Today’s encore A&J (“Encore,” that sounds good, doesn’t it?) is from 2003. We finally received some rain this week and are expecting more over the weekend. It would appear November finally has arrived.

Lost & Fondue
By Jimmy Johnson
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142 responses to “Lost & Fondue”
Debbe 😉 I like it. It’s got a good beat. I’ll give it a 95, Dick.
Does anyone recognize this preppy, well-groomed young man?
Willy Nelson who played at a club I used to go to in Monroe, LA in college. We didn’t much like him, he didn’t have the sweet crooner voice we were used to.
I like to think I have diverse interests and strong opinions on some topics, coupled with generosity and a loving nature that doesn’t much care what others think.
Sounds like me, other than I may need to work on the “loving nature” part. 🙂
That photo of Willie would have been from about the time he was playing Houston bars/clubs and when a lady I met later claimed to have been dating him. Musician, groupie-types, bars, drinking, late nights …yeah, he may have “dated” her.
I went to college in Monroe from 1961 to 1964. Once I left Monroe I never went to another bar there. This was time he played club.
I can state categorically and definitely that I did not date Willie Nelson. I didn’t like him as a musician and I remember we thought him a geek and nerd.
Was the Dec. 2 A&J censored? ‘Cuz it sure looks like somebody erased something in panel 1
I noticed that broken line too Buzz but thought it was my phone perhaps? In fact, I knew the joke was pokies, we all got it and laughed. But I thought to myself ” I don’t see anything. Maybe the joke is we can supply the joke in our minds?”
buzz: Wondered, but think maybe not. All JJ had to do was make 2 lines almost come to a point.
‘. . . I went to college in Monroe from 1961 to 1964.’ Stayed several hot wks in Monroe summers of ’43 and ’45 with Mom’s younger bro. and family. Before AC. Paper mill stank. Didn’t know they had a college. Monroe is where I learned that even the RC church was segregated; blacks sat in the balcony. No AC and of course, hot air rises.
Hi Ghost Sweetie! I’m doing good, thanks. Recovering from Thanksgiving. 🙂 Cooked two turkeys and all the trimmings and sides, plus pumpkin, pecan, and eggnog pies. We ended up with 14 or so people what with family and friends, so it was fun.
Still have some health issues, but soldiering through. Beats the alternative.
“Better to enjoy what is than mourn what isn’t.” I’m copying that into my commonplace book, Jackie.
Thank you, Smigz. I wrote that, not a quote. I just felt that way about my current life. My mother in law always moaned loudly about being moved from Los Angeles to Lafayette, Louisiana that had no ice skating rink. At 70 something, my age, we moved her into assisted living near us in Louisiana.
She said “I can’t move to Oklahoma unless they have ice skating, Lafayette just finally got an ice rink.” I found her an assisted living apartment across from the Tulsa ice skating and indoor swim clubs. She was already too disabled to qualify for the home.
Emb I was in Northeast 1961 to 64 too. What was your major? I was liberal arts, lots of theater arts, journalism but took some essential courses too. Lots of hours in fact.
What landed you in Monroe? I went there in protest after my stepdaughter refused to supply any financial info or disclaimer that he did not support me, my out of state scholarships required that but all my Louisiana state colleges and universities gave me automatic four year scholarships with no paper work. By that point I didn’t give a hoot.
You would not recognize the town or university now.
Excuse me, “We moved her from Louisiana to Oklahoma near us.” My mistake.
As Dr. Hook said, “I’ve got a few years on you, Babe, and that’s all.” I finished USL, now ULL, in 61 and by 64 was married and in my 2nd year of vet school at Auburn. (By the way, You may have known Dr. Jim Rundell from Monroe. Great guy and great friend! He died a couple of weeks ago.)
Just got my JJ personal drawing of A&J and Jimmy put “War Eagle” on it and really made my day. Looks like Auburn is going to the Sugar Bowl and the LA/MS War Eagle Express is planning a trip south to the Big Easy. As J. Durante used to say, “Irregardless” of the outcome, we will have a great time. Even the wives are coming this time!
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
“Better to enjoy what is than mourn what isn’t.”
Jackie and Smigz, reminds me of an old German folk saying, “One must live as one can, not as one would like.”
Jackie: ‘. . . I went to college in Monroe from 1961 to 1964.’ was lifted from your earlier post. My ‘several hot wks in Monroe summers of ’43 and ’45 with Mom’s younger bro. and family’ referred to my staying with them, my Uncle Julian and Aunt Ollie + two boys younger than me, during two summers, when I was 13 and then 15.
