Well, we griped about the cold all winter; can we gripe about the heat yet? It’s been a hot summer where I live, or it would be except it isn’t summer yet. The temperatures haven’t been so extreme, but the humidity has been stifling. I’ve been busy with a lot of outdoor projects this month, and on some days work simply is impossible for several hours past noon. I’ve almost been bear-caught on several occasions. Well, now is the time for all of you who endured all that snow and ice to put away those sun-belt real estate brochures and relax outside.

No, the other left
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
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179 responses to “No, the other left”
Ghost honey, if you’re going to play the Zombies, don’t forget this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pX0yBJ5z8A For those of you who don’t know, the film clip is from an Outer Limits episode that starred David McCallum and Jill Haworth.
I love any of Bill Cosby’s comedy pieces, but I think my favorite is Chocolate Cake For Breakfast. Truly a gem!
My favorite Paul Newman movie? oh boy…Butch Cassidy, Nobody’s Fool, The Drowning Pool, and for reasons that have nothing to do with how good the movie is, “The Silver Chalice”. When that movie was to be shown on tv in the 60s, Paul took out an ad in the Hollyweird papers asking people to please NOT watch it, as it was “the worst motion picture produced during the 1950s”. How many actors do you know who would do that? 😉
But Ghost honey, islands DO float! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/emeril-lagasse/floating-islands-recipe.html
Ghost, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_island
Speaking of islands and blondes, when I heard Dolly Parton’s song Islands in the Stream, all that went through my mind was an image of Ms. Parton floating on her back in a river.
Thanks, Jean dear. Definitely the best of The Zombies. And I loved the clip. (Jill Haworth was bit of a dish, wasn’t she?)
I would hope the “Floating Islands” dish is good, ’cause it sure looks labor intensive.
And Dolly would definitely float. 😉
Don’t forget Cosby’s tale of getting the tonsils out. “Ice Cream!!!”
I haven’t tried Emeril’s Floating Islands because a step in the instructions confuses me. First you make the meringues, then cover and refrigerate them for no longer than one hour. Then you make the custard-using the milk the meringues were poached in-and refrigerate it for FOUR hours. That’s three hours longer than the meringues will keep. How is this explained? Anyway, I’d just as soon have my meringue on top of a good lemon pie. 😉
Floating islands are popular in NZ where apparently it is not as hot and humid as Houston, TX. I made these ONCE with a friend for a big “progressive dinner” where we were the dessert part of the progress. We even put wings and necks on ours to make swan shapes out of them.
What we didn’t allow was for the humidity and them sitting and by the time all the diners made it to our end the meringues had softened. People started picking them up and the filling went all over their suits and cocktail dresses!
These are called something else in NZ and I am too tired to think what. It was hot and humid in Louisiana and miserable and my allergies were awful. Long, fast, tiring trip.
My first heat complaint in print, not first verbal!
Love, Jackie Monies
Yay for meringue on top of lemon icebox pie! Forget that Cool Whip, Kool Whiff, whatever-it-is stuff.
Welcome back, Jackie.
Meringue can also be baked, but I wouldn’t.
Trapper, I have to tell my idiot blondes and Paul Newman story. He made “Drowning Pool” in New Orleans and they were shooting down on street outside the Federal Building. My boss and I and best buddy, all high “officials” decided to sneak out to see him.
We are walking right down empty sidewalk and across street, me yelling “Take off your sunglasses Paul, we want to see your blue eyes!”
And this director comes on a bull horn yelling, “Will you dumb stupid blondes get out of the street! You just ruined the entire shoot!”
Love, Jackie Monies
Welcome back, Jackie! I’m glad you are all right, just absent for a couple of days. Debbe, you are a genius … I failed to put two and two together, that Jackie would be gone for her aunt’s funeral … but you remembered. Thank you. (I hope the turtles are okay after their adventure with the teenager?)
I wonder if they made a “bloopers reel” for that movie. If so, that had to be in it.
They used to film a lot in New Orleans, guess they still do. I was sitting in front of my house in French Quarter when a man jumped on moving car, broke out windshield with his fists, pulled drivers head through broken glass, blood going everywhere, car careens past us and into the iron fence across street.
Man on hood is screaming “Give me my child back!”
We are looking for the camera crew. It was a child that had been snatched from street and no movie.
