It’s four months until “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so I thought it might be a good time for this oldie from ten years ago this spring. I’m back at my desk and easing into the routine again. I’m going to look around and see if I can’t find something different to show you in the next few days. I figure I owe it to you. Meanwhile, at least the doors are open! Come on in.

Personal Touché
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
242 responses to “Personal Touché”
Here’s what my saved money from a higher-paid job went for:
My mom was working at Woolco and did not drive. So she bought a car and I helped pay for it. She chose the car. It ran well and I even drove it to Orlando and back a couple of times. My brother and my best friend of the time went to Disney World when I was home on leave from the Navy. Fun times.
I told my boys that the tooth fairy and Easter bunny was what Santa did in the off season. Concerning milk, I drink 0% but I do love egg nog. I haven’t tried the almond milk. What is it? Regular milk with almond flavoring?
I meant, of course, “Denise, do you still play? And if so, what genre of guitar music?”
I really am having problems with the keyboard of my Dell 17R laptop. Vigorously airing it out with “canned air” still helps, but for not as long between episodes of keyboard dyslexia, or keyboard TIA’s, or whatever. Guess I’ll have to hie me down to my local computersmith and have him take a look-see.
Just so I don’t have to get a Windows 8 machine. Although I understand Windows 10 will be along soon. (Wonder what happened to Windows 9? Was it something it said?)
Debbe 😉 Just think, hon…soon you will be five operating systems behind. 🙂
Verbal threats and hand signals are keeping my HP going.
Windows 97
First allowance was not as high as .25
One of the first things I remember buying was a Christmas present for my mother
It was a plastic outhouse for “our” Lionel set. No dummy me.
Not familiar with T,G,&Y
Western Auto, Montgomery Wards, Sears Roebuck & Co (NOT Sears)
Grants, Woolworth, not many national chains.
Later if you had a credit card it was for that store only.
First card I had was for Amoco and was only for that brand gas.
Who remembers counter checks?
Go into any store in town – check blanks were an the counter- write the bank name-
to whom, your name and sign. No account #s.
Go into the bank – hand the teller (you knew by name – still do) your book, they did every thing
1970 had automatic withdrawal on our rent. Landlord and we used the same bank.
And $10.00 got a weeks groceries.
Hey, I can write again. For two days, I’ve been unable to type in this space, and also in my email space. Got a nonprofit email with a ‘contact us’ spot, did that, then realized maybe I could hijack that and send a couple of important messages off, which seems to have worked. Nothing in particular to say, agree with c x-p about misuse of the term milk, still do a quart a day of 0% or equivalent. Do not keep track, but I have to buy a gallon every 4-5 days, also eat lowfat ice cream, NF yogurt, etc. Anyway, I’ve not been hiding, just frustrated. Gotta go see if I can send emails. Played too much solitaire this evening. Addict.
Peace, emb
Oh, and email “stationary themes”? I never bothered with them. Always struck me as a bit effete, not to mention unnecessary.
Someone named Jean should check in to let us know she is OK. Not that I ever worry or anything.
Good morning Villagers…..
And just when I started to get concerned, emb appears….that is good 🙂
GR 😉 I too am somewhat concerned about Jean. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from her.
Didn’t make it to Ben Franklin yesterday. Got out of work about three, at the hen house an auger came out and my packer went down for about an hour. The city was a rat race with the factories getting out around three also. So, I’m going to go into the city today…have to buy cleaning supplies for both hen houses…Dollar General here I come.
I believe the almond milk is just flavored with almond..
I’m praying that old Dell here holds out for a while…I don’t do much surfing, I read my comics, U tube is slowing down, and I’m like emb, I play solitaire too.
Sideburns…I really like jelly and bacon sandwiches. My mom would always eat colby cheese and jelly sandwiches….it is an acquired taste.
Gonna have to look up another one of your fifty dollars words, GR 😉
Ya’ll have a blessed Caaturday
Speaking of fairies, my favorite Norman Rockwell painting:
today’s grin:
would someone care to explain today strip?
Smoke (JJ can’t draw EVERYTHING well) from the grill is effectively keeping the mosquitos away. You may not have those in Michigan. Mosquitos, not grills. Debbe do you get up early even on days that you don’t have to work? I only get up early because the boss lady (Cilla girl) makes me get up and feed her, Elvis and Spunky. Sometimes Spunky sleeps in. Two blueberry muffins, a glass of milk, my morning pills, a few pages of my current reading, Good morning Debbe, and I’m back to finish sleeping. Retirement is tough, but someone has to do it.
Ghost, I’m not surprised it was a plane. I still fly kites. Nothing fancy, just running with a plain old kite on a windy spring day. I play mostly old folk music, and I play terribly. I’m really a lousy, horrible guitar player, but I have fun with it. My guitar lives in its case in the closet these days; we visit occasionally and I curse my lack of calluses and say I should play regularly again.
Where are you, Jean?
Thank goodness emb is just experiencing technical difficulties!
Almond milk is a non-dairy product made from almonds.
Jerry, the “M” in Michigan stands for mosquito. 😉
Denise, as long as you have fun with it, it doesn’t matter how lousy and horrible you are at it. Of course, that doesn’t apply to all endeavors. (Neurosurgery comes to mind.) I loved to fly kites when I was young. It’s on my bucket list to get a good quality one and learn to fly it well.
World’s Worse Kite Joke: A woman, after watching her husband repeatedly fail to launch a kite, observed, “You need more tail.”
“Make up your mind!” he exclaimed. “I told you that last night and you told me to go fly a kite.”
As far as I can find, almond milk is made by grinding up almonds with water. There is no dairy component of any variety.
Debbe 😉 Ref the Rockwell painting, from the expression on the young man’s face, he is discovering that Spring does indeed make things grow.
Almond milk, soy milk, etc were designed as replacements for the real thing for people who can’t tolerate dairy milk. And Gary is right, they are made of the named ingredient plus water, plus other things. As far as I’m concerned, they don’t substitute well in cooking as the flavor of the finished product is not what you expect.
Mindy from Indy, going by today’s strip, JJ is reading your comments. Hope the cops catch your robbers before they get back to your store. Stay safe, everyone and enjoy your time off, if you get any. And thank God for those who defended this country and who this day remembers. The ones who did not come home walking.
The most exotic place that I ever went in my army service was Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I respect those who had the cajones to go fight.
Ghost, I’m going to share that joke!
It was odd in the Army, I found out that when I was sent to Alaska it was considered an overseas assignment. And I drove there no less. I was the only happy camper on the whole base, I had requested it as my overseas choice. It was there or ‘Nam. Too bad I got medivaced out and spent 7 months in the hospital.
Fun facts Saturday.
For a cool $3,000 brides and grooms can ride an APC through the streets of Moscow. Who needs tin cans when you have a .51 caliber machine gun.
A young wife in Riyadh had her brother chauffeur her in hubbies Mercedes while they ran up $80,000 in traffic fines. This took place while hubby was honeymooning with wife number two. A tale of two wives.
Meanwhile in Kiev. Photoshop brings classical art to the modern streets.
Mosquitoes in Michigan? Maybe not as long of a season as it is in Florida, but we have plenty. The term “blood suckers” threw me. I reserve that term for the IRS.
From my experience with north wood mosquitoes, they are four engined and have a 15 gauge snout. While the southern species are single engined, with a 20 gauge probe.
sandcastler(tm), but look at what the Northern versions have on the menu: Grizzlies, moose, elk, bison, wolves, puma, etc. Down here they have to settle for white-tailed deer and the occasional black bear and bobcat. So for the north woods types humans are definitely soft targets. At least the fire ants haven’t made it that far north yet.