I miss boat fever. It was a mistake to allow Arlo to acquire the sailboat. The endless sweet agony of anticipation was a state of mind with which many readers seemed to relate. For years, people would beg to be put out of their misery, beseeching me, “Please let Arlo get a boat!,” and I would laugh maniacally, “Bwahahahahahahahaha…!” Well, I remember laughing that way, but maybe I just thought it. Then, I weakened, and people began asking, “What happened to Arlo’s boat?!” And that, dear readers, is how we got where we are today, and none of us knows where we’re headed.

Navigational Hazard
By Jimmy Johnson
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217 responses to “Navigational Hazard”
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! Current strip, great work. You are nailing it Baby!
Art better, humor fresher, what can I say?
I do not celebrate Memorial Day. Were I ambulatory I might take Ghost up to the military cemetery at Fort Gibson to observe it.
I ignore my partying neighbors who celebrate on the lake.
Oriole still working on that hanging nest below and R of eagle nest. Webcam just moved away. Peace,
As a former soldier, I don’t think that it is wrong for people to enjoy and celebrate Memorial Day. Those that we recognize gave their lives to defend an ideal. I signed up knowing that my life might be on the line to defend the ideal of America. I’m not a hero, and was lucky to have never been in combat. But, as some have said, “the check was signed.”
Part of the American way of life is big, brash, boisterous, and bold celebration. There’s no reason to be discouraged by that. Rather than be disappointed, join the celebration but remind those that you’re with the reason for the day. To paraphrase a Greek doctor from about 2000 years ago, how can they hear if there is no one to tell them?
So I guess it is OK if Ghost wants to go watch the fireworks in my back yard when they shoot them off all around us or into my yard?
He can be on fire patrol.
Yes, Memorial Day is properly a day of remembrance not celebration. But, as David points out, the freedoms we fought for includes the right for each of us to spend it as we decide. That said, I will never, ever buy anything form any merchant that advertises “Our Gimongous Price-Exploding Memorial Day Sale”, or any such crap as that.
The “Featured Comment” on TDS is from a no-doubt well-meaning but clueless person thanking “all of our armed service members past and present” for their service. Sir, you should do that on November 11th. The service members we honor today are the ones that died in the service of our country.
Yes, Jackie, I will be on Fire Watch. BTW, how many pyrotechnics are allowed to hit your house before I can fire back? (She lives in that kind of neighborhood. 🙂 )
Since I now have all metal roofs on everything the fire danger to roof is not as bad as it used to be. If dry the yard has been set on fire before. I keep leaves and flamables raked up.
Ghost is going to grill something out of freezer which is full of meat. I told him to go dig under potato plants for new potatoes for potato salad. The chickens laid a dozen eggs so we should have deviled eggs too.
I’ve a garden full of veggies but I am not mobile enough to safely navigate even with walks. I don’t dare fall and break anything.
Charlotte, hugs for you, sweetie!
Llee, wonderful news about paintings and house!
Mark, the Easter comment has me giggling!
Seventeen eggs, to be exact. I just washed them. I did not expect to become Farmer Ghost.
The second coming of Jesus was at 9:15 this morning. I was busy doing housework. (I did not expect to become Ghost the Maid, either.) I was close enough to hear that Jackie seemed to be “speaking in tongues” when he was bending her knee. As far as I know she did not kick him.
She did once kick a nun, you know.
Tuesday is Decoration Day in remembrance of those that died.
It was chosen because it was the only day that did not have a major battle
during the Civil War.
I will be done a few days – remembering with friends.
Thanks. I cried.
What he said:https://scontent-dft4-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/18519647_1589383041080917_1481186382773417274_n.png?oh=7187da128d93e9b1788cbb0e5dee5bd2&oe=59B0E122
I have been using my time in bed to unsubscribe and delete emails from just one Yahoo account. I have not made it to April 2017!
This is ridiculous. I am leaving a few, motel or restaurant chains I like and use. All the shopping sites are going.
