If this is an update, it must be Tuesday or Thursday! To tell the truth, I’ve sort of lost touch with what day of the week it is! This old cartoon is from August of 2008. Gene has come home from his freshman year at college. It was nine years ago, sure, but a lot has happened to Gene in nine years. It seems to have gone by so quickly. I guess that’s the way it happens in real life, huh?

Illuminating Ruminating
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
119 responses to “Illuminating Ruminating”
That’s the elephant under all our chairs David.
How did we come to this?
Good early morning Villagers…..
…some Monday advice π https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9063186432/hF018DAA6/
…and this one is dedicated to GR and Jackie π
Mark, had seen that one before, and I laughed then too π
..well, we’re off to see the ‘wizard’……damn, I thought the hens were loud at feeding time, these bovine can be heard from a mile away once the lights come on…..
David in Austin:
Last September, I told a co-worker that, no matter who won, there would be violence and blood in the streets.
That’s been true since the election, and it’s growing worse.
I hate being right.
Nursing baby.
Sorry about that bad webcam.
David and Jackie: An answer to your concern & question is in Debbe’s first post. Some little things that mattered were votes that were not cast, in more than just the last election.
There was also an op column by John Micek, ‘Americans are proud of getting dumber’, in the Bemidji Pioneer, 11 Aug. I imagine c x-p encountered that some in his intro courses. Some years back, when a lecturer somewhere mentioned using DNA to investigate relationships, his young [college?] audience chorused back, ‘You believe in DNA?’ Ref. lost, possibly Sci. Amer. or Amer. Biol. Teacher.
The Micek column perhaps appeared in all [Fargo] Forum Comm. Co. papers. The Fargo Forum is a pretty consistently Republican paper.
emb, I will admit that in my younger days I went several times to Six Flags Over Georgia, and found that each time I enjoyed it less and less. Then why did I go, you ask. The first time it was for the fun of it, then because I was shanghaied by friends and could not politely say no. I have never been to DisneyWorld nor do I intend to go. Too many people, and I have never been a Devotee of The Mouse.
Mark, David, and anyone else worried by who did/didn’t win the White House:
The violence is being engineered by people who want to divide us into groups that cannot tolerate other groups’ behavior, beliefs, or even their skin color. As long as anyone allows themselves to see others as evil because they are different in any respect and not as unique and individuals made by their Creator, that person is allowing others to control his beliefs and actions.
It doesn’t matter to me that I’ll probably never meet another former trucker who’s also a college graduate, born in a small Arkansas farming community, and a Mormon who has a CRT-D in his chest. None of those things define me as a person, tells you whether I voted last year, or how I treat my family members.
The Creator, no matter how you label him/her/it, made you to be you. Even the young ladies below are unique and resist being labeled as twins, preferring to be known by their names:
Remember: “One and God make a majority.” Frederick Douglass
I am not worried by who didn’t win. I am disturbed by the actions of those who can’t accept who did win and that if they are unhappy the way to change is through peaceful action at the ballot box. Not rioting in the streets. However distasteful you may find someone’s opinions, freedom of speech is guaranteed to all unless they use it to inflame disorder or commit criminal acts. If you don’t want the demonstration, try to stop it in court or by using other legal means. Don’t go out armed with weapons intending violent confrontation with the other group.
When I was a kid, we couldn’t afford a vacation, so going to the Indiana State Fair was the highlight of the summer. When I moved to Michigan in 1979, I never returned to the fair until 2013. That trip was filled with nostalgia even though I only got to stay for a few hours. Last year I got up early on a Saturday and drove 5 hours down and back and it was not quite as nostalgic and it rained. I did see a tornado on the drive back, so it was memorable.
Since my wife and daughter are in London and Paris this week, I decided to drive to see my sister in Fort Wayne on Thursday and then drive down to the Fair Friday morning and try to be back for a later dinner at home. I think that I might enjoy this trip a bit more as I won’t be quite as tired. Why am I going? I guess to revisit my youth for a few hours and to people watch. I never went on any of the rides as a kid, so I don’t as an adult either.
Last time I rode anything at a fair, it made me nauseous. Never have had that happen on a ride at a permanent theme park.
Mark: A usage bit that my RN/English major wife taught me. You are not nauseous, and probably were not then, either. It made you nauseated. The ride was nauseous. No member of the Village is nauseous. Don’t know about the DS. Peace,
Thanks emb. I should have said the motion made me feel sick to my stomach. That would have been clearer in meaning.
Trucker & Mark: agreed.
Went to the Orlando Disney place 40 years ago, once – maybe twice. Discovered immediately that unexpected sounds and flashing lights did NOT make anything scientific or futuristic or interesting. My MBH may have gone another time or two in the company of guests; she liked it more.
Not a fan of rides which go high: roller coasters, Ferris wheels, and things like the one which broke in Ohio a few weeks ago – all are out. Rides staying on the surface are OK.
Have never been to any state fairs even though I have resided in 7 different states. I guess fairs are common in the growing up of a city boy. It is more than reasonable that rural people might be a lot more interested. Oh, I recall attending a county fair once, here in IL; no complaints.
Best things about a county fair are the livestock and the handcrafted items, in my opinion. If it doesn’t have livestock, it’s not a fair, but a carnival.
Lived 7 miles from NY World’s Fair (Not the ’39 one) did not go or care to.
Wife (pre my meeting her) traveled 1300 miles.
Been several times to MN State Fair, but it is not the same since there is no Machinery Hill.
Just a lot of eats on a stick.
Went to some thyme parks in Upstate NY when a preteen but don’t remember much about them.
Do not find anything enjoyable about spending money to be nauseated – I can get that in the back seat of a car.
How many of us are spending real money to travel to the eclipse path next week? I’m guilty of that!
That was I, logging in on a new computer at work. π
nauseous is an adjective formed from the noun nausea, literally sea-sickness, with the suffix -ous, a descriptive that adds the meaning containing, usually to fullness (think bile and bilious), that adjective can and does apply to either the subject, in a figurative sense, that operated the action to nauseate and the object that was affected by that action, literally
nauseated is a past-tense of the verb to nauseate, in both the intransitive (to feel) and transitive (to cause) conditions
In the opinion of many who are licensed to treat nausea, and with agreement of many dictionaries, the original use on this page was both accurate and proper.
The enjoyment derived from correcting others is a different matter. I find it nauseating.
Now this is a never-ending love story: http://www.wsmv.com/story/36125154/missouri-couple-married-77-years-buried-in-single-casket
at 12:52 – no big deal but “…fairs are uncommon…” is what I meant to convey.
My MBH and I did drop in at the NY World’s Fair back in ’64, if memory serves. It was nice to see things from around the world. For that matter, I believe the Orlando Disney place also had enjoyable representations of foreign cultures and they were interesting.
Have no plans to travel for the eclipse. Where we are, we’ll have close to 90% anyway. I think I recall seeing a solar eclipse from VA back in the late ’60s or very early ’70s. Perhaps one of you astronomers can tell me when that would have been.