It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
Edward Everett Horton was described as having 2 razor blades for lips.
The whole Rocky & Bullwinkle thing was fantastic on so many levels –
cartoons for adults that were clean. I think Frostbite Falls is a little North
of Lake Wobegone.
Horton is often confused with Hans Conreid who had a similar gig on Fractured Flickers.
Then who heard the Who?
Boris and Natasha and Dudley Doright are characters for the ages. The name The Dorights was used for Barbara Mandrell’s band. She had a beautiful home in Nashville which I’ve had the pleasure of visiting.
Debbe π AccuWeather says it’s going to be 13 (RealFeel 9) on your front porch in the morning. Then they helpfully, if unnecessarily, interpreted that as “Very Cold”. Sounds like a Carhartt morning to me, hon. π
Ghost, he’s on first.
Since I have extremely thick skin, I am seldom offended and I don’t worry about photos on net except the ones of the overweight old lady. If the thin ones were to surface, I’d be chagrined at what I did to myself I know.
I have a awful mouth on me and I guess that has been a life long failing, that and making somewhat off color remarks, accidentally and on purpose. I respect an awful lot of people I know are my betters and hope they know that as well.
For those who are better sleuths than I, from 1961-63 I attended Northeast La. State College in the College of Liberal Arts (now University of La. at Monroe) and from 1963-66 the University of Southwest La. in College of Agriculture (now University of La. at Lafayette) Two rather insignificant backwater colleges and attendance was small at both. I was quite active in collegiate activities besides off campus unauthorized ones, so lots of photos may still exist!
This was intermittent attendance, despite finally graduating with close to 200 hours I think. Actually I am glad videos, cell phone cameras and similar stuff had not been invented yet or I could be more concerned for stuff I’d rather not have floating around on Facebook or something.
Love, Jackie
So, Jackie, you’re saying you swear like a sailor? π
Apparently, so does Arlo.
I once in front of a large crowd of sailors, builders and designers asked a famous and highly respected boat designer if he did not want to come on stage and expose himself like everyone else?
He recently replied to me when I remarked I could be married to any of them and it would be the same man that I would be able to tell the difference by the accents. Each was from a different country but mostly British!
Good morning Villagers…..
GR π your dang right it’s 13 degrees out there, but with a real feel of 21 degrees…now explain that…….glad I’m not working Sunday, so far, as the low tomorrow night is around 6 degrees!!!
Running late…..lots of zipping to do.
ya’ll have a blessed PAYDAY
David….Old Bear is right on all accounts on the hens….but, I am sure (seeing that he is your brother) that he has done his homework…tell him good luck.
yesterday about late spouse’s phone, yeah I just went through that with T-Mobile, had to send death certificate to them. So I’m going through her final photos, printing them out and see where son-in-law sent lots of grandkids pictures to her and I see there’s four short videos in there so I take my camcorder and prop everything up and aim it and record it, just because in my obsessive compulsive way I want to “clean everything out” … .. I actually saw Edward Everett Horton in person on stage at the Houston Music Theatre in the round (now called the Arena, if still in business) in Follies with Robert Alda (Alan’s father), he was pretty old by then and had to be kind of helped by other cast members around the stage, but he just couldn’t be beat for his voice, characterizations and acting
any single women in the Houston area who want to go look at Sandhill Cranes in Nebraska in a few weeks? everything I’ve read about eharmony and says they’re stupid garbage, you really have to meet people face to face
A word on keeping chickens in your back yard-a friend, who has tried many times, once told me that *everything* out there likes chicken. Needless to say, he finally gave up on chickens. Now he keeps bees, with not much better luck. π
OF seems to be warming up NOW. No predictions yet. emb
Sorry John, while I actually would like to go look at sandhill cranes in Nebraska, I am due down in Florida again for launch of the Everglades Challenge. They are doing a brief memorial to Mike and I am taking a few ashes along to put in water and along with some of our friends. I will have to get the heck out of way really fast or be stampeded by 120 boat nuts shoving off from 20 feet behind me. You could go look at birds in Glades with me?
I have been to that area where the sandhills are. Is it migration season?
On further brief reflection, I would rather be in Nebraska on a bird watching expedition than in south Florida during spring break. Sorry Jerry, it was pure chaos and mayhem last week!
Love, Jackie Monies
TIP comic today:
The BlogSpot is juicier. Peace, emb
Jean dear, perhaps the reason “everything out there likes chicken” is that it “tastes like chicken”.
“…any single women in the Houston area who want to go look at Sandhill Cranes in Nebraska…”? Now there’s a line even I never came up with, John. π
If you don’t think so, that’s your problem. Peace, emb
OF post above may be a false alarm. There is almost no wind [and that seems to come from behind us], so a goodly column of steam is +/- continuous. A photographer was there, and I guessed he was waiting for a blow, but he’s gone. Probably no prediction until after the 1st eruption. emb
emb: I like it!
Ghost: π
EMB, wouldn’t take much to be juicer than a nose hair trimmer. π
Thanks to all for the suggestions on backyard chickens. My brother-in-law lives in town, has a normal “lot”, and is allowed to raise chickens. I live in the country, have four acres, and have a deed restriction prohibiting poultry. Life is not fair.
Darn it Jean, I was putting in a chicken coop out in garden area and was hoping to have a few exotics among them for looks. That is why Mike would never put in a chicken coop for me, he had them before we married (sold a dozen eggs per week he said) and he said I would just be buying chickens to feed wild beasts in yard.
And the bees. I bought three bee keeping books, to put in bees out by garden too. I intended to become an Okie apiarist although that may be an optimistic hope apparently!
My gardening help kept chickens and wants to do that in my yard, not sure about bees.
Have been researching coops, my local ag supply feed and seed sells them, as do many of the side of the road shed and lake house manufacturers. Along with Wayfair who keeps trying to sell me some. They already know I am a sucker!
Love, Jackie
Testing emoticons:
π normal smiley
π big smiley
π sad face
:'( crying
π tongue out
:0 shocked!
:s confused
π winking smiley
π disappointed
:\ grimace