My undergrad college was the N.Y. State Coll. of Agriculture [now NYSC of Ag. and Life Science] at Cornell U., in Ithaca, NY. Major was Wildlife Conservation, BS ’51. After two yr. active duty in USAF, grad. school was U. Mich., Ann Arbor: MA ’55, Ph.D. ’60, both in Zoology. Then 36 yr. on Biology faculty at Bemidji State College/BSU, my only full-time civilian job.
We have 2″ or less of snow on ground, temp hovering around freezing, more snow predicted but not enormous amts. Have seldom seen Sol since TG.
Sardines on toast / lunch, then nap.
I found it ironic that when I was older universities like Cornell and Purdue recruited me for agricultural graduate degrees. I think I’d have helped their diversity quotas on both sex and age. I did participate in one of Cornells international leadership programs for the grocery and produce industry which was part of their agricultural and business programs.
Definitely recruited for quota.
emb – you saw Sol at TG? Lucky you
1″ snow last night mostly gone now – temps heading for cellar after tomorrow.
GR6 use a red plate then you will know when to stop eating when eating pie.
I am not cheap but my brother claims I invented copper wire when someone tried to
take a penny from me. I am penurious.
Jackie – here is one for a Walmart regular
Click here: Cowboy lassoes would-be bike thief in Walmart parking lot – YouTube
Good wedding Sat.
The theme was the Three Stranded Cord a Song of Solomon
Reminded me of the Village when One is tired and discouraged the other is there
to help. If one falls and cannot get up the other is there to lift the first.
If enemies (or life’s ills) assault where one could not prevail two could overcome.
The Village is here and does what it can to help.
The third strand is Faith with Faith we can overcome all obstacles
Steve FRO
I hope you are wearing bright and reflective clothing when running at night
or early morning. Having a red flasher on the back even better.
We have some people (mostly women) around here that walk or run
in the dark wearing black clothes — walking on the wrong side of the road.
Isn’t walking toward traffic taught anymore? Is it that walking on sidewalks
has taken away rural survival skills? I only see one because she has a white dog.
Old Bear: On my list of things I don’t miss since I retired is having to watch for/dodge runners and dog walkers who don’t understand that it takes more than one little reflective square on their shirt or back of their shoes to make them visible in the dark. Prize for spookiest sight went to the person in dark clothes walking two dark dogs – all I could see was the two moving reflective leashes each with two red dots (eyes) floating below them.
Old Bear. No more running for me, but I do all of my walking at a park or around my parking lot during the day. When I did run at night, I wore a reflective vest, a light on my head and even a blinking red light. I share your concerns as I see people oblivious to common sense. My son is in training for Boston and he wears very reflective clothing and a light as well. BTW, I wrote a guest column in the local newspaper years ago on the importance of safety when running. When I drive to work, I can see kids walking across the street, but all I see is their shoes.
Jackie, as Purdue graduate, I am sure that you are right about the quotas. The Ag program has historically been one of the top in the country, so you would have gotten a fine education
Steve, I know I would have. In the late 60s when I graduated Louisiana had to send all their ag graduates out of state as doumacan has said about going to Auburn. Women were not much sought after in those days. By time I was 50 they were trying to meet minority and diversity quotas. I really seriously entertained doing it. It was a graduate ag program for MBA and PhD online combined with so many on campus classes. I am intelligent enough to have completed the degree, despite not completing the two graduate school degrees I was admitted to in past, once because I got pregnant (and married) and once because my job and sales commissions vanished.
I just could not see what I would do with degree out here in boonies and turned down opportunity.
But even so I considered it a great compliment. .
This afternoon I got to hear the Tulsa Symphony do their Home For the Holidays program with many of the arts group they work with. This is last year’s video, I did not see one for this year on youtube.
It was most enjoyable and I was impressed with all the groups they work with, Tulsa Opera, Tulsa Oratorio, Tulsa Ballet. They had segments involving each onstage but no ballerinas leaping about. It was a loaded stage with youth symphony, high schools, grade schools and even the Sweet Adelaides onstage.
The group that impressed me most was the very young children in a program called Harmony that gives young untrained children violins and cellos and in short time teaches them to play well enough to play with a large symphony. I will post a separate link for that.
Next Saturday I will be going to a program at the Gilcrease Museum where small groups from the Tulsa Symphony will play in the galleries and you can go from gallery to gallery for each program.