I miss boat fever. It was a mistake to allow Arlo to acquire the sailboat. The endless sweet agony of anticipation was a state of mind with which many readers seemed to relate. For years, people would beg to be put out of their misery, beseeching me, “Please let Arlo get a boat!,” and I would laugh maniacally, “Bwahahahahahahahaha…!” Well, I remember laughing that way, but maybe I just thought it. Then, I weakened, and people began asking, “What happened to Arlo’s boat?!” And that, dear readers, is how we got where we are today, and none of us knows where we’re headed.

Navigational Hazard
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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217 responses to “Navigational Hazard”
We have been lucky here that the anonymity presented here on this blog has, for the most part, not been abused. I did get a request from someone to talk privately and we had a brief conversation that would not have fit here, but then we have not corresponded since. I think that I
The negative to that anonymity is that sometimes people go dark. We do have the option of adding a website, so often that can identify us, but not everyone does that. I suppose if something ever happened to me, between Jimmy and my wife’s website (which she needs to update more often, but she has a couple of writing deadlines staring her in the face) you could find out.
Having lost a few people suddenly in my life, I often think the worst at first. More often than not, I’m wrong thankfully, but my wife and kids have learned that it is best to “check in” because Dad needs the reassurance!
Jackie, I’m hoping and praying for only the best for the change you mentioned in your children’s lives.
Yay, Jimmy! The restaurant is open, with patrons ready at the door!
Thanks everyone. Just got off phone with Debbie in Indiana. She is having computer issues again. Sounds like viral infections to me.
Having run a number of discussion groups on both Yahoo and Facebook with upwards of 3000 members on a couple, I can say people drop out. Circumstances change for better or worse. They find other interests. They often do pass away because their ages are usually 60 to 80 which is typically ages online or they are suffering from I’ll health and forums, blogs, groups offer companionship and entertainment.
‘You have no idea how comforting that is.’
Jackie, Many of us know exactly how comforting that is.
I understand the not wanting to take pain meds unless it’s past absolutely necessary. My mother would complain of migraine headaches and have a neighbor take her to the base hospital where a doctor would give her a shot of morphine and she would be out of it for a couple of days while I stayed with the neighbors family. This generally happened about once a month, as I recall. I was a child at the time. I don’t know if she really had migraines, but she did not want to be where we were, but with her parents. You ask, where was my Dad. He was stationed in Korea at the time. When he did retire and we moved next door to her parents she never had another “sick headache”, nor require morphine. Go figure.
As for me, I probably wait too long before I do resort to meds, and doctors are always surprised at how fast I quit taking them.
Trapper I often have lengthy interviews with doctors about my lack of need for pain meds. I have shocked them as you do.
My mother in law was an unhappy woman. Hospitalizations and ill health were part of her life pattern. She seemed to have no pain tolerance at all and would beg for narcotics at any opportunity.
My step-dad ended his life totally addicted, aided by my mother who brought a Halliburton suitcase of drugs to his hospital room because “They were his prescriptions and hospital won’t let him have them.” She refused to put him in drug rehab at hospital and denied addiction. He went on like that until his death after doctors sent him home.
I know about drug addictions.
Jackie, I can’t take NSAID pain relievers because they’re blood thinners, and Tylenol does nothing for me. That means that opioids such as Vicodin and Tramadol are all I can take. I don’t think that I have an addictive personality, and I don’t want to find out. I only take them when I have to (usually at bed time so that I can sleep) and I stop taking them as soon as I think I can manage without. It probably helps that I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but back when I could still take aspirin I had to learn the hard way by getting several really bad headaches that being stubborn about not taking pain pills until things got really bad wasn’t a Good Idea.
Dear me, I feel loved and cared for by you dear friends who are wondering if I am all right. Yes, I have slowed down a lot and do not manage my time well. Too many things that I ought to get done, and cannot decide which ones are important to do first! I need to phone daughter Nancy for help with how to “save” a document which emb has kindly sent me by Email (twice now). Should do my workout exercise routine and also deal with some checks that need to be deposited. Should eat my lunch — it’s 2:35 already, but I slept very late and had late breakfast. And here I am on the computer reading your stories and adding my own — that’s most important right now, I think.
