It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
7:15 Clarifying, “In what year was my uncle born?”
Applying the wax is easy. It’s the power buffer that they hate.
Jerry, from one who used to buff yachts, I am laughing at you again!
CEP, the wax is inside the breasts in form of silicons and other polymers which are technically not waxes but I was using poetic license. On a little further thought some women may? In which case I’d say they hate the ripping sounds made when the wax strips pull off.
Bikini waxes are painful too.
I don’t recall if this has ever been posted here, but just in case it hasn’t, a kitty rescue of a different nature.
Jackie and all–
Re above: “Ghost, the SI Scandal is whether the cover is totally over the limit for a magazine that ships to homes that may have children below legal age of consent I think.”
I happen to be a sports (all sports) nut and have a subscription to Sports Illustrated. They have run a rather prominent announcement for the past several weeks as follows:
“IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE SWIMSUIT ISSUE. The annual SI Swimsuit Issue will be published in February. If you’re a subscriber and would prefer not to receive the issue, call our customer service center, toll free, at 1-800 (etc). If you choose not to get the SI Swimsuit Issue, SI will extend your subscription.”
I happen to be female (as well as old) and rather enjoy flipping through the Swimsuit Issue just because they’re pretty women in pretty locales, so I just let it come to the house (and am happy to let my husband flip through it also). I admit I hate to think what the price per square inch of those “swim suits” is. That’s probably the main thing that bothers me about it.
NK, I actually don’t object to objectification of women in the least! Dan Wetzell is actually one of my favorite writers, along with several other SI writers, so I am probably doing my usual thing of trying to get opinions. As one who actually is old, female and posed for Playboy and was willing to take off my own clothes, I’d probably do it again were I young enough.
My actual belief is that if you are a consenting adult of male or female sex you are welcome to take off as much as you like. I even count real nudists among my friends who live in countries where it is practiced and not against any laws at all. Not sure I would be willing to strip any more under any circumstances. I am less courageous than Kathy Bates!
Love, Jackie
c x-p: You forgot the other great liberator of humankind who shares the same birthday, and also the same birthdate, 12 Feb. 1809: Charles Darwin. [Also happens to be the year of publication of Lamarck’s “Philosophie Zoologique.”]
I’ve visited the Lincoln Memorial twice, read both addresses each time, and was in awe both times. Darwin has no comparable bldg., but shares one with scores of notables. In ’83, I think, wife and I were on a guided tour, and a bell rang. Over the PA system [we were actually within sight of the speaker], a clergyman reminded all in the bldg. that it was, in fact, a house of worship, and we prayed for the poor, those in war-torn areas, and such, and then prayed the Lord’s Prayer. We were in Westminster Abbey. I looked down; wife and I were standing on Charles Darwin’s grave.
Earlier, in the tour, we were in the room where the committee met that eventually produced the KJV, which wife had written a graduate paper on for her master’s in English. A good day.
Peace, emb
Mindy, I read entire article laughing all the way to the end. One of if not the best cat rescue stories I have ever heard and a good writer to boot. Puss in boots?
Jackie and the rest of the crew, any of you read any of Pat McManus’s books? If not, find one and get started. I don’t think you will be disappointed. His first collection of outdoors humor is titled “A Fine and Pleasant Misery”. I used to laugh so hard while reading his stories that I would have to put the book down till I could get myself together again.
Jackie, not to make you feel guilty about all the no-doubt delicious foods you enjoyed on your trip, but just as a gentle reminder…
Also, as encouragement, I offer the fact that today’s weight-in revealed a 1.8 pound loss for the past week for me, making the total 10.0 pounds since January 1. “Slow and steady wins the race” was what my sister always told her classes.
Ghost, that is one funny ad. I have to confess that while I ate some good food, I also did not eat some good food, not bad, just didn’t eat it. I was limiting to one meal a day of any size or substance, plus small intake at other two, tried to eat healthy, skip carbs and junk foods. My traveling cohort has a compulsive junk food and snack/candy habit so if she didn’t burn it off she’d be heavy I think.
Tomorrow I will break down and get on my scale and if not, I will weigh down at fitness center and get bad or not news. Had a Lean Cuisine which I shared with dog, I figure that cut out at least 20 of the 230 calories.
Seriously, you are doing great. I bet you don’t wear those 10# cargo pants to weigh in. I used to take off anything I could including heavy earrings.
Love, Jackie
Examined conscience and I admit to two helpings of Cuban plantains but not at same meal. I might have been better off to skip those and eat the black beans and rice, along with a slice of key lime pie, and a flan I could and should have skipped. Not at same meal.
I have made no claims of virtue. (Poor JJ, I will end up banned yet!)
Jackie, that reminded me of a story my sister told me about a happening at a meeting a while before I joined WW. (Which meant most meetings then were all-female.) One young lady was trying to make her goal weight and kept taking off items of clothing. Obviously having planned ahead, she finally she went to the restroom and came out nude except for a shower curtain she had brought with her and wrapped around her body.