Have begun on a second account which wasn’t quite as contaminated. All the political ones are going. All.
We were a few days late with some prototypes and our customer was upset with us. They asked that we personally deliver them to Columbus IN, even though UPS could probably deliver it quicker than if I drove it down there. However, since they were upset, I agreed to deliver them, thinking that I could leave after lunch. The components that we needed to finish them were 5 hrs late as UPS was waiting on a plane to deliver them. So everyone that disagreed with me during the meeting, agreed that I had made the wise decision. I ended up leaving around 6 and not getting to bed until 1:30, waking up at 6:30 to drive the parts to the customer. On my drive home I got a lot of email “Atta bouys” without one “I told you so” emails from me.
The car had Sirrus XM, so I listened to the Beatles 6 hours down and 6 hours back up. They had some weird music that I did not care for. One of the guest was a producer that had on occasion met the Beatles and proclaimed one of the later studio albums was absolutely perfect. He later said that he probably liked the album because it captured the essence of the 10 LSD trips that he took the year that the album came out. Yeah, that explains why I don’t like all of the Beatles music.
I did get to stop by Fort Wayne and had a two hour lunch with my sister. She has been SO busy since the death of her husband. We really had a great time and she appreciated the chance to share her feelings. She answered a lot of questions that I had but I did not want to intrude on her privacy. She still has a long road ahead but she is fortunate to have a huge safety net of family and friends.
You probably could have Big Brown or the guys with the arrow do a custom delivery
for you – at about or more than what it cost for you to drive, BUT you would not have
been able to shake their hand or show you are willing to go above and beyond.
Also glad to hear credit was given where credit was due – THAT doesn’t always happen.
You’re better man than I am, Steve. I’d have been tempted to reply, “I’m not saying I told you so, but I (military-grade swear word) told you so!” 🙂
Happy to hear your sister has that extensive safety net. Not all of us do.
Have NOT made it to April 2017 yet on two email accounts! Still deleting. This is tedious.
Goodnight Johnboy.
Ghost, the eggs will stay fresher if you don’t wash them until just before you use them. If unwashed, they can actually sit on a counter or shelf in a cool room for several days. They will stay MUCH fresher if unwashed and stored in the fridge…. several weeks.
Good morning Villagers…..
Dang it feels good to be back.
Hello Miss Charlotte and Smigz…and a big ooohrah to you Llee on your paintings. I draw stick figures 🙂
GM Old Bear!!!
Seems I ‘screwed’ up my laptop…Ian has no idea what I did, but some how there were some 50k errors….he fixed it except to my clock doesn’t show in the bottom right task bar.
Ian was raking some rocks (Dad decorated the front yard with rocks, lava rocks, and timber. I want green grass.) Any hoo, Ian stepped back and tripped on a rock and sprained his ankle. It looked like a goose egg. Now I have two handicapped men on my hands.
And speaking of eggs, David is absolutely right Ghost. DO NOT RINSE eggs off. There is a thin membrane that acts as a barrier from bacteria and such. People in Europe actually do not put their eggs in the ‘fridge. I would just bring them home and shove ’em ‘fridge and have been known to use eggs that are two months old. Of course the ones you buy at store need to be refrigerated. Check out the first one on top row:
Oh, and I now have four mater plants….two are the small, bite size ones.
I have a graduation party to attend to tonight. Remember Evan from the hen house? He called me and personally invited me to his graduation party. Don’t know if I’ll go though. There will be food though 🙂 I wonder how much weight I’ve put on. My Levi’s are getting pretty snug on me. The waist seems to be the only thing that is getting ’rounder’…maybe if I stood on my head after I eat, it’ll settle…..you get the idea.
ya’ll have a blessed day. and ‘Lest we forget’
and we worry about one life 🙂
In case anyone asks why one does not watch TV:
My, how they’ve grown. [If nobody’s there when you look, worry not. They now spend lots of time off camera to the L. Peace,