The above classic A&J comic strip was based on a true story. So where do I get my ideas? Rhymes with “woes.” In all fairness, machine oil is one of those items that is so common it can hide in plain sight, like toothpicks in a grocery store.

Oil Can Harried
By Jimmy Johnson
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199 responses to “Oil Can Harried”
I left out my favorite grandma’s name: Alpha.
Ron, we had an Edsel, Ezel, Frelson, Elsie Belle, Buelah Mae, Corinthian, Cicero, Tecumseh (she was called Cumi) an Alabama, Wayland and those were just recent generations.
Alabama was a female too. Why did they give women state’s names? My family liked Indian names, Greek and Roman and classical writers and celebrities. We have a Charles Lindberg and a lot of presidential names too.
Southern names. We use double names still but not as much. My generation you were still called by both names, all run together.
Ooops, I forgot the Frosts, the Ivorys and the Oranges. Those were all mens names and most of them fought in Civil War but names went on to modern times. All first names.
Love, Jackie Monies
Lily, if you’re still not sure what pokies are by now, you must have been scrolling past my comments. Don’t make me have to post a link to a picture. 🙂
Della, I respond to every post that mentions my name. I think I have said that wallflowers at any party just have themselves to blame. At any party, whether I know anybody or not, I march myself out there and circulate and if anybody gives me a friendly look, I stick my hand out and say, “Hi, I’m Lily”
Ghost, maybe JJ will do it for you with a retro comic?
Wasn’t the female in #9 Chickweed Lane pretty risqué today? Or I guess that would take imagination to see the “backside” in that one?
So as not to leave anyone out, that was addressed to the entire Village who reads that one.
I am waiting for the full Monty when the German officer either gets shot or runs away. Will that be breaking new ground?
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, I don’t know about anybody else, but I laughed like a fool when I read today’s “9CWL” 😀
Thanks so much for the link for Steve Canyon, Mark in TTown. Now if you’d just do something about getting me the money for them…. $50 a pop. Hmmm.
Regarding getting stuff for projects… If you have a branch of Habitat for Humanity in your area, look to see if they have a ReStore, a “nonprofit home improvement store and donation center that sells new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials, and appliances to the public at a fraction of the retail price.” They don’t always have everything you might want, but what they do have is going to be a bargain. The proceeds go to support their mission.
Jackie, offhand I can think of at least three A&J comics that featured pokies; however, none of them used that term, and only once was one of the little dickenses actually visible.
I would comment on the 9CL cartoon of 6-9-14, but I think we can all agree that it speaks for itself.
Good morning Villagers…
On topic…comic strips….I remember most of the older ones mentioned above, and looked forward to the Sunday comics with great anticipation… of my favorites was “The Family Circus”….I think by Bill O’Keefe….I’m not sure, but I think he is no longer with us.
Jackie…you can come to my Chicken Run anytime…..
Slept really good last night…..and I bet you did too Sandcaster 🙂
Yeah, I’m guilty…..
GR 😉
ya’ll have a blessed day
RE: today’s real time….as I’ve said before, if I had to leave this house….three things go with me: my Bible, my photos, and my music.
Nothing can replace one’s real photos….the pleasure of holding a treasured pic in one’s hands is soon to be a by gone in today’s generation. And that is sad….can’t stand to look at a pic on a I Pad, cell phone, or even one of those digital cameras….too sad.
….and you are welcomed, David.
Ah yes – real photographs – I have always been the “picture taker” in my family and I have shelves of photo albums to prove it! The albums seem to be multiplying exponentially now that I have 7 grandchildren with another on the way. When I was little, the family photograph album was a single volume, with precious and rare photos of my parents and a few other family members, usually taken by real photographers because cameras were not an affordable option when they were growing up. My parents treasured their pictures and my mother was careful to go through them and divide them up among her children before she passed away. Most people, including my children, do not print out their photos, so today’s A&J really spoke to me. I will continue to print my photos; my older grandchildren enjoy looking through them when they visit, seeing their mothers as children, and themselves as babies, and it’s all worth it! 😉
Bil (one “l”) Keene. His brother used to live down the street from my in-laws- that’s the closest personal connection I have to a comic strip writer.
Jackie: Your story reminds me of the scene in Tommy Boy:
Bees! Bees in the car! Bees everywhere! God, they’re huge and they’re sting crazy! They’re ripping my flesh off! Run away, your firearms are useless against them! ….
As I have mentioned many times, my wife is a Christian Romance writer. One of her coolest phrases was “she was having a CD skip moment” That describes those times when we suddenly veer off subject, sometimes in the middle of a sentence. That kind of describes us here at A&
One of the things an IT guy told me years ago was that while you can back up your photos everywhere and in every manner, it is best to print it out if you really want to keep it. One of the great advantages of digital photography is that I am not afraid to take a picture for fear of the cost of developing the pictures. The other is that I can share the pictures with family and friends more easily as well.
When my Dad died, we had all of the pictures and 7 kids to split them up with. I suggested scanning all of the pictures and giving each other a CD. It took a full day (filled with laughter and tears with my siblings) but we did it. Maybe invite the kids over for a scanning party or if that isn’t feasible, hire the neighborhood teenager to come over and scan them for you.
Morning all. Debbe tells me we both slept good. Guess we did but, I am tired this AM.
Thanks Debbe 😉
All I recall from those hours of swing set assembly was an aching back.
And don’t forget to note who is in the photo (and when /where if possible). Sometimes even first AND last name, or relationship….the young ones don’t know the folks now. One day they’ll want to know the stories or start tracing family trees. 🙂
Jackie, I went to college with a girl named Cumi. She pronounced it Cyou-my, and I don’t know if it was short for anything. I’ve always wondered where her parents got the name. She wasn’t in my particular circle of friends, so I never asked.
I do like to wander around our local Homely dePot because it’s quite small for a “big box” store, and I know several people who work there.
For those who like to read A&J but have no patience with the comments we Villagers make, that’s okay. You’re just tourists here. May you be blessed elsewhere.
In Moderation; trying to Fargone fathom why….
I Symply have an original JJ with pokies; I believe you have Fargone seen it too!
a certain member of the triad requests that I ask you to send me your email so she can get in touch with you…you can reach me at if you so desire or you can plead a Mindy (see urban dictionary for those lost in the weeds) and never get back…. lol
AH ha Symply do not put an email address with a link or two links or two email adresses the filter burps on any two or more html addresses!
I have several, to me, priceless photos…portraits of my grandparents; my parents three months before I was born; and my late sister; even one of my Mom when she was four years old, standing beside her grandmother. All have been scanned, printed and framed for display, with the originals kept in a safe and secure place.
Sounds like a typical trip to a big box hardware, building supply, garden etc. store…