The above classic A&J comic strip was based on a true story. So where do I get my ideas? Rhymes with “woes.” In all fairness, machine oil is one of those items that is so common it can hide in plain sight, like toothpicks in a grocery store.

Oil Can Harried
By Jimmy Johnson
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199 responses to “Oil Can Harried”
Jimmy, I found your problem. Rhymes with woes doesn’t call it machine oil. Look under lubricants on their website.
Guys, we are about as conservative as you get. The closest I have ever been to a drug was someone else’s smoke. We moved to this lake to have big water. Until recently this area was so poverty stricken it was hard to find a paved road. Even when they put in upscale houses the owners had to drive past junk car lots and cock fighting farms on gravel roads in their Lexus’.
But somewhere along the way I realized that my right to do what we wanted, which was to build boats and garden, have animals and no one from the home owners association sending letters because we had a travel trailer parked in front of the house, well, that also gave the rest of the people the right to do what they wanted. Maybe I agreed, maybe I didn’t, but it was their right as well.
So, yeah, people around here don’t want much control, whether for right or wrong.
Love, Jackie Monies
Well, what with GPS and Google Earth, it’s pretty hard to have a hideout any more. The local cops have a huge large-scale map of the county and adjoining areas in their computer. Last armed robbery we had here, a few years back. they just noted what road the robbers escaped on and called the next town, which set up a road block and caught them. The poor old people who owned the bait shop they robbed were so freaked they closed down.
Bucolic Texas. I remember it well, living there for 27 years.
As a friend of mine said about Oklahoma, “Well, Texas might have done more with it if they’d kept it.”
Love, Jackie Monies
Good evening Villagers…
David, you posted the other day about caregivers….I’d like to ‘refresh’ that quote, as it came from the heart and had meaning to me…..
on 05 Jun 2014 at 6:53 pm #
Jackie, I’d like to be able to say something that would help lessen the load you bear with your husband’s illness. I don’t know if I can, though. My wife is a hero, dealing with both my chronic kidney failure and my more recent, acute, injury that put me in a wheelchair. Speaking as the person that needs care, the care-giver makes all the difference. Having someone there, to help share the load and the emotional burden that chronic and potentially fatal disease impose makes an unbearable condition at least tolerable. From me, for your husband, thank you.
Thank you….
You basically just made my point, Lily, but I was going to say that I understand peoples’ desire for privacy, Jackie. I share that desire. I just wonder how many realize how little of it is left with the advent of the InterWebNet.
Without comment, I’ll note that Dan Jenkins also wrote a novel named “Baja Oklahoma”.
AND Jackie…..I am my hens’ caregivers……cockle doodle doo, you are to be greatly admired for all that you have vested in….moderator, your mother (and your aunt, is longevity a trait on your maternal side?)
And Jackie…I only reposted David’s post, because it has given me a good feeling about myself, …been there with my mother…thank the good Lord, she is still with me.
Now, on topic….I hate ants… husband seems to have ‘terminated” them…even with corn meal…read that somewhere.
Ghost: I have read Baja Oklahoma; it is hilarious. Just not as good as “Semi-Tough”
Thank you David and Debbe. All afternoon I have been asking if I did belong here? I am what I am without pretense. I have been blessed/cursed with an interesting life. Some very good, some very bad. No one will ever select me to be on a jury!
I unfortunately have a lot of time on my hands nowadays, either doing what I do listening for my husband and offering help or baby sitting the grandbaby or my mom. I love people and miss communicating and being around them.
I LOVE Dan Jenkins, Ghost. By the way, the funniest Oklahoma book is “Now Opening, the Honk and Holler Café”.
You see Lily, I am not offended by those who are missing teeth or dress inappropriate to your sensitivities. You dream of being a street person but I actually know and have been friends with those people. They are people like us and we are no better than they. But if you are the Christian you say, then you know that.
Love, Jackie Monies
I have been and still am one of those whom you speak of Jackie…
Hey Sandcalster…….how’s those 40 winks?
Sweet dreams GR 😉
Yous belongs, Jackie….
goodnight my friend……………………..
Jackie, I don’t judge them or be rude to them. I just don;t like looking at them 😛
Debbe, thank you too. Not for Cogburn or the other rooster, but for the time, energy, and love it takes for your mother. 🙂
I have to agree with;
Bonnie from Gloucester MA, Dave in MA and Rufus.
Please include me in any of your future posts (if any)…sounds like we may have similar views.
I’ve found myself in the position of earning about $50 a month too much at my part-time job. Rather than lose Medicaid for the wife and child and sign up for an inferior insurance (costs much more than $50 a month and covers nothing until a huge deductible occurs) for them which the government offers on an infamous website that’s easily hacked… it’s time to cut back on hours!
Those of you who seem to think the Village should be a cold, sterile, and regimented place, I don’t think that’s going to happen. Too many warm, vital, and free spirited people here.
Now I am back wondering what is wrong with me/us?
Debbe, I come from a long line of long lived women who did hard physical work and seemed to subscribe to Old Testament values, but with a strong streak of independence and strong will. I was raised by such a grandmother and I was a great tribulation and trial to her Christian ethics. But she instilled in me the ones that really count for something in a person.
And that is what matters in life. I may have to come visit my third chicken farming friend when I come to Indiana next trip. You would have liked the other two, especially the one who was free range.
Love, Jackie Monies
Hi ya Debbe. Was out this evening with an old associate who is in town. Dinner, drinks, and catching up. The sleep should come easy tonight.
See that lubricant is still being smeared on the Village Squeaks. The Squeaks are a larger clan than I realized. Shame Sheriff Taylor passed over, he always kept the Squeaks and the Darlings inline.
Arlo should have asked for 3-in-1 oil.
We have a Rufus here? Rufus is a family name on the North Carolina side of family, passed down for generations and generations. Unfortunately during the 1950-60’s in the south it was also an insult to call someone that. I hope the Rufus here considers it a valued inheritance from a long ago ancestor and is proud of the name. My father was named Rufus and it took me awhile to find out why within last few years.
Love, Jackie Monies
I’ve only been speaking up here for a short time now, but before that spent a while lurking (and did read all posts), and in all that time I really didn’t observe what I’d call direct attacks, not that I’m doubting they could have occurred before.
But I have noticed the tendency of a small group to mainly respond to each other, which may make them come across as uninterested in others’ contributions. So that point of observation by several of the early posters on this thread (Bonnie, Rufus, Bill..) may have some validity.
In any forum, ignoring posts by all except your good buddies could make some folks feel unwelcome or fifth wheel-ish. And I suppose some could get offended by that dynamic. But I see that as more a passive than active thing.
As far as thread sway, that’s just how life rolls; or as the Robert Frost poem says, “knowing how way leads on to way.”
As someone else noted, you’d never go to a party requiring that everyone discuss one topic only. 🙂
My favorite ant story. In the 1960’s as fire ants marched every north the U.S. Dept. Agriculture hired college students to walk through pastures and spray them. One of my friends got into a big pile of them and was being badly bitten. He did the only thing he could think to do and leapt into the nearest body of water.
Which was VERY deep and he was still weighted down with the sprayer full of ant killer.
He got out, the sprayer didn’t and he lost/quit his job fast.
Don’t mess with fire ants, they are stronger than we are.
Love, Jackie Monies
Our family tree has a few unusual (today) names: Etsel, Freeda, Crock, Opal, and Angus. Those were all first names.