stains on the stanchions, bow pulpit, and pushpit, streaks of rust down the topsides. A white powder surrounded the rivets in the mast. The jib car tracks had corroded so badly that there was a layer of goop beneath them. Some of the bronze through-hulls had turned a frightening green, while a few of the seacocks were so corroded that they wouldn’t budge. The stainless steel water tanks had rusted, too, and they leaked. Her appearance was at first so grim that I wished we had named her the Unshine, which would have been a very easy change from Sunshine. Instead we chose an obscure Greek word that nobody could pronounce or define. But if Syzygy had cosmetic defects, we didn’t care. Then we took her sailing. The diesel engine overheated on the way out of the marina, because the heat exchanger was caked up with rust. The reef hook had rusted so badly that it snapped the first time we furled the mainsail. Blocks had seized up, and the winches were so tight they offered little mechanical advantage. The wind vane almost fell off. Instruments didn’t work, because the copper wires winding through the bilge had corroded so thoroughly that they no longer conducted electrical current. Shackles, turnbuckles, clevis pins, chain plates, backing plates, furler bearings, engine parts, the windlass axle—everything that could rust had rusted. Water, salt, air, and time had taken their standard toll, and corroded my bank account, too. That’s how rust ate into my life . . .
Ghost: How much does each of those gunships cost us taxpayers?
Sand: “Coffee, flavored or with milk, is for the training wheel set.” De gustibus . . .. I’ve no use for flavored, but many mature adults do. I do, however, want milk w/ a little milkfat in either decaf or high octane. Likewise in tea, though straight skim is ok there. Green tea in Chinese restaurants is ok.
Peace, emb
Now it should be ok until the next “cleaning.”
Trapper Jean, that last author I recommended is going to be in Dahlonega next weekend: https://kevinhearne.com/events-and-appearances
Here is “It’s a Lovely Day Tomorrow” as it should be heard
As for songs at memorials – several of Vera Lynn’s are my choice.
Off again
Thanks, Bear. To me, Spitfires have a raptor-like beauty. And they *sound* the way a piston-engined fighter should.
The fly-away cost of an AC-130J…$67.3 million. The cost of not having AC-130Js or any other combat aircraft…oh, I don’t know, our freedom, perhaps.
Don’t worry, Mark, I’ve been doing just fine, I just haven’t had anything to say here for the last few days. And, BTW, I don’t call the coffee at Starbucks “ground,” I call it “over-roasted, burnt and bitter.” And I call the company “Charbux” because they’re busy convincing ignorant phules that that’s how real coffee is supposed to taste.
Sand, I know all that. Mike was a broker and I did maintenance on a ton of boats on Clear Lake on all the marinas with myself and a miserable bunch of teenage boys who were my daughter’s friends. For people with more money than time. Me and the boats and the seagulls usually and the expensive Dock Queens.
Our schooner is down in Pensacola and still beautiful after some major refurbishing with a loving new owner, not me. I bought her once and would have done it twice.
These boats are for me if I buy them. Two are already paid for, along with the nine or so I presently own, whole or in part!
But your point is valid of course. And who knows, I may finally get a book written?
Love Jackie
Definition of “stainless steel” – Steel that stains less.
That said, I do have a S&W J-frame .38 Special in stainless steel as my bathroom gun.
What’s that you say? You don’t have a bathroom gun? Don’t you remember what happened to Vincent Vega when he when to the bathroom in Butch’s apartment and left the suppressed MAC-10 out of reach on a kitchen counter? Hint: It didn’t end well for Vincent.