It’s been six years this week since the appearance of this Sunday Arlo & Janis tribute to the painter Andrew Wyeth, who had just passed away. It includes an embarrassing mistake on my part, but it must not have been too embarrassing, because I’m reminding you of it here. It wasn’t difficult to isolate several Wyeth paintings that could (roughly) be adapted to the cast of A&J. Except for Ludwig, the cat. So imagine my relief when I found, on the internet, “Kitty in the Window,” the painting in the fourth panel. In my haste, I missed a few pesky details. The problem was, “Kitty in the Window” (my title) wasn’t a Wyeth painting at all but a photograph taken in Westport, Mass., by Frieda Squires, a photographer for The Providence (RI) Journal. The cutline mentioned that the mood and colors of the photograph were very Wyeth-like, which is how I happened to find the image by searching for “Wyeth.” Not many people caught the mistake, and the kitty served its purpose. Thanks, Frieda!

For What It’s Wyeth
By Jimmy Johnson
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255 responses to “For What It’s Wyeth”
Jerry: With Staples, I think.
Bear: Do you think it an accident “speech” rhymes with “screech”?
Jackie, I’ve always had a fear of dying in the back seat of a Studebaker.
P.S. That sounds like one of my stories. 🙂
Here’s a few good laughs:
Don’t remember being in back seats of a Studebaker but anything is possible. Memory has failed me for years. I suspect a lot of our stories may sound similar Ghost, a book deal is still possible.
Surely your relatives are not as outrageous as some of mine, however, and it would sure be a shame to not memorialize those. No one could have such fertile soil/compost to use for plots and character and not do so!
Love, Jackie
Why am I not a good punster? I know JJ is one of the best. I loved those Mark but only got to Shakespeare and I need to check my snail mail now that I am home. Also, why are the Brits so darned good at them? When we get a pun shootout going, the British guys I am friends with are excellent and just keep making them up spontaneously, outdoing the last poster, better and better until someone calls a truce.
For shame that no one here mentioned any scandal/uproar attached to the Sports Illustrated cover of the swimsuit issue. I had to find out from Yahoo news.
Jackie, as far as Brits and puns, maybe it’s because they’ve been using the language longer?
Scandal over the Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover, heaven forbid!!
My favorite uncle was the black sheep of the family, Jackie. (Imagine that.) He’d probably be good for a chapter of his own. But no, based on your reports, my family would seem dull next to yours.
The Brits may perhaps have an advantage in a pun war, as lots of their words have much different meaning from ours. Something I was wondering a few days ago…would “Arrr, ye scurvy Limey!” be an oxymoron.
I saw something last week about a plus-size (a/k/a, normal-size) bikini model in connection with SI. Is that it?
I named the GPS in my cousin’s Charger, Eunice. Annoying, bothersome, unhelpful, and clueless more often than not. I spent most of a non-stop, Kokomo to Austin drive growling “Oh shut UP Eunice!” Oh, and Austin and Eunice did not get along.
Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
And as someone on the other side of the counter, HALLELUJAH! Someone won that stupid powerball. There is a special place in hell for the inventor of the lottery and scratch off tickets.
Oh. I just saw it. In fact, I could almost see all of it.
“The Swimsuit Issue…Putting the “Lust” in Sports Illustrated.”
Like me whacking Helen and cursing her from Miami to here and round trip. My companion is a Christian most of time, I will either be a good or terrible influence on her. My language is salty, as the Brits would say, but I have a heart of gold. Or maybe that is something they say too but with a different antecedent?
Ghost, the SI Scandal is whether the cover is totally over the limit for a magazine that ships to homes that may have children below legal age of consent I think. That was definitely NOT the plus size model at all, the suit is as far down as they can get even with waxing and the breasts have definitely seen waxing as well or at least chemical enhancement.
In her defense she says the inside content is far more racy than her cover.
I keep remembering that SI photographer at the Masters years ago who said he was doing a photo shoot of girls at tourney until he finally clicked on my age.
Love, Jackie
Final word, I need to read a letter from my 104 year old great-aunt in Florida. I drove right past her retirement home but it has security at gate and you need an appointment. They have butler and uniformed “help” so I didn’t look too acceptable anyway!
I do not laugh at young and beautiful bodies all the time. Should I manage to get down to an acceptable weight once again I think I will find a plastic surgeon who doesn’t operate in a kitchen or back room like my cousin goes to and see what face would cost unless other parts are even worse! Girls that look like that have often sacrificed a lot of meals to stay thin and spent some money too.
Nature doesn’t provide many of us with gorgeous without effort.
OF due 1835-1855 CST. Peace, emb
“No idea if she smoked, or grew up in second hand smoke.”
She was like the other victim mentioned above by someone, sinless in that regard. [Probably also in many others, from the content of the eulogies.] We know more about cancer than we used to, but we still have much to learn. There are molecules in the air that there didn’t used to be, and potential cancer-prone genes that we’ve not found yet. She may have thought on some occasion, “What’s that smell?” Perhaps she now knows.
Large ELCA church, two full services most Sundays. I got there a half hour before time [usually that’s adequate at funerals]. Sanctuary already full, but they’ve an auditorium upstairs, seats close to 200. Large closed circuit TV. It was almost SRO.
Good service, met one of the 4 sons of a long-gone colleague [an English prof who got his Ph.D. in Freiburg during the ’30s and said it just seemed to be a well-run country! Later learned from me you can be an evolutionary biologist and still a person of faith.] Got to talk with my friend the Assoc. Pastor [who had done a splendid job], where I learned about the young woman’s clean habits.
Peace, emb
Nuts. “She was, like . . ..”
Early to bed, early to rise, and that’s all I have to say about THAT.
EMB that was probably me. My husband who just died never smoked, no drugs, moderate in all habits and fantastic health and fitness. He made me stop smoking and become a baptized Christian before he would marry me. In fact, he probably saved my life and my soul at same time.
Mike led an exemplary life. I got home to find another tribute to him in my March issue of Small Craft Advisor magazine, a simple and beautiful photo on the editorial page announcing his death and citing him as the epitome of all the magazine stood for. What a wonderful tribute to a life well led.I miss that smile.
Love, Jackie
Here’s an interesting kid – Another article quoted him as saying his parents raised him to live on only what he really needs.
Jerry, I like you a lot.
Jackie, I know some ex’s that wouldn’t agree, but thank you.
Ruth Anne, I had heard of this young man. He would fit in very well with a lot of my friends in my back yard and probably have a good time.
How many ex’s are there? I always liked that song “some of my ex’s live in Texas”. I just spent two weeks with a lady with seven ex’s and they are a book in themselves. She is twenty years younger than me, too. A record I am thinking. I really like her too.
3-none in Texas. In reverse order-Pensacola, Niceville Fl and Macon, Ga. And I could write a book, believe me.
Today, had they lived, would have been birthdays of President Lincoln and also of my uncle. Today, that uncle would have been exactly as old as Lincoln would have been when my uncle was born. When was my uncle born?
2 a.m.?
Jackie @ 5:44 : Women wax breasts, too? News to me, not that I try to keep up with the latest in style.