It’s four months until “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so I thought it might be a good time for this oldie from ten years ago this spring. I’m back at my desk and easing into the routine again. I’m going to look around and see if I can’t find something different to show you in the next few days. I figure I owe it to you. Meanwhile, at least the doors are open! Come on in.

Personal Touché
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
242 responses to “Personal Touché”
Mark in TTown our big scorer in the Way Bac Store game with six points.Way to go Mark!
Here’s a funny PSA about selfie sticks:
Selfie stick users are getting younger,
Debbe, I’m trying to gain weight too, which isn’t easy as I’m Type II and can’t take the obvious route. If you want something more filling than a PB&J, try replacing the J with bacon. Regular, turkey or beef, although the last is a tad hard to find sometimes.
For another take on the Tooth Fairy and on Christmas, for that matter, read The Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett. Two of the main characters are Death, and his granddaughter Susan.
Here’s a good educational video for hands-only CPR. I still shudder when I wonder who did the “kiss of life” during my CPR?
Forgot the link!
Airliners have become the Greyhound buses of the 21st century. Except much more expensive and inconvenient to board.
“What exactly does the tooth fairy DO with her purchases? Are they currency in her realm, maybe? Or fuel for strange fairy power plants?” – Marko Kloos
I like Debbe’s take better.
1. I don’t believe in the tooth fairy.
2. TR, never shudder, be grateful for an angel who gave you life.
3. GR6, Continental Trailways (another flashback moment), be like Loon and fly first class (yes, she comes with a high maintenance plan).
Am I the only one who thinks the word “milk” ought apply only to the lacteal fluid produced by female mammals?
IMHO, other usages imply, falsely, that almonds or coconut meat or whatever provide the same nutrition as real milk. There are some people who believe such is true…and that cannot be helpful if one is planning a diet. Now, if those dieters know what is really in so-called “milks” and plan accordingly, no damage occurs. It’s just those who go by the word “milk” who may be misled.
Diet: a planned intake of food & drink for any specific purpose, not limited to weight loss.
I know we had Grant’s, Woolworth, and T, G, & Y here (I still have some spools of thread from the last-named store). We might have had a Western Auto. Had Topps (always smelled like rancid donut grease) and Federal’s, too. I bought my first paid-for-with-my-own-earnings coat at Federal’s.
Denies, difference between females and males. First job money goes for clothes versus hand tools. I still have the OT&S “Husky” tools in the garage, fifty plus years later.
Denise not denies, spell checker strikes again.
Hogfather would be a good introduction to Terry Pratchett, someone we have discussed here in the past. The British TV movie version is quite true to the book if you can find it.
One of the many things I like about Pratchett is the way that he took Death, the personification of the end of life, and gradually made him not just a personification, but a person. Not only that, he managed to make him likable.
sandcastler ™, can’t recall what I spent my first pay on. I do know that as much as I could afford after that went for books.
We had T, G, &Y here too.
Sideburns, I’ve read the first two of the Death series so far. And I think what helps in making Him likeable is that Pratchett turned Death from the killer into a collector. Death as an individual who releases the soul from the already-dead body is a better concept for a recurring character. Having just finished Unseen Academicals, I really enjoyed the effects of the possessed coaches whistle. Had a PE coach in Jr. High who sounded a lot like that.
Ruth Anne in Winter Park, here you are:
Parts 2 and 3 are in the column on the right side. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll watch it this weekend.
Mark, I only recall because dad and I were racing souped cars on back county roads, SFAD. Then I ventured into homemade bombs which lead to the Judge introducing me to the Army recruiter, another SFAD.
Denise denies being a clotheshorse, sand. 😉 My first large paid-for-with-my-own-earnings purchase, made at age twelve, was my second guitar. I started babysitting when I was eleven, and I babysat a lot!
Does the first thing bought with an allowance count? If so, it was this for me…
The allowance I’d just started receiving was 25 cents per week and the purchase price (at a Ben Franklin store, no less) was 50 cents. So I had to save up for it.
Many of you will be totally shocked (not!) to learn that I have one of them now, purchased at a Cracker Barrel Old Country Store about two years ago, for $5.00. It’s functionally identical to the one I owned many years ago, and I fly it in an open area behind my dwelling, just as I flew the other one in a vacant lot behind the house in which I was reared. (I don’t suppose I should mention that I also own a Red Ryder BB gun. But I haven’t shot my eye out with it.)
Good memories of good times.
Denis, do you still play? And if so, what genre of guitar music?
OF getting ready right now….
^°^°^°^°^°^ allowance purchased several companies of plastic soldiers, 100 for 99¢ + tax.
Hey now sand, my first “money to blow” went to music. Questionable, 80s pop music, but music nonetheless. I’ve spent maybe $75 on clothes in the past six months (sounds high, actually). I’ve spent at least $500 on lawn/gardening in two months.
Speaking of, I’m going to need a bigger shed…