It wasn’t long after that when I decided to move Uptown to the Garden District that I thought was safer. Ha! Police chase team went through my back yard first week I lived there.
Love, Jackie Monies
Galligio, our Sail Oklahoma Boating Festival is on Lake Eufaula, OK over Columbus Day weekend every year. Mark found right group sit on Yahoo, which has apparently redesigned us while I was out of town at my aunt’s funeral.
It is open to attendance by any one from anywhere, with or without a boat and is a lot of fun. Very laid back, this year it falls October 8-13. You can attend one day, all days, no charge to come. It is totally unlike a formal regatta or boat show but if you read me here you’d know that!
We give nice prizes for instance in the “show” but our judges include two children, a dog and the guest celebrities, on theory dogs and children are hard to fool.
We hold races too and this year our racing markers will be large inflated yellow duckies. You can tell our yacht committee members because they get to wear yellow ducky caps.
But we have some beautiful boats and famous boat designers who come and take part in this, so it is fun and serious at once.
Love, Jackie Monies
Remember, Loon, when the space aliens get here, they’ll eat the skinny blondes first.
Just went back and read all the comments on this one, the bird bath retro. This blog is EXACTLY like Cheers bar. I just tried to explain to my 93 year old mother how it gave me an opportunity to meet interesting, intelligent people I would actually like to converse with. I learn something every day here.
Let’s just say there aren’t any social groups I can think of I’d survive in available locally. My boating guys come once a year and yeah, they are my watery friends and a diverse and funny, intelligent group. But on a daily basis?
This is like a book-movie-art-wine-gourmet foods-gardening-comics-animal rescue-government- spy-travel-general nuttiness club all rolled into one. (I know I left out some)
But I’m glad to know all of you.
Love, Jackie Monies
sideburns, always eat the prime cuts first; don’t want them to spoil. 😉
I’m sure I can speak for most (all?) here when I say that is mutual, Jackie.
Some time back, someone commented that Jimmy should really be proud of the quality of his fan base as represented here. I agreed with that then, and I still do today. Despite our shared love for cartoons, this blog seems to have a remarkable lack of “loony tunes”.
Boy! Have I ever seen some of those on other forums! We would threaten them with frozen fish and oars alongside the head. We’d say they didn’t have all their oars in water or they were two sheets to the wind sometimes.
Love, Jackie Monies
John in Richmond Texas – I am familiar with the chicken heart story, not from Bill Cosby, but Stephen King. He wrote a book “Danse Macabre” back in the eighties discussing the horror genre from 1950 – 1980: why people like horror, its impact on society, and what it tells us about the fears and customs of the times. However, he also made a brief “detour” to discus the history of the genre. Nifty reading if you like that stuff. (He also decribes a radio show called “The Adventures of Chickenman,” a radio comedy program where the the intrepid hero has all the luck of Wiley E. Coyote.)
I loved Bill Cosby as a kid. From dad’s collection of stand-up routine records, to Picture Page, Cosby Show, and the Jell-o ads, his voice is to my childhood as Morgan Freeman’s is to so many movies.
John, Ghost, and Mindy from Indy, here you are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_OD_jUnYNM
Every day I look forward to reading the stories and opinions you guys have posted on this site. Always something interesting and unexpected. Sometimes it’s silly, sometimes it’s serious.
Lilyblack has been absent for several days. I hope she is all right. She has such an interesting point of view.
Jackie, love the Paul & the Blondes story! That sounds like something I would have done. 😉
Great news for me. I finally got up to Tulsa to hospital and found Mike disconnected from all tubes, from all orifices and breathing and functioning on his own, except he can’t walk of course. Minor detail. He can stand up and sit in chair. I was delighted to see that.
Monday he gets to go to rehab facility to work on walking and speech therapy and general muscle rehab I guess. He is still on the “thickening goop” they mix in his food and drink to keep it out of lung I think. So, no “real food” yet.
I am going to go sleep in my own bed tonight with three cats and a small dog. Oh well, I used to sleep with three dogs that ranged from 150# down to 60# and that left little bed! And a few stray cats.
Love, Jackie Monies
Great news indeed, Jackie. God bless.
And yes, the goop is decrease the chance of aspiration when swallowing. Kind of yucky but necessary.