I was drinking a cup of chai tea when this flashed into my mind…
Coming soon to a theater near you…”The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party: Fifty Shades of Earl Grey”
Jackie, I remember you’d said you had posed for “that” magazine. (That stuck in my mind for some reason. 😉 ) But were the photos actually published? (Just curious; not fishing for the date of the magazine.)
Only if her father catches you.
Speech & Screech may have the same root? Have to look that up.
Extension service USDA had plans in the 30’s – the standard with the
clerestory that means chicken coop is theirs. The Net must have something
Did you say 4 chickens? Something the size of a doghouse would do, just make the
roof hinge up. 4 chickens will get just over 3 eggs a day if you are lucky (Average)
Make sure you use corn feed not wheat, They need calcium (Oyster shells) and grit –
Granite Grit now sold for traction was what we used. And with so few birds a heat source.
Don’t want to get too much below 65* (Becareful of fire) And litter to absorb moisture
and so they can scratch.
They will eat table scraps even meat.
Get some exotics if you want to have something to look at.
Do I have this right? You posed for Playboy Jackie? When did this happen? You know you made awfully good time on your trip all over Florida and home again with cats that you never really explained why or where they were coming from or going to. Your home is also becoming populated with quite a cast of characters. You see the problem that is happening Jackie? We’ve been here before. Please tell me that I am totally off base.
Ghost, I have boating friends, male, who asked same question. The answer is no, I did not sign releases, I was only shooting “test” photos for possible photo shoot. I wanted to go back to college and had better sense than to get published, which in those days was death, disownment, and becoming an outcast for life. I had a friend who did and as she was oriental, she really got thrown out of family, they were more rigid than Southern Baptists if that is possible.
Part about taking my clothes off is however no lie! Perhaps I can find some with clothes on if I go through “family photos”? My employees did, with clothes on, decided I was telling truth. The mind may attract and keep men but a good body helped back in the day. But you know that of course!
One of my good friends who somehow reminds me of you somewhat but is addicted to building boats says those photos are still around. He claims they all exist. I told him the 60’s were not today when nothing ever goes away, both good or bad. He knows that too, he is Viet Nam vet so we are same age. I miss Sand about now, too. Don’t know why?
Love, Jackie
The guys at WW&F RR museum in Maine are outrageous punsters.
Maybe it is the British heritage.
Jerry, I never lie. Too much trouble and no, I am no troll. You can google Jackie Monies or Mike Monies, I am totally for real. I just attract weird people sometimes.
I own Sail Oklahoma, a major sailing event for wooden boats, I am a writer for Duckworks online magazine with dozens of published articles, I am on masthead of Small Craft Advisor Magazine unless Josh my editor has removed me recently, I do strange things on impulse sometimes but am generally fairly beloved among small boat builders and sailors. I will be back down in Florida in a couple weeks for the Everglades Challenge and to cheer on a number of boating friends who are entered and send a few of Mike’s ashes along.
Certainly have some friends in Florida I will be happy to furnish as references! Just drove by Strictly Sail exhibit when I was in Florida last week.
Cannot explain the cat rescue but it is real too. My bio may or may not be on-line but there are a ton of people who can vouch for my authenticity! I am just unapologetically outrageous at times because you might as well be.
If I am offending the group I do apologize for that, it is possible for me to realize conduct unbecoming is offensive and what I find funny may not be to others. I try to laugh at myself as a source of entertainment sometimes. And I appreciate your concern.
Love, Jackie Monies
I have seen pictures of you and read abut you and words by you. I can also see that you and Mike have had many, many wonderful friends. He leaves some big shoes to fill. You won’t be able to do it by yourself. Be yourself. You can’t be him so don’t try. He obviously exists firmly in the memories of your friends. Respectfully, Jerry
I know Jerry. We were a team, he being the sane and rational one, I am the seller of snake oil and magic dreams. No one will ever fill those shoes and I can not even try. I can keep throwing a little pixie dust out now and then.
eMb @ 8:37: No, I didn’t forget Darwin; it’s just that my late uncle was given the name “Lincoln” and not the name Darwin”.
Now I remember where I’ve heard of Edward Everitt, Edward Everitt Horton of Fractured Fairy Tales.
One big problem in the world is the inability of many people and groups is to laugh at
themselves –
Now Ole & Lena on the other hand…
Jackie, that was my impression about the pics, if for no other reason that, as you said, you’d have been drummed out of the family back in the day, and you obviously were not. If no release was signed, they were probably destroyed.
And even things that are on-line are not always easy to find. A friend told me she had done some modeling (clothed) for an out-of-business on-line fashion magazine about 10 years ago, and I was curious to see if I could find any photos that might still be out in cyberspace. But the name of the magazine was Ios (Eye-ous), and if any pics are still on-line, they are thoroughly buried in the half billion or so responses related to Apple’s operating system that are returned by Google.
As far as you offending anyone in the Village, if they are that easily offended I suspect they’d have bailed from here long before you came on the scene.
And I’m flattered I remind you of a good friend. 🙂