It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
Thank you, one and all! 🙂 The length of that link worried me a bit, too. I was rather surprised that it didn’t go into Mediation Heck.
Of all the cats on the Mountain I don’t think we have any calicoes/tortoise shells. We have gray, gray with black stripes, white with black spots*, and tuxedos.
Old Bear, sometimes jumping to conclusions is the only exercise I get!
*including one large male with a heart-shaped spot on his side.
No OF predictions yet. ebm
Found a honey smoked barbque flavored Kind bar (nuts mainly) bar in my purse/meds bag, so that is breakfast for now. Still have half a high protein power bar I can finish. I am going to shower and throw on clean clothes when help arrives. This hotel actually has a decent breakfast buffet with semi-real food.
Add spicey to Kind bar description! Breakfast of road warriors except I don’t drink coffee.
Got Smart phone charged. It is a Galaxy 4 by Samsung, I checked msg. and missed calls, it has a bunch of apps on it and I will start checking what they are and try to figure out what phone does. Apparently I owe ATT $200 over my monthly limit already, so I need to pay them off and see if I can get a better deal. You realize since phone is in Mike’s name it will take a death certificate to do that. Hope I don’t have to probate estate first.
Am going to take everyone’s advice on gifts for the phone. As a professional florist, I still find most Valentine’s ads obnoxious, if not deceptive. I might mention 1-800 Flowers began with one of my old friends from long ago, not to his credit. Pro Flowers is not professional either.
Long ago I was a show designer for Teleflora who has ended up as last man standing in the wire service wars. Do NOT order their expensive giftware containers!!!
Love, Jackie
Jean I am coming to NC too this spring if van holds out. GPS is named Helen and I don’t always like her. Car is unnamed to my knowledge, thinking about that. Husband named Helen.
I had not gotten emails on Crazy Cat Lady Kits as mine seem to show up through the Kitty TomTom Telegraph system or word of cat. Hey, there is an endless buffet over on that porch!
Jackie, about your phone:
Jackie, and here:
I agree with the so many features it is ridiculous and most of them I do not know exist!
As soon as I buy enough time, data and usage I will probably love it. Minion is a true Luddite, hates technology and refuses to learn. She would be helpful on a meandering trip, as she reads maps but I’d need to get more detailed ones, as she was using a map of all 48 lower states to navigate by!
There is no doubt a geek gene in my DNA somewhere.
I listen to Pandora on the tv using a Roku player. And I am still having issues trying to think in terms of using my smartphone for everything. I like my Garmin GPS receiver in my truck and car, and still occasionally play music on it through the radio. I do mostly gaming on my desktop, my old laptop sits on my second desk gathering dust and loose papers and items. Even with downloading the manual about my new Garmin Vivosmart fitband I am having issues using it right, and totally borked it’s linking with my smartphone. I either need fewer electronics, or my grandkids living closer to me.
Ursen, it’s funny how people are always commenting that they need their children/grandchildren to help them understand things they have trouble with. It reminds me of Groucho’s line in one of the movies. He is asked if he understood the financial report and he answers, “Of course I understood it! A 10-year-old child could understand it!”. Then under his breath he tells his assistant, “Quick, run out and find me a 10-year-old child. I can’t make head nor tail of it!”.
Jackie, guessing the GPS is so named as Helen Wheels. (Best if read aloud)
My grandson will be three next month and can already use a computer. Blows my mind! He gets on youtube and chooses his own videos to watch. Can’t talk in complete sentences yet, however. I can if not well.
He cannot understand why he can’t just touch grandma’s screen and get it to change!I watch choo’s with him..
The Lincoln envelope thing has been debunked – As I recall there were
elements of speeches written previously. He was a poor prognosticator – tho I would hazard
that no one remembers Edward Everett’s speech.
We call that a tortoise shell also tho she (I think they are all shes)(IMBW) has Calico
When you are in neighborhood stop. 3am or when ever.
Mom had a plaque:
Come in the evening,
Come in the morning
Come ….(can’t remember that line)
Come without warning.
You are always welcome
Some GPS have voice options – even male.
Trapper J
Opening the door for the beasties is more that enough exercise.
Cat= mammal that wants to be on the other side of the door.
Debbe, my brother in law is going to embark in the egg business by building a backyard coop and keeping 4 hens. It will be fun I’m sure, but I don’t think your livelihood is at risk. He’s been spendind days on coop design! D
David, you just named the Honda van for me! Red Ford pickup, now 15 years old has been named Old Blue for years but I had forgotten until this trip. Old Blue, if I remember correctly, was the name of horse in Cheyenne Social Club. Or Cat Ballou.
Thanks Old Bear. Everett died a little over a year after he gave that speech. Thanks to Wikipedia, here is a link to it….if you have 2 hours to spare.
Remember these?
I had a name for the one my sister had, but I can’t say it here. The first time I borrowed it, I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere because the gas gauge had F on the left side and E on the right. Almost as nonsensical as having to click on “Start” to get your PC to stop.
Daughter lives in Quincy, IL home of the Lincoln-Douglas debates in square. She is in historic district and on preservation board, so hear lots of Lincoln trivia I guess. We do not consider Lincoln to be trivial of course.
Once went airborne in my elderly aunt’s Studebaker which was even older. Came down in Cajun cemetery in fog several feet below road among white tombs and crosses. Drunk ag students in back seat woke up and thought they were dead in car crash, sobered up pretty fast. A remarkable suspension system if not any glamour ride.
That was the length or a little more of Everett’s speech.
(How come Speak has an “A” and Speech has an “E”?)
OB is out of the building
Husband named Helen? Good one Jackie.
Jerry in FL, you could have that now in Alabama.
David in Austin, if you go to the Tractor Supply Company website, you can find plans for building home chicken coops. They had quite a few designs, some of them pretty decorative. Guess that’s to keep your neighbors from calling the city to complain about keeping chickens.
later, folks.
I’m not making any judgments. I have enough to do trying to figure out who were at war with today.
OF just finishing, new prediction should be up in 20 min. or so. Nap time. Peace, emb
OF just did its thing at 2:22 CST and petered out about 3 minutes later…or so it seems. If anyone’s keeping track and timing it, those data might be useful.
eMb was sending as I was typing. Sorry for the duplicated information.