It’s Valentine’s Day, 2015, and it falls on a Saturday. You know what that means, don’t you? It means you won’t get into so much as a Burger King without a wait! Be sure to visit today’s A&J for my indirect thoughts on that one. Where do you get your ideas, indeed. Don’t get me wrong. I love a nice outing in a good restaurant, especially in observance of Valentine’s Day; I just make it a point never to go on Valentine’s Day! This allows for a truly romantic dinner in a peaceful atmosphere (at normal prices), plus it serves a secondary purpose if necessary: “Valentine’s Day? Don’t you remember that cozy little place we dined at last August!”

Happy Valentine’s Day!
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Mama cat and two adult kittens are out eating on baker’s rack behind computer. They were looking at me sorrowfully, saying where did the pet sitter go? So, I got their food. They will want the good stuff next, canned, which she gives them.
My wife and I were married on February 14, but for reasons more practical than romantic. In 1976 as in 2015, February 14 fell on a Saturday, and Monday, February 17 was the then newfangled ‘Presidents Day’, which gave us an extra non-vacation day for our honeymoon.
In our humble opinion, Valentine’s Day has devolved into a horrific commercial nightmare of an event; one to be avoided. The marriage is going strong at 39 years, but we do not mention the ‘V Day’ words on our anniversary!
Good morning, Jackie! In answer to your query (I think), no, I’ve never jumped out of a burning RV while wearing pantyhose. Of course, it’s been a long-time tradition for Southern women, particularly African-American ones, to carry things in their bras. The thing most often carried (besides a straight razor) seemed to be money. Putting money in one’s bra came to be known as “making a deposit in the First Natural Bank”.
Do I need to point out that of all the items you listed that have been nestled in your bra at one time or another (I assumed not all of them were there at one time), the one that immediately caught my eye was “human treats”? No, I probably don’t. 😉
Did I send you the Information on the FlashBang Bra?
Debbe 😉 Good to see you finally got a day off, hon. I’ll be a gentleman and not ask the carrying capacity of your bra. 🙂
Thanks to Oleg Volk’s blog, here is a photo of a very well-armed young lady.
GR6 😉
My, you are an inspirational one, aren’t you, Ghost?
So, I am assuming that you may have leapt from a burning RV semi-clothed, just not in panty hose? Or that while in panty hose but not from an RV? Not as brave as Mel Gibson, who tried panty hose and bikini waxing to learn about the feminine experience?
Just finished reading a hilarious report on last year’s Texas 200 End Cancer Duck fleet by a friend of mine who is in his sane moments a theatrical director, set designer and lighting director, so do not tell me the theater arts doesn’t produce heroes and mad men. Comes from a family of mad men and sailors. I am still laughing out loud and crying too, because they each carried Mike on this voyage in the form of a little yellow duck which is in my bedroom on a plaque signed by each of them. It has only been published in one chapter but he sent me entire thing to read early and make me laugh. Need to write him and explain why I can’t come for his NC Outer Banks event, which I would like to do. I will be out in great Pacific Northwest doing outdoors things there.
Have to go finish feeding pets and get dressed to go buy eggs, bread and milk, if nothing else, maybe some light butter and cheese but I doubt Eufaula, OK is into that yet? When I moved here the concept hadn’t arrived yet of salt free, sugar free, light or not frying it all.
Love, Jackie
The sweet young man who sold me my new toy/weapon/defense said I should have it on me at all times because an intruder or assailant would come in back and I’d be in front or vice versa, especially since I had pointed out I had a property that went from street to street and a rambling house/buildings. He said the only time he did not wear his Glock (same one) was at work because he wasn’t allowed to. He said the ammo was what he used too, Ghost, and I needed to buy it elsewhere as they were out.
Ghost: I looked at your well-armed young lady. Very attractive, but I do have one question. If one is wearing an arm on the belt, isn’t that a little high for same-side drawing of same? Seems like it would be more logical, and easier, to draw it cross body, with the handle facing forward. Just wondering…
OF due 1325-1345 CST. emb
Oleg’s model has a nice waste, but won’t let us see her tum button. Shades of the ’40s and ’50s Sears’ and Ward’s catalogs. Tum buttons are cute.
Peace, emb
Jackie, actually I’ve never leaped from anything while wearing pantyhose, but if I ever had, I’d have looked *awesome* doing it. 🙂 And please don’t call your GLOCK a toy…remember, “This is my toy, and this is my gun…”. sand can undoubtedly tell you the rest of that, although the Army had a slightly different version of it. 😉
Your young man at the GLOCK shop gave you some excellent advice about carrying at home, and I had intended to advise you of the same thing. There’s an old saying that the best self-defense weapon is the one you have with you when you need to defend yourself. A Klingon death-ray in your bedside table does you no good if you are in your kitchen or outside in your yard and need it for defensive purposes.
Excellent question, Gal. Cross-draw belt and shoulder holsters are very much available, and in some cases may be the best way to carry a firearm, riding in a vehicle being a good example. Two problems I have are that the draw is a bit slower from a cross-draw holster, and with a target in front of you (which hopefully it will be) , you are transversing the weapon’s muzzle across a lot of real estate before it is actually pointed at the target…including probably your own left hand or arm. Drawing right-handed from the right hip keeps the weapon pointed in the direction of the target throughout the entire draw stroke. A high-riding holster like the one pictured is much easier to conceal, and some forward tilt of the gun butt assists in making a quick draw. But as with guns themselves, everything is a trade-off to some degree.
Also from Oleg’s blog, the “Jackie draw”…
Gal, I did not think it was supposed to actually be functional but representational. My mom always carried her snake gun .22 in a holster at her back and her other revolvers alongside side she shot from in holster. Or in that danged purse when we went to Disney World or funerals. I did mention I used to stick a semi-automatic in my bra on left side when I was younger and gun sales clerk said that could work but keep safety on and urged I take a gun class. My uncle got his hand shot by another idiot cousin (adult) who had loaded gun with safety off in a moving jeep. In fact, since I come from an entire clan of outdoorsmen/hunters I can recite safety violations by the bushels, both good and bad endings.
No one has admitted it but do we have any actual hunters or fishermen among us? I hasten to mention I inherited a fair sized hunting property share but do not hunt.
Saw Birdman with Michael Keaton, very good acting, well made but could have been shorter. Still absorbing all house cleaning activities (as we had cleaning people during the last year of cancer) and certain things will suddenly pop into my head to remember, like Oh yeah, the open inside of hanging light fixtures. .. .. And then I “got all emotional” when the regular pond cleaning guy came and planted a gardenia next to the stream. … … no I don’t think the sandhill cranes go to Nebraska to mate, I think they just go hang out as they travel north and south
Ghost, Ghost, Ghost! Now I am choking from laughing at you and mental visualization. which article I just read about seven top sexual stimulants was far superior if we did it ourselves than actually saw it in a photo or movie. And yes, that was in yahoo news for Valentines article. Beats the dead roses and millions of roses sold by florists ones to heck!
Yes, I am quite certain you probably look far superior to old blue eyed Mel or even Broadway Joe.
To be truthful, so did I in those days. Well, definitely better than either of them. I have some of the clothes in a “hope chest” section of my closet. Same article said women should wear red and drink red, both of which I did. I have that size 8 red silk dress with the slit skirt that goes almost to indecency, so long as I don’t get in or out of cars in it, saved too.
And maybe I laughed a little at the article too but it was unfortunately quite true!
Love, Jackie
John, I think they just hang out too. I have been in Nebraska and seen huge flocks of geese, even swans and other water birds there migrating. Mainly on Platte and North Platte Rivers but we always just meander a lot off the interstates and water of any kind, rivers or lakes were like catnip, so we’d head for them. We were following Lewis and Clark across America on one of our expeditions too, but it didn’t take L and C to get us to waters’ edges. That was idea of our Foot Loose power cruiser, we were going up and down them in a live aboard wooden cruiser, sort of an upscale shanty boat, so we’d be out there with the birds and nature.
Don’t worry about the dirt, dust bunnies or insides of light fixtures unless it makes you happy. Do what makes YOU happy and hang the visitors or family. If it bothers them, then let them do it or help. If not, do what makes John happy.
Sorry, I am a bad influence on people and a great enabler when I have a chance! Do something for you and I doubt cleaning is.
Love, Jackie
If women’s clothes were made with decent pockets, we might not resort to keeping extra things in our bras.
This discussion reminded me of this video that I think has been posted here before but is always good for a laugh –
GR 🙂 the “Jackie draw” was what I had in mind when I queried about her “Glock” out of her bra.
As for mine….. 🙂 heh, do they sale training bras with underwire??????
Ruth….oh my gosh….I loved it..had tears in my eyes from laughing…thank you babe.
“waist,” dammit! Speelczech, of course, saw nothing wrong with “waste”.
OF due 1457-1517 CST.
Peace, emb
P.S. There’s a lone couple on one of the OF benches. Must not have the prediction available. Likely they will give up. Sad.
Ruth Anne, I am crying too from laughter! That is the funniest thing I have seen in I don’t know how long. Loved it. That is me, my God, that IS me!
I used to do that Ghost, seriously with the gun, and no one noticed it. Flesh is soft and indents.
And I was often wearing a loose coat (not for same reason as those in an “Art Theater”) but mostly I just would not get out of an auto and go into anywhere that required me to encounter strange men, like a public place.
Woman had a great face, beautiful too.
Forgot to mention the same article said that Diet Coke in particular was not only bad for you but caused loss of libido worse than anything except maybe gin and tonic. Ghost, you did not pass this on and yet you were once a bartender, so I bet you knew it. Did mention ginseng tea with honey and cinnamon, along with roast beef dinner aroma. I knew about pumpkin and apple pies.
Said it was artificial sweetners and since that is about only thing I consume with that, I might fight my addiction harder.
Obviously .007 did not know about the gin. That is what is in a martini, right?
Hadn’t heard that about the alleged Diet Coke/loss of libido relationship. Perhaps I need to do some field tests? Wonder if I could get a Gubermint grant for that? 😉
I know from experience what effect gin has on my libido…and loss ain’t it.
The term “training bra” was always a bit of a puzzler to me. Exactly what are they being trained to do?
Cross draw is a real disadvantage for you in close quarter combat and makes it easier for your assaultant to gain control of it. Like GR6 said, everything is a trade off. One issue with any firearm; how will you react when danger presents itself.