It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
John, if you do find any single bird watchers in Houston, be sure and tell them to pack light but bring their binoculars. Now that is something else I own a lot of and I have no idea where they are? At least I don’t need a death certificate.
Jackie, from everything I’ve found mass-market coops are not generally good material or well made. If you spend more money, the “Amish-style” is probably more durable. My suggestion would be to have someone locally build a coop and run that can be moved around for fresh ground and to distribute the manure. Google the terms “chicken tractor”. If they use either 1″x1″ or 1″x2″ welded wire for strength and 1/2″ hardware cloth for security the coop will keep out most normal predators including cats, hawks, and snakes. Using the welded wire alone on the bottom of the run will allow the chickens to graze and catch bugs but will keep out all but the most determined critters.
I had already figured that one out David! My local feed and seed had some locally made ones that were the chicken tractors and they were nice. I had a friend (now deceased) who had an organic free range chicken farm up in Virginia who used tractors even for his larger scale poultry. His stalwart wife would go move them when he was out on boating excursions! Paul had told me what to build actually but Mike wouldn’t do one!
Just thinking about what you said and deed restrictions. That is the blessing and curse of being in great unruled frontierland. You can do what you want on your property but it does extend that same right to your neighbors as well.
I can keep pigs, sheep, lamas, cattle or horses out on my normal lake lot. Neighbor had goats so they aren’t prohibited either, neighbor has chickens and sells eggs, had rabbits but something got them. I am on a normal four lot property, meaning I can put as many structures out there as I can fit in.
Don’t miss Houston much.
Love, Jackie
cx-p: No, I didn’t forget Darwin; it’s just that my late uncle was given the name “Lincoln” and not the name Darwin”.
Interesting that Darwin is a fairly common given name, male only, in n. MN, often among evangelicals.
Bunch of photographers, tripods and all, at OF site, waiting.
Peace, emb
OF due 1121-1141 CST. emb
Sorting out stuff on my desk and sticking in my mail rack, I noticed my mail rack is between the legs of a 30 inch tall cast crane that does look suspiciously like a Sandhill. Now that is a little odd! It sits on my desk but was meant for the garden and stone wildflower terrace. I put it on desk and may never move it, as I enjoy it as a desk ornament and the legs are around 20 inches and hold mail really well!
Jackie: We all love you, but I think the 14th Amendment prohibits keeping lamas as livestock. Peace, emb
Besides, the continuous chanting might drive you and your neighbors nuts. emb
I wish there was a Wobble Wag Giggle Ball for humans. Oh, wait. There is, isn’t there?
Jackie, I’m beginning to suspect that your decorating style may be a bit eclectic. 🙂
Jackie, here’s info on raising chickens. I’m not advertising for the company, but useful info is worth passing along.
As eclectic as am I. I do what pleases me which is how we should all live. I own antiques, new-tiques, a lot of boating, gardening, bird stuff and if it pleases me it can be $1 or $1,000 or even free. Lots of art work which I need to get back on walls now that I fired the long time housekeeper who didn’t much care for stuff on walls, bookcases or floors. Of course, she packed up those priceless antiques in a haphazard manner, so I may own less!
Love Tractor Supply. There are some in most of our medium sized towns.
To the kind folks who recently said a prayer or had a kind thought for my husband, we will always be grateful. Good things have come from those prayers and thoughts. It may be February here in Michigan, but spring has already come in our home.
To the kind folks who recently said a prayer or had a kind thought for my husband, we will always be grateful. Good things have come from those prayers and thoughts. It may be February here in Michigan, but spring has already come in our home.
Denise: Wonderful!!!
Great news, Denise.
Jackie: “We love the things we love for what they are.” — Robert Frost
Robert Frost, a great favorite of mine. Had not heard that quote.
Denise, I thank God for all the prayers offered up for Mike during his illness. It sustained us to know the love that would ultimately carry him to the end. God does not always answer our prayers in ways that are perhaps what we asked for but I do not believe we are unanswered.
I am so happy that your prayers are being rewarded with good.
Love, Jackie Monies
That’s great Denise. Thank you for sharing that with us all.
OF due 1251-1311 CST. Peace, emb
The TIP BlogSpot is titled David & Bathsheba, in Portuguese. Was David supposed to be an old man when he ‘espied’ Bathsheba bathing on the rooftop? Painting supports the widespread suspicion that it was no accident that she was visible on the roof.
Peace, emb
Thanks so much for sharing Good News, Denise!!! Best regards, Nancy K.
Last night I got a note from a friend who said what an inspiration I was to him, that my plunging into life and forging ahead inspired.
Good choice of words: Plunging and forging.
That was a good blow. OF next due 1419-1439 CST. emb
Back to cats. Just had the Herman cat in for dental work and they discovered the start of a bone tumor in his lower jaw. Seven months on the outside, so we have a good six months to spoil the boogers outta the Hermanator. It’s upsetting that after a life time of letting pets pass gently in their sleep this will be the third in a row over 3 years that we will have had to be put to sleep. I hope the other 3 cats will be nice enough to let him reign as King of the House up until his last day.
Ursen, I am so sorry for you. I have had cats with cancer and it is hard to treat, if not entirely impossible. My vet here told my dog sitter that he was afraid he would not be allowed in Heaven because of all the dogs and cats waiting for him that he had to put to sleep.
He hates doing that. I did hear him say that if he were to come back as a dog or cat he hoped someone like me would take him in. He is a kind and loving man.
Please know so many of us here share your sorrow.
Love, Jackie