I too have been wondering about Jerry and hoping we hear something of him.
Sending love to all my friends,
Sideburns I cannot take any over the counter pain meds. I have serious gastro issues including Frank bleeding. The only thing that I have been able to tolerate is Ultracet. I take no pain meds besides those at a low maintenance dosage.
Ghost would say I have an addictive personality for shopping. I am currently deleting every email and subscription. He can keep me out of stores and I off internet.
Those of us who live in constant pain have to be our own protectors.
About Jerry, found his mama and daddy’s on its but not his.
I found contact information.
Friends! Let’s have a party π 2 framed and 1 unframed paintings were bought! Woohooooo! Shipped them off today It took a week to find the unframed one and that gave me time to order/receive a spacial art shipping container. No worries about safe delivery. Check is in the bank. In celebration, I’m going to have an IBC rootbeer and vanilla wafers. Come on over folks! Or join me in your own homes….I just wanted to share the good news.
Also, there is hope that I can get to the oven and make cookies tomorrow. The house is pretty much back in order after the flood on 29 April. All KINDS of good stuff happening here. THere’s an artwalk on the Square tomorrow and I’ld like to support my favorite gallery with cookies.
Wait, if I’m making cookies tomorrow, maybe the celebrating should hold off until then, too. Perhaps. π
Congratulations Llee!
It’s also National Wine Day in case anyone needs another excuse π
Of course, if\\should you get a little sloppy with your wine, or whatever, I expect many of you will be properly prepared since it’s also Towel Day.
Still hoping for that edit button! Take your pick of which wording you prefer.
I fully agree with Jackie and Sideburns about pain meds. They are great when needed but can be a double edged sword. I have been blessed and have avoided them almost entirely, even when I was in that wreck almost 2 years ago.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
Charlotte: Good to hear from you.
Llee: Root beer; BUMC Youth Gp. served r.b. floats gratis after service last Sun.
Various activities winding down, but some will persist into summer / previous contingencies. Ad. Forum cancelled Sun. 28 May / expected absences over holiday wkd. Will finish one of Bart Ehrman’s video series [The Great Courses] in a few wks. Book study will finish Haidt’s The Righteous Mind over first wks in June. I may miss one or two / MN UMC’s Summer Theology W’shop in mid-June in Paynesville, but am reader at BUMC 25 June. Always try to schedule first Sunday after solstices.
Llee: If you make cookies like you make art, I’d be tempted to drive up to your place for a sample. And congratulations on your sale. Whatever you charged, someone got a bargain. Party hardy, darlin’. π
Something else to get lost in – http://www.openculture.com/2017/05/visit-a-new-digital-archive-of-2-2-million-images-from-the-first-hundred-years-of-photography.html
“Nobody is having a more interesting day than the gecko on my windshield.” David Burge @iowahawkblog
Really big event. A bath shower and shampoo my hair. Will report in on how this goes.
Bought a new shower handicap chair that fits both over and into tub. Already had a hand held shower to use
Never thought I would use handicapped furniture or be happy to own.
New cleaning lady and Ghost got along beautifully. She will be here in morning to clean my master bath and perhaps my bedroom.
First we clean house, then we rearrange better. I am repainting, wall papering, reflooring and repairing the back
Apartment at rear of house before I can use it again. God willing the Zombie Flea Apocalypse is dead.
The bath and shampoo were unbelievable. I am resurrected.
Feeling happy along with you, Llee. Your artwork is appreciated by many! Also happy that Jackie is doing so well. What a spirit you have — you are an inspiration to this lazybones.
Me yesterday,after first shower since Monday: “Oh, my.”
Jackie: “What?
Me:”That was almost as good as sex.”
Jackie tonight, after first shower in over a week: “You were right.”
Jackie, sounds like you are having another Easter there. First you are visited by Mary and Jesus. Then you experienced a resurrection.
Jesus returns tomorrow for a second coming.
I am always profoundly depressed and saddened whenever I hear anyone say, “Happy Memorial Day!” and “Celebrate the holiday.”
Am I the only one left?