Water, in all its forms, is interesting to depict. Owing to its reflective nature, it often is best represented by negative space. A lake can be understood simply by drawing a line of trees on the far shore. Snow, as on the coats in the last panel, is “drawn” with the mere absence of dark. But to me the more interesting thing about this cartoon from two years ago is the tracks in the snow. Arlo and Janis always walk single file, as they do above in Panel 4, because it’s conducive to dialog and to the camera’s point of view—at least I think so. It’s the same reason people on TV so often sit on the same side of the breakfast table (as do Arlo and Janis, now that I think of it). Anyway, the tracks in the snow were left by two people walking side by side, and for much the same reason they walk single file. Side-by-side tracks better fit the format of visual storytelling. Artistic license! Don’t sit down without it.

Snow Fun
By Jimmy Johnson
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228 responses to “Snow Fun”
Jackie, that struck me speechless (for a time at least, congrats), well shared. It did cause me to look at my words a third time, before posting.
Apologies to others, not involved.
I have reconsidered a point. Concerning an earlier post [21Jan2017 7:48a CST], again a round-about shot facing someone else instead of addressing me. I’ve waited to see if I could keep the promise I had made. I cannot.
emb, I truly tried. But I cannot let it pass. Legion has meaning. I believe you are well aware.
In this context, that is the *absolute* worst insult I have ever received, and I have worked alongside many salty men. In all my years I have never been called a demonic plague. It is inexcusable. Repeat that, inexcusable.
This blog is published, as in public. I now demand a full retraction, no weaseling about being misunderstood. And use my handle when you do it. This is a direct challenge. If I held a glove, you would feel it. I will not drop this, to the point of being barred.
Suicide is hard for most to deal with. Those who would speak for God do so at their own peril.
As chaplains at a mental hospital, we all too often have to deal with suicide and its effects on the other patients, the staff, and the families involved. A few years ago one of the most effective and popular workers at the hospital chose to make a one-way walk into the West Desert of Utah…
The point for us is that no one knows in full the burdens others are carrying. We cannot see the unshed tears as they hide their pain. We cannot comprehend how they are thinking, what they are feeling. We can only see the results when they reach their breaking points. That’s why we chaplains leave all judging up to the Creator. We focus on helping those left behind to find peace.
Ms. Charlotte, I like you from what I have read here and on FB. But in this case, you have overstepped the bounds. Please reconsider what you said and calm down. Morphy is as valuable to this site as all the rest of you.
And in any case, it is not your place to be ordering us about here. We might act like children sometimes, but we are not your children to banish or punish. If it were possible to punish those here, some of us should have been spanked and sent to bed without dinner.
Morphy did nothing wrong, and emb’s quotation was not appropriate for the situation. His following comments were unnecessary and in this case, probably hurtful. Whether intentional or not, he was quite thoughtless.
Morphy, this is a good rule to follow in cases like this: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+2%3A23&version=NIV
Mark, I appreciate the suggestion, and will rest on it. Thank you.
I am sorry thisis so late, just checked in after a few days. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope we can meet in person some day and talk airplanes.
Trucker, good florists are a tiny bit like counselorso for we often deal with people at some of their most stressed times. I have lost track of how many suicides I have helped bury far too many, many of whom were children. One month there were twelve from one large high school alone. Once it was a lonely tween who hung out at my flower shop because we were kind to her. We would have tried to stop her had we known.
But I remember the first one, a teenager from our little community of NASA. I heard the story from his mother much later. His coffin had been shoved in a hallway in the mortuary with equipment and boxes. Not knowing what to do I placed the flowers at his feet on the floor.
His mother came to view his body and she said it was dark, all flowers were dark and sad but the golden basket at his feet was hit by the light from the door and glowed brightly. She told me it was like her son spoke directly to her, telling her he would be OK and she would see him in heaven. And she was more at peace.
This is not our call, not our right to judge, to say what is true, what is faith. I only know what I did brought solace and messages to those left behind but not from me.
Subject change: anyone here have a bluetooth headset of the kind where the ear buds are connected by a wire? (Not the over-ear type.) Sometimes there is a sort of plastic collar that rests at the base of your neck. I understand these are rechargeable. Do you like it? What are the pros and cons? I would plan to use it for music and podcasts. Any recommendations that won’t break the bank?
P.S. to sand: replacement tablet with new SD card working perfectly. ๐ ๐ ๐
Old Bear:
Great site – thanks!
Steve from Royal Oak:
I, too, use Win7 at work. Because we purchased on-going support for it, I imagine that we will be using it for quite some time. That’s fine with me. It works well, and everyone likes it.
I’m not sure why, but, for some reason, I had no trouble moving up at home to Win8, Win8.1, and then Win10.
I don’t really think about the system I’m using. Using either one is just automatic.
