A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Running Mate

By Jimmy Johnson

Still running! I have to make an early run to the lumberyard this morning, but I wanted to keep things moving here. I’ve toyed with the idea of cloning myself, but I can’t help worry: what if instead of halving my pressures and problems, it doubled them? You know, the inevitable unforeseen consequence that has kept horror stories alive since Mary Shelley.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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148 responses to “Running Mate”

  1. domaucan1 Avatar

    Jackie, Blackjack is beautiful!

    Mark, I agree, and:
    I’m not sure who in the Village said this, but I fully agree. Paraphrased: “There are forums for politics and/or religion, this forum,i.e., The Village of Arlo and Janis, is neither.” Until and unless everyone adheres to this unwritten rule, I will no longer comment. I will check daily but will be silent. There has been too much animosity here in the last few weeks over those two topics.

    God bless us every one. God bless the USA.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    It’s a thought, Jackie. I’ve even got a name for it already…Wolverine the Urban Assault Vehicle. No namby-pamby hay-burner name for that bad boy. I’d pity the fool in a Prius or Smart Car that tied to cut us off in traffic.

    And when I was in the Mississippi Delta, folks there knew what “ground hog” was, but they called it “pork sausage”.


    Indeed I concur. I feel many already are dropping out and that makes me sad.
    While I do not think we should advocate for religions nor political issues that does not mean we should not advocate or hold them. The problem lies in what I think motivates, especially religion.

    The need to “witness” lies at root of much religious postings, the need is post an amen, post for prayer, tell people your joy in your brand of religion ask they join you to share it. While I respect yours and others (this is addressed to a hypothetical you) I simply don’t want to hear it. I will not be changed.

    This is how the political issues are as well. We hope we can convince “you” what the “truth” is. Your minds are already made up and you simply do not want to hear it, you will not be changed.

    So, as I post kitty cats, food, Dickens , art, music, cartoons on Facebook so will I here. Back to trivial and funny and food and car porn.

    Right now I need a Diet Coke. Love you all y’all.


    First we”d have to 1) meet in flesh 2) decide who got custodial rights 3) determine who got to be the side kick 4) Dickens claims lap rights (he prefers.men, thinks he is attack dog)

    Minor problems. I do love that truck. That’s a good name.


    About today’s strip, really so true. My meal.at P.F. Changs was like that. I am uncomfortable and stuffed. Fortunately I only have Dickens to worry about and he is asleep in back seat already.

    Does this happen to men? Does any else have Chinese food wear off fast?

    It was funny.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No, none of those four things seem insurmountable.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Personally, I’ve never noticed the fulfillment of one appetite distracting from the fulfillment of the other. But perhaps that’s just me.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I know I’m not the only music-lover here, or even the only one who enjoys finding and learning about new and different styles and performers. I saw P&PHS the other day (moderately tight sweater and very tight jeans, if you are interested, or even you’re not), and for some reason we began discussing our musical tastes and listening preferences. She turned me on to the group Mumford & Sons.

    Wiki describes them as an “English rock band” and a music reporter calls them a “folk rock band”. I’m still working my way though four of their albums on Amazon Music, but from what I’ve heard I’d call their music a rock/folk/country/bluegrass fusion. See what you think.


  9. Jerry iin Fl Avatar
    Jerry iin Fl

    While he was on the phone with the president of Mexico the chump “offered” to send troops into Mexico to clean up the drug gangs. Remember the Alamo! You can’t make this stuff up. It’s Dr. Strangelove again.

  10. Llee Avatar

    Yes, Mumford…is good. I have a couple of their albums. Mail lady brought a Jim Byrnes cd this afternoon. 🙂 And some art supplies. And a Wayne GRatz for when I want just piano music. Life is good!

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “I Will Wait” and “Lover’s Eyes” are two of her favorites. I detect a bit of Celtic influence in the latter one.


  12. The Observer Avatar
    The Observer

    Some people just can’t take a hint, can they? Or won’t.

  13. TruckerRon Avatar

    Actually the mainstream media makes up a lot of stuff; other times they fall for hoaxes. They’ve already retracted the Iraqi refugee’s story that the Trump ban killed his mother by keeping her in Iraq until she died of renal failure… she died 2 days before Trump issued the order.


    What will they get wrong next? Will they retract the story?

    That’s why I no longer will believe any anti-Trump story for at least 72 hours. I’ll check the primary sources when they become available, as I did at the start of this post (“Running Mate”).

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Of course, I’m partial to this one, for some reason. 🙂


  15. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    This is what I posted on Nov. 9th:

    To everyone who has refrained from posting political comments: Thank you.

  16. Jerry iin Fl Avatar
    Jerry iin Fl

    You’re absolutely right. I’m making this stuff up. If you want to know what’s really happening watch RNC, I mean Fox news.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Apparently, there is no end to the versions of this one.


    I’m finished now.

  18. The Observer Avatar
    The Observer

    Carry your soap box elsewhere, sir. Anyone who cares can follow you there.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    At this rate, how long will it before the Village is just a handful of people talking past each other? Please, everyone, take a deep breath and step back.

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    “Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” — attributed to Benjamin Franklin. Still true today.

    Thanks for cluing me in to Mumford & Sons. Y’all are right, it’s a fusion of several of my favorite styles and very well done.

    Ghost, did they know you?


    Well, here is some titillating or not news you can believe. I got hypnotized by the same viral cookies that got Arlo when he bought the ten gallon hat, lederhosen and the elephant.

    Valentines appears to be when they sell lonely women all the semi or not so semi-erotic underwear they can ship out from China where those poor people MUST think we are obsessed, especially larger women. Really obsessed.

    So I who never wore anything very remotely like this now have enough of said merchandise to get a large tax deduction for clothing necessary for ones employment, should I decide to go into business. Of course, that is a totally moot question since I have never considered that since my thirties during the Texas oil boom when older men in the Warwick kept sending me drinks and invitations.

    And I didn’t buy a hope chest then.

    Celtic love songs are beautiful. And I do know who Mumford is.


    We did discuss the word moot here didn’t we?

  23. TruckerRon Avatar

    Yes, Jackie, in Finish Line II. In fact, you commented on it.

  24. emb Avatar

    Have not read any posts since this morning, but ran across this / MPR news.


    Over 4 BYA, when this planet first came together, there was twice as much U238 in our core [half life = 4+BY]. There’s still enough for another BY of this. After you click on photo + text, scroll down to video. Cool, in a manner of speaking.



    Here is something one of my boat designer friends from the west sent me about a famous Black Jack who was a Formula 1 driver from Australia. Black Jack has had much admiration from my friends and has made me smile a lot.

    Jackie… there is another famous Black Jack that has a very specific auto pedigree. World famous Formula One driver from Australia who was the F1 World Champion 1959, ’60 and ’66. He was known on the track as Black Jack Brabham and was an incredibly respected driver with enormous skill and courage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Brabham