Still running! I have to make an early run to the lumberyard this morning, but I wanted to keep things moving here. I’ve toyed with the idea of cloning myself, but I can’t help worry: what if instead of halving my pressures and problems, it doubled them? You know, the inevitable unforeseen consequence that has kept horror stories alive since Mary Shelley.

Running Mate
By Jimmy Johnson
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148 responses to “Running Mate”
Jackie, I think that is a wonderful idea. I’m not on Facebook or any other social media,but I think they all could use a healthy dose of kindness. Definitely beauty.
It’s official: 6 more weeks.
That’s one cute overweight ground squirrel. I think maybe tranquilized. J’ever see a woodchuck’s front teeth?
At least, Punxsutawney Phil’s appearance was apparently not fatal to him…unlike what happened in NYC three years ago.
BTW, cable channel AMC will play “Groundhog Day” as a movie marathon from 9:00 AM ET today until 5:00 AM tomorrow.
I love Groundhog Day. My favorite movie about kindness, love and self renewal. That is a very deep. Dark comedy and Bill Murray’s finest performance in my opinion.
Ghost are you angry with me? You said nothing about Black Jack. Who is safely out in boat shop, now horse stable.
Dickens and I must get up now. I have an appointment in Tulsa to see my beautiful blonde dermatologist for shin inspections. She is married to orthopedist in my python group I think. Or else cardiologist in that group. She married well.
My friends love Jack but are mainly concerned about his ability to tow. I am not.
Today’s strip. Dead on.
Jackie, I have been coding medical charts since 2002 but I have never yet heard of a medical python group. Could you explain that for me please?
Mark I have NO idea! On way to Tulsa and it is COLD out there! Wish I had put socks and boots on but running late. I am freezing. In the Honda not Jack.
Michigan’s own prognosticating groundhog, Woody, saw her shadow this morning. Six more weeks of winter to go. I’m going to seed the spinach in the garden as early as I can this year. Really. I mean that. Uh-huh. Right.
The squirrels are full of mating fervor. Two got into the garage this morning and were crashing around in there. I chased them out…now it sounds like they’re on the roof.
Jackie, I keep forgetting to bring this up. You mentioned lime when planting potatoes. What does the lime do for taties? I’ve never planted them.
No, no, Jackie. I’m not angry at all. It’s just been a tough week so far but hopefully will start getting better now.
I did see the photo of you and Black Jack. It’s everything I thought it would be. In the same way that Bullet is “me”, Black Jack is “you”.
I don’t think we even got into that Black Jack, the cavalry horse, was undoubtedly named for General of the Armies John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing, who was the commander of the American Expeditionary Force on the European Western Front in World War I.
Well, it is the 21st Century, you know.
Something like this, suitably developed, would have greatly helped my late friend, as she had mobility and balance problems in her last years.
Lime reduces acidity. I had a lot of shade in my back yard and a lot of dead leaves and I put lime down to improve the lawn. It was a never ending battle and if I didn’t put the lime down green moss would grow. So I figured “It’s green” and let it be.
Thank you Ghost. I must confess I have same issues when you disappear as does Dickens when I get out of the car. He thinks I am never coming back. Wonder why?
Am at dermatologist office. Here is truck some of my friends think I should get, another Ford. They say they can see me driving this too.
Oh, thanks a lot, Jackie. Now I want one of those trucks. 🙁
Blast from the Past: In January of the year I was in the second grade, our class did the monthly play for our elementary school. The play was about the important dates coming up in February including, of course, Groundhog Day.
I played the part of the Groundhog. I walked out on the stage in pajamas and robe, yawning, stretching, and rubbing my eyes. About halfway across, I stopped; looked down and saw my shadow; and turned and ran back off stage. It was adorable.
At least that’s what my mom told me.
Mark, Very timely video. Apparently no one got the remark about Jeffrey Lord. He is a puppet for the chump, hence the small hands joke.
“I bet you were a beautiful baby, I bet you were a beautiful child.” Slightly changed lyrics.
Got clearance from beautiful dermatologist. I LIKE her. She wants me to file against insurance company over Trigger. Gave me Earnest request .She said I should do it if it would help others then law suits were appropriste.
So I told her about me. She hopes I will.
Going to eat some salmon. I have to come back to get one growth removed. Nothing urgent.
Ghost we could buy shares in the Black Ops truck. Told my lawyer guardian, he said the truck was me and so was the black Mustang
I think we were in the same play together in different cities. My mom would not have said that I was adorable, but that it was type casting…. She would then laugh, but I would enjoy laughing with her. I miss her.
We didn’t know what ground hogs were in Mississippi Delta. We did know about pretty girls who married rich plantation owners so we had a Tom Thumb Wedding.
I was bride , my groom was grandson and heir to largest land holdings.
I didn’t grow up to marry him, last I looked he was a bit taller than me but about as wide as I am tall and bald. He did inherit. Grade school plays are hardly predictive.
Jerry, here’s another tune which is really topical:
I’m sick of hearing all the dirty laundry. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but everybody else is entitled not to have to listen to it!
Just had a delectable and marginally healthy lunch dinner breakfast at P.F. Change. Dickens is waiting for his chicken satay in car.
I love Changs shrimp melon. Had chopped salad, cup of sweet and sour for appetizers, a small fresh fruit with shortcake for finishers.
Happy birthday me until next week.