I have nothing unusual to apologize for. In the text, ” ‘My name is Legion,’ he replied, ‘for we are many’,” the demon [I don’t believe in literal demons] is merely pointing out to Jesus that he is not the only one, there are lots of others. And that’s all I was pointing out. My irritant is not unusual; people with an unjustified chip on their shoulder are a dime a dozen.
Frankly, I’d forgotten the source. [I think my nemesis will not believe that, since he clearly despises me, and considers me evil, deceitful, and a weasel.] If I’d remembered, I’d have not used it, to avoid raising hackles. “A dime a dozen” would have sufficed. That’s all I have any reason to be sorry for.
I am not sure why he has singled me out for his anger. He would of course claim righteous indignation, a concern for others that I’ve supposedly wronged, and my variously enumerated personality defects. He may even think those are his only motives, all above reproach. Introspection might help him find others. This post may even suggest one, because he has achieved one goal, I suspect.
This is clearly about a recent visitor to the Village, which has long been a refuge for mostly civil conversation, and for insight into what interests other civil folk. It no longer is, for me. I may be back some day.
He demands that I address him personally. I don’t take orders from bullies, and think this is not a place for contentious personal exchanges. I’d rather he not address me personally here, but cannot enforce that. I will, for my own protection, save any comments by him or any of you that I find it prudent to keep. In a recent post, he claimed that something I wrote referred to him. It did not, but that claim MIGHT be [not necessarily is] an example of ‘ideas of reference’.
Shalom, and I mean that. Also, God help the Village.
Bye, and I mean that.
emb, I’m sorry this discord is happening. We seem to have be rattled by what we have witnessed. I would like to apologize to all injured by what I have done or failed to do. I hope we see you again soon, emb.
Jackie, after the arrangements are made tomorrow I will let you know the date and time of my friend’s interment. Since I can’t tell her directly, please pass that information on to Debbe, so she and you and any other interested parties can be with me in spirit at that time. Also, please tell her again how much I appreciate her thoughts and prayers. And that I am doing the same for her.
Absolutely will do so. And yes, you know we will be with you. I do not think we will be alone.
I will play beautiful peaceful music I love and Dickens and I will send good thoughts and prayer to both of you. I do not think we will be alone.
In fact I do not think we are alone even at our most solitary. Hold on to that as you go through the next few days.
Left this page and turned on my music for the day and this is the song that began to play. I have never before heard it and it is beautiful. I share it with you for I too find messages in music.
“Last Present” from the album Dreamland.
For you Ghost and for your friend. https://youtu.be/qxyfYgvgTls
We haven’t heard much from Jerry lately. I hope this latest wild weather system misses him – and the rest of us in the southeast!
Me too and you my friends. I just did the weather channel and Florida is in the red zone. Have a plan today and watch the sky’s as we say here.
Jerry said he slept through the Mississippi Tornado so I suspect he was in Hattiesburg? He reported in from that one.
I have friends in area of Georgia hit. That was deadly, eleven killed. Everyone watch and seek cover.
For those with Pandora I recommend the channel-station Secret Garden.
Heavy rain today. It has stopped for the moment. There has ben some thunder, but no close lightning. I am at almost the highest latitude and altitude in Florida so I can’t say our experience speaks for everyone in northwest Florida. There was even a few brief moments of sun about 45 minutes ago. AS I sit here the wind is picking up rapidly, very rapidly. The sky is also getting darker so our turn could be approaching. I wanted to make another comment but perhaps the weather warden needs to make his rounds.
It was Biloxi.
A bird just flew (or was blown) into the window beside me. H e seemed to be ok and flew away. We are under some combination of tornado watches and warnings with the nearest tornado that I’m aware of at the moment being close to Dothan, Al. We are at the center of a dark red area which includes everything surrounding me. A quick trip outside shows predominate low lever winds from the wnw with higher winds moving more directly out of the west. Ground level winds are blowing out of the west one minute and the east the next second.
I read yesterday that train crews would have their own caboose, so a change of crew meant a change of caboose, too.
Lost I have seen several caboose set up in train museums and it was the crews home where they ate, slept, rested. So yes, I believe that to be true. And sensible.
My four year old grandson was born loving trains so we visited many and he watched video sitting in my lap. Real trains, not just cartoons.
Welcome, everybody! Here in sunny Southern California it’s 51, on its way up to a high of 58, and a low of 46 tonight. There’s projected to be around 1.37″ of rain today, with possible thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow, and about a quarter of an inch of rain tomorrow. Personally, I’m thrilled by the rain because we really need it, but the cold that goes through it goes right through me. One nice thing, however, is that the cold gets my appetite up, and I’ve gained about a pound or so this month. Maybe with luck, I’ll end up with a little bit of insulation by the time Spring comes.
BTW, I prefer the Jewish form of the Golden Rule because it’s much easier to live up to: Do not do unto others what you wouldn’t want them to do unto you.
I think Jimmy got the punctuation wrong on today’s strip.
It should be “Sleep soundly at night? Get